Patreon Wants To Hear From You (if you keep having issues with your card) (Patreon)
2018-09-06 23:30:54
So, in the never ending saga of drama that is PayPal freezing my account, due to last month's major glitch, and Patreon taking forever to respond to my concerns, I finally got an email addressing the declines. They basically told me that they switched banks to London (something practically everyone knew from two weeks ago) and told me to direct you guys (the ones continually getting declined) to this link:
Let's hope that this new monthly drama ceases soon. Oh, and my PayPal is still frozen as of 9/5/18.
Also, I'm basically writing again, because at this point, I can't punish you guys just because PayPal wants to be retarded. So, expect something soon.