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At first glance, everything was hazy, at best, before coming into focus. The Gothic teen stared at what seemed to be her own reflection, but couldn't be. The girl staring at her wore a light gray colored pair of overalls which covered a pastel yellow t-shirt. However, the most unbelievable and humiliating part of her new ensemble was the very obvious, very white, disposable diaper underneath her undone overalls. "I believe that mirror won't walk away, but you should walk over here before you wet that diaper!" "Wha?" Raven struggled with her speech on top of not being certain if she could trust her ears. 'That sounded like Starfire's voice.' Shaking her head, Raven tried to focus. For just a brief instant, it seemed as if her and her teammate were suspended in the air while that wicked Mother Mae Eye stirred a cauldron full of a bubbling brew. "Young lady, come to mommy this instant or I'll tan your Blurgdar!" Starfire's angry command shattered Raven's concentration and once more, the Gothic girl found herself in pampers and baby clothing, but unlike last time, she was being dragged by her arm, receiving a verbal tongue lashing by her friend, Starfire. Waddling alongside the orange alien was strange due to a few factors, one major one was how she was dressed very much like a housewife from the nineteen fifties. She wore an all white dress be speckled by red polka dots and complimented by a pair of fire engine red heels. "You begged for the potty training to begin and now you ignore it? " Starfire questioned the dawdling diaper girl. "Poddy twaining?" Raven cringed at her lisp. "Yes, the training Potty is ready for you!" The Tamaranean turned tough mommy pointed at a ridiculous yellow duck potty seat. Raven couldn't even fathom what she was seeing. She would never sit on that thing because she didn't need it. "Noo ned poddy!" "Oh, so now you're afraid to use it like a big girl? You prefer using your diaper instead?" Starfire accused. 'Damn it! That's not what I meant at all! This had to be a joke!' The spellcasting Titan thought. 'I'll just make my response simple. "I no use my diapurs. I use toywet!" The pale girl declared through her babyish lisp. "Wonderous!" Her teammate turned caregiver beamed. "Show mommy how you use the potty!" 'This is going all wrong. Why can't I talk normally? Why is Starfire acting this way?!' While Raven was standing still, deep in thought, an overly happy Starfire lifted up her Gothic comrade, depositing her on top of the seat of the toddler themed toilet. 'No! Damn it, Starfire!' Raven's mind screamed. 'We got to figure out what the hell is going on, not play house!' Despite her mature mental ministrations, something compelled the usually reserved teen to vocally whine. "Nooo!" Raven yelled at the top of her lungs like a tantrum throwing toddler from her seat on the yellow duck. "What is it, baby Rae Rae?" Starfire asked, genuinely concerned. 'I am trying to tell you, but it all comes out wrong!' Raven tried to say, but it came out as; "I telu tat dis is al wong!" "So silly I am for thinking that you were ready for the big girl Potty. Diapers it is for baby Rae Rae." At the realization of Starfire's reassurances, Raven knew what she must do to prove that she was still an adult. "I can poddy wike big giwl!" Raven shouted and grabbed the handles on each side of the duck's head, determined to settle this once and for all. She had to show Starfire that she wasn't a stupid baby and, with that, she pushed, giving it all she had. A hot torrent sprayed forth, flowing freely from her most intimate area. Raven sighed happily, relieved both mentally and physically. However, her complacent attitude was short lived as the front of her crotch warmed up, causing the Goth more confusion. 'Wait, why is' Raven looked down. 'Seriously?!' The once pristine, white disposable was turning a shade of yellow right before Raven's eyes. Her piss was pooling up in the oversized pamper, but luckily for her, the thirsty garment handled her very adult sized "accident" well. "Nooooo!" Raven cried, leaning her face into her hands and visibly began bawling. 'Why didn't Starfire take this damned diaper off of me if she wanted me to use the potty!?' "There, there, baby Rae Rae. You're much too young for the potty." Starfire rubbed her sobbing friends back. In between heavy sobs, Raven felt a bizzarre energy envelope herself. Through tear strained eyes, she gazed at Starfire and noticed that she too, was covered in the green aura that looked so familiar. Everything started to get hazy again. "Wats happinin now!?" To be continued....




So cute , but i hope that robin and beast boy get turned to babies to hehehe