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Raven rolled over in her bed, torn from her deep sleep by the alarm going off, calling the Titans' attention. The Gothic teen quickly joined her team of teens. They all congregated in their living room/command post as Robin, their leader, noted several emergencies happening simultaneously across the city. Each demanding their attention, but there was no way that they could be in three places at once. Robin decided to break the group up into small erase teams: Beast Boy would tend to the lowest priority issue while Robin and Cyborg raced out to the first national Bank to stop a group of Hive villains from robbing it. This left Starfire and Raven to look into a strange call coming from the orphanage on the edge of town. Starfire thought about her friends and worried slightly about them as the orange skinned alien flew alongside her pale teammate. Below her, the city's streetlights pulsed ominously, turning off and on every few seconds. "I worry about the others. Friend Raven, do you think they'll be okay?" "Cyborg and Robin can handle the Hive hooligans and I'm confident that Beast Boy will find whoever is disrupting the power grid." Starfire nodded. "I believe that you are right." It was a fairly short flight to the edge of town where a dormicile building stood shrouded in darkness. For whatever reason, this structure was powered by Jump City's electrical grid. Still, eerily green flashes of energy illuminated a bank of windows on the side of the dorm. This light show caught the female Titans' attention as they landed in the front of the dark building. "Let's get in there." Raven used her teleconetic powers to fling the large oak doors open. The two Titans hovered just above the ground, slowly but surely proceeding down the long hallway while lights flicked all around them. Shadows were casting strange shapes on the walls while the hallway lamps blinked on and off. Raven deduced that the lights were coming to life randomly thanks to the pulses of energy coming from deep within the dormitory. Soon the duo of magic welding super heroins came up to a three way junction, one hallway ending while another led off towards the east and west sides of the building. The third direction was a large pair of door standing right in front of the girls. "What way is best to go?" Starfire asked her Gothic comrade. Before Raven could answer, a powerful blast of green aura burst through the doors in front of them. The ladies shielded their eyes in surprise until the light dissipated. A loud cackling caught them slightly off guard. Starfire and Raven lowered their arms and noticed who their foe was. "You again!?" Raven called out, in an annoyed tone. "Yes, it is the evil mother once again." Starfire added as if Raven couldn't see that for herself. "My children have returned to me!" The voice belonged to a short, fat, old woman who wore a red dress, a white shawl, and a pink apron which was lined by white frills. A red hat covered in pink polka dots with a white bow tied around it sat a top her head. "Seems as though you forgot to bring my boys, though." The strange elderly lady added, seemingly dismayed. "Our friends are busy enough without having to deal with you, but they left you for us to handle. Isn't that right, friend Raven?" Starfire looked to her pale comrade for confirmation. "I couldn't of said that any better myself. Let's blast this old hag back to oblivion!" Raven and Starfire flew into battle, side by side, charging the wicked old woman. "Now that's not very polite. A little girl like you shouldn't use such vulgar words to describe me!" Mother Mae Eye lifted her old staff and shot a green ray at Raven. A barrel roll saved the Gothic girl from being hit by the beam of energy."Nice try, but you got to do better than that." "You've seen nothing yet, child!" Mother Mae Eye boasted, transforming into her true form: A sickly green hue appeared across her flesh as her clothes turned purple. The decrepit old sorceress was my finished yet. She jammed the butt of her staff on the ground, summoning a light so bright that it practically blinded Raven and Starfire. "Damn it!" Raven cursed, her hands once more trying to futile shield her eyes from the light. However, the damage was already done, little dancing stars covered her closed eyes. After a few moments, she opened her eyes slowly, only to see a wall of hypnotized eyes which had surrounded the female Titans. "Oh, shit!" Raven shouted before locking eyes with a pair of the swirling eyes. She found herself in a deep trance within a matter of minutes. Unbeknownst to Raven, Starfire hadn't avoided the hypnotic gaze of the eyes either. Both girls fell to the floor of the cafeteria inside the dorm. To be continued....



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