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Watch "expanse4x7" on Streamable.



this was so awesome! calling out Alex was my fav!


Ah, the Death Slugs. Gotta love 'em. I was waiting until you saw them to point out what I think was the biggest mistake in the adaptation of book-to-screen for this season: In the book, the PLANET is The Villain, not Murtry. He's still A villain, but not The villain. With the flying spikes, the runaway technology, the explosion and flood, the eye parasites, and now this...the focus is clearly on how the circumstances and environment are a bigger problem than everything else. Murtry is almost an afterthought. And again, still a villain, but the "Oh, geeze, we've gotta get past this guy to get to the real problem" kind of villain. I think they felt that they needed a person to be The Villain for the TV show, since Holden can't really stare down The Planet. So they shifted the focus. I agree 100% on the loss of "warmth" when it comes to Arjun's new actor. I think everybody who watched the show agrees on this point. It may be the same character, but the role is completely different (I saw a very funny take that it looks Chrisjen dumped her husband to shack up with a younger, sexier boytoy).


LOL I would have loved to see Holden stare down the planet, but yeah I get what you mean. I guess we didn't have the "character to hate" this season without him? and I could totally see christjen with a boytoy though lmao!! Dead!