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sorry ya'll I filmed 11 and 12 with the intention to drop them together but since I will be out of the country for the month I have separated them to drop 1x a week, so the conclusion for this episode will be with the next week's episode. I hope that's ok with you all... I just don't have the time and don't know if I will be able to upload etc from Kenya without issues...



Watch "cw2x11" on Streamable.



Overall I consider this a relatively "middling" episode, but I love that sequence during the chase where Ahsoka is dangling from the billboard of Palpatine where he "denies" rumors about the Jedi being behind the Clone Wars. That's one of those sequences that I love to point at and say "THIS is what we should have had in the Prequels!" It shows Palpatine doing the mass-manipulation that sets up the rise of the Empire and lays the groundwork for his turn against the Jedi. He may be denying the rumors now, but by addressing them at all he gets these rumors publicized and spread into the populace. Most people have probably never even heard these rumors in the first place, but now they know that "some people" are saying the Jedi are the Bad Guys. The rumors might not have even existed at all beforehand, but now they're OUT THERE. So he can continue to play the role of benevolent leader who would never dream of purging the Jedi, while slowly eroding support for the Jedi in plain view.