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"lie to me" ... dang, Dru, I feel bad for u now



Watch "buffy2x7" on Streamable.



Oh, and have fun in Kenya! Family trip?

Ash Lee Can

"I don't know if I should feel betrayed or aroused." Both. The correct answer is both 🤣😂😭... You know, I kinda respect that although Cordelia's perspectives tend to be very much unconventional, the teachers aren't dismissive or disrespectful towards her for sharing it, which is great, like in the "Out of Mind, Out of Sight" episode during English class and in return, Cordelia kindly and happily asked the teacher to help her with constructing her thoughts into her essay paper properly. Hell, the teachers are probably appreciative of the fact that she genuinely doing the work and willingly to be open to class discussion like she does lol... The way Xander was looking at her in that scene dumbfounded was hilarious though lol. This episode really digs into what do you do when things get morally gray. Is life just the older you get, the more things become less black and white? Here we have two villains who are given very empathetic storylines. Now, that I'm thinking about it, maybe Drusilla sensed something in Ford as her part of her reasoning from stopping Spike? Last episode, Drusilla seemed to know someone was in town to break the "rule" where monsters normally don't play on Halloween that would allow them to get the Slayer would allow and sure enough Ethan did unknowingly. Or Drusilla sensing The Annoited one's power. Maybe Drusilla sensed Ford's plight? We now know some of backstory of not only Drusilla, but Angel. Up until this episode, all we really knew of Drusilla was that she a vampire who had this creepy, almost childlike eerieness and speaks in a kinda spacey way, to now her having this very empathetic backstory. It's also give the audience a harsh reminder of what The Master meant when he said Angel was "the most vicious creator" he ever met, back in season one. Angel said Drusilla was sweet, innocent, and pure, and she became an obssession of his, going out of his way to try and torture her in every way he knew how until she went insane, only for him to turn turn her to a demon in the end (on the night she took her holy orders at that 🥺). Still, despite being a demon. she likes having little pet birds, those weird, porcelin dolls, and has called herself "a princess" lol. One story told leads to both characters becoming more morally gray in our eyes, but each in different ways. Angel got his soul due to Romani (gypsy) cursing him with his human soul so he could live with the guilt and sufferering for all of monstronsities he'd done without his soul, while still having the vampetic demon still inside him for eternity, as punishment/vengeance for him killing a fave daughter of her Romani tribe. Drusilla is what Angel considers his worst act and probably feels most guilty over. Maybe that was why Drusilla told him that he couldn't hurt her any more like he used to. She knows the guilt he suffers from everything he'd done to her. Also, Darla from season one was the one who turned him. Then you have Ford. I actually find his story interesting in a parellel to Buffy in the season one finale. Both are faced with the hardship of know that they're going to die so young and both refused. Buffy in the end faced it, but there was a moment where she decided to take the "easy" way out where the world could have ended in return. If Buffy had just decided to go to the dance and the world ended, would she be villainized, or would she be seen as justified? I also loved how you parallelled Buffy's feelings towards Angel and Ford lying to her at, and trust, while you were simultaneous going through the same feelings in regards to Giles due to the previous episode. This show is kinda known for it's ability to do great tonal switches. One moment the show can be laugh out loud funny, then the next it can get real deep. It can even be a dark moment suddenly disrupted by an unexpected light moment. I guess Joss Whedon's kinda known for the tonal switches (and clever twists)in most of his work. Like Buffy calling out the dorky cape in themiddle of her life pleading rant, or Xander's casual pessimism being filled with zingers this season so far, and a lot of funny Willow moments this ep. The awkwardness of Angel and Willow and her playful quips or seeing her erratically fall apart when faced with Buffy with a secret and lie. Then you got Giles & Jenny being adorable and funny together. They're so different and have such playful chemistry, eventhough they are the adults of the group lol. The show also does great with the life metaphors being told or parallelled through the supernatural world. Like the metaphor, "High school is hell", while Sunnydale High School is literally sitting on top of the mouth of hell (The Hellmouth). So you ask yourself, if you were a teenager dying in a very suffering and slow way, and you had the chance somewhat "live" forever without suffering, but your soul/conscience is gone and replaced with a demon, would you take that chance? When does the line that is "too far" get drawn? I'd be subjective though, right? Our views of right and wrong are through our personal morals, however they maybe shaped, and it is the individual that holds them, right? It seems a lot easier to ask from an outside perspective. Would we see it differently it differently and we thought about it by sitting in the headspace of the scenario and think really deep about it. How many people would genuinely take that deal and probably wouldn't even know that possible adpect about themselves until they're put in the position? There's this '90s Mike Myers movie that pop in my head sometimes where these two character are walking around San Fransisco at night on a casual first date getting to know each other, they guy playfully says his date, "How many people have you brutally murdered". His dare looks him with an somewhat straight, but ominous face and says, "Well, brutal's a subjective word. What's brutal to one person might be entirely reasonable to someone else." Such gray area. The ending exchange between Buffy and Giles is one of my favorite Buffy/Giles moments. This whole episode, Buffy "boyfriend", her old friend/crush, and now her best friend's are lying to her throughout the episode all at once and she's fed up. By the end of the episode, her perspective is becoming more gray and more gray, and she hates it. It scares her so despite her frustration about the secrets and lies she'd been dealing with all episode, she asks Giles, who she trust and respects, to lie to her. Little does she know like the audience discovered in the previous episode, is that Giles himself seems to be keeping a potentially dark and important secret from everyone, including Buffy, about who he may be. We watch Buffy wanting to stay a child in that moment showing her vulnerability to Giles, who's being reassuring in return, as we the audience now are looking at Giles through an unexpected grayish lens. So, we seem to have gotten Spike & Drusilla for 2 episodes in a row now as more of a B storyline. Just as you were in the beginning of the last reaction too lol. Very interesting dynamic between the two of them as vampires. Spike seems to be this casually, aggressive temperament, but seem he's often somewhat patient and an effort to be gentle towards Drusilla and concerned for safety, especially since he noted that she's still weak from the mobbing in Prague., where she was presumed dead. There's almost this romanticized, dark, intimate, whimsical energy to their relationship. And no, Spike seemed too keen on even the idea that Drusilla interacted with Angel alone on the street, trying to find out what they was talked about lol. It wasn't her fault Angel interrupted her to-go pick up 🫢. People always wonder how the mom forgot to pick her son up from the playground late at night and I always think, "To be fair, it's Sunnydale. Chances are something already to go her first." 😭. I'm loving these reactions. Once again, asking a lot of the right questions. One I would answer, but have decided to wait for a better time to explain further down the road 🫢. Can't wait for the next one 😊...

Ash Lee Can

Also, Willow isn't the only bad liar. Buffy is a absolutely terrible at lying, maybe the worst one in the crew low-key lol. Two cats fighting? It's not worse than the lie about smoking mice being the possible cause of the burning gym lol...