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A pinprick of light flickered and pulsates far off in the distance, amongst the stars. In the blink of an eye, it streaks through the endless expense of space, traveling at close to the speed of light. Looking like a lone lightning bolt, this intense source of power hurtles past numerous alien worlds, celestial bodies and firery orbs as it journies through the galaxy. It had one target and that target was Earth. Floating amongst the cosmic dust, a mighty asteroid sits right in the path of the mysterious bolt of blue energy. In an instant, the beam of light sliced the giant hunk of rock and ice in two, like a hot knife through butter. A pair of smaller rocks, severed from their original form, join the rest of the debris that the mysterious energy had left in its path, the powerful entity flashes a grin. A lone, but familiar voice sets the stage for our story. “What is this creature of monstrous power and what does it have in store for our heroes?" *Meanwhile, on Earth* Bulma and Chi Chi gazed down at a pair of infants, manipulating their faces with their hands to make the babies laugh while sticking their tongues out. The two mother's started making silly noises to match their funny facial expressions. Bulla and Pan instantly broke out laughing at the women's humorous antics. "You guys are really good at that." Videl stated, trying to withhold her own giggles. "Well, I've raised two babies of my own and you never forget how to make a baby laugh." Chi Chi replied before returning her attention to Pan. Videl had to admit that she rarely saw this side of her mother in law, but she thoroughly enjoyed it. With the Earth in a relatively peaceful state, she figured it was the perfect time to show off her newborn daughter and gather all the mothers together. The young woman was happy to see how well her daughter and Bulma's new baby girl got along. "I admit, if it wasn't so painful, I might consider having another child." The blond woman standing behind Bulma and Chi Chi spoke up. The blue haired scientist looked up from her baby, joining Chi Chi and Videl as they all stared at 18 in shock. "Seriously?" Chi Chi wondered a loud. "Yeah, you're one of the toughest people on the planet. I thought if anyone could handle pain, it'd be you, 18." Videl added. "I'd rather fight the Gods again before getting ripped from my A to my V." The blond mother replied. Videl and Bulma both nodded. "Can't fault you there." The group of mothers shared a knowing glance and started laughing amongst themselves. "Hey, that hurt!" A young girl's voice cried out over the bout of hysteria. This sudden outburst caused the adults to stop chuckling and look at the boys and 18's daughter. "You two play nice over there with Marron!" Chi Chi shot a stern look at her youngest from across the room. "Sorry, mom!" "Eh, it's okay, Chi Chi. My daughter's a lot tougher than she looks." "Good point." The Raven haired granny looked back down at her granddaughter, watching her swing her tiny arms at a rattle that Chi Chi held just out of reach of the tiny tot. "But I betcha that little Pan here will be quite the fighter one day." Chi Chi scoops up her granddaughter and coos at her, speaking baby talk. "Oh yus she will!" "Gohan told me all about how you forbid him from fighting. Why the change of heart?" Videl couldn't help but inquire. "It's different with your first born child." Chi Chi continued to shake the rattle gently in front of Pan. "It was also a different time. The toughest man on the planet was Goku and martial arts was more for fun than anything else. Then all of a sudden a slew of aliens show up, trying to enslave us, blow up the planet or fight Goku. One moment, I'm changing Gohan's diaper and then, pratically the next day, he was was taken from me. I didn't see my boy for months as Piccolo trained him. During that time, I sat at home wondering where he was, wondering if he was safe, crying over imagined horrors which could have happened to him out there." "I didn't know. Gohan doesn't talk about his childhood much." Videl felt a sweat drop form on her forehead. "It's okay, I'll admit that I was overprotective of my little boy, but it's always like that no matter how old your kids get, you'll learn that in time." Chi Chi smiled, scooping up Pan, bringing the baby close to her for Eskimo kisses. "So, did you girls see the new baby fashions that premiered at the East City Baby Expo?" Bulma asked as she got up from playing with her daughter. "There were so many cute outfits." Videl gushed. "I think I'm going to buy some so that we'll have a little fashion show of our own with little Bulla and Pan." Bulma grinned. "That'd be so cute!" Chi Chi swooned. "I'm so jealous of you guys, I always wanted a daughter of my own to doll up." "Aww, look at that!" Videl pointed to Bulla, who started crawling across the rug towards her mother. Pan noticed her playmate slowly sneaking away and started after her. "She's such a little explorer." Chi Chi stated. "I know, I can't believe she's already crawling." 18 added. "Yeah, I wonder when my little Pan will start walking." The women looked at the babies and Chi Chi suddenly felt pride at remembering that both Gohan and Goten were rather advanced for their ages when they wrre babies, walking just before they turned one and talking soon there after. Of course, Chi Chi let this fact be known. "Her father and Goten started walking before they turned one. I am positive Pan will be the same." Chi Chi boasted. "I think it's more cute when they're crawling around, but a mother always has to be ready for the next stage. It seems like just yesterday Trunks was crawling about and drooling on everything." Bulma recalled with a tone of nostalgia in her voice. "Mom!" Trunks called out, feeling very embarrassed. The boy's blush caused the group of mothers to break into a fresh batch of laughter. "It's okay, honey. You were a smart baby, it only took a few months to toilet train you. Hopefully your litter sister will be just as clever and keep her pull ups dry, just like you did." Bulma tried to compliment the boy, but it backfired. "Mom!!!" The lavender haired boy whined once more. Before Bulma could try to calm her son down, a loud signal emanated from the device on her wrist. *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* "What's that noise?" 18 asked. "Capsule Corp satellites just picked up on a huge power level approaching the planet." Bulma looked down at her wrist computer. "That's strange." Videl stated. "Didn't the boys say that they were training off world for more than a week?" Bulma asked. "Yeah, pretty sure Goku said it'd be a month." Chi Chi replied as she lowered Pan down to the carpet to play with Bulla. "Where's the power coming from?" The blond fighter questioned. "According to my data, the energy signature is right on top of us." Bulma explained, looking up from her electronic gizmo. "Boys!" Chi Chi hollered, getting their attention. "Keep an eye on the girls, we have to investigate what's going on!" All of the mothers rushed out the door while Goten and Trunks glanced at each other. Quickly, they ran to the window and stared outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the new fighter on the block. To Be Continued...




So cute I hope goten and trunks are regressed just like pan hehehe