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So uneasy with what's happening with Bobby... mehhhhhhh



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I'm one of the ones who also says that season four is a step-down after season three, but as always that doesn't meant it's a total loss. The problem (in my opinion) is that they tried to incorporate a bunch of non-book stuff in order to keep Bobbie and Chrisjen in the series, and I feel they couldn't make it mesh. So as much as I may enjoy any part in isolation, taken together it seems disjointed. They also made some odd choices in adapting Murtry and his actions on Illus. In the book he's still an evil monster, but he hides it MUCH better. Everybody knew the shuttle was destroyed by a bomb from the beginning, and even then he didn't start killing Belters until there had been MORE attacks on his people. If you restrain yourself from retaliating until after multiple independent mass-murders of your personnel, when you finally do snap it looks a lot more reasonable. It's clear that he always wanted to just start killing people, like Amos said he's a killer through and through, but it wasn't so comically villainous. So here, when he starts shooting people as soon as they make vague threats without any preamble, it's hard to take the show seriously because we think that anybody should just shoot him and be done with it. But I will say that they made one EXCELLENT change in the adaptation: In the book, Dr. Elvi Okoye had this bizarre celebrity crush on James Holden. It was extremely weird, and contributed absolutely nothing to the story except making me feel awkward while reading it. I am so happy that they decided to take it out completely.


oh! this is great, thanks cause now I can see what you all meant by it. YES! I totally get that about Murtry now, he is comically villainous, I think the spidey villain was also reinforcing it lol. I don't think I'd like the Okoye crush thing wither cause I like Naomi, lol. Wow, this makes me really want to read the books. I'm going to do a book club probably next year after I get a little more free time and I'm debating if I wanna do read along streams or just weekly discussions of chapters, I have the sandman and expanse at the top of the list! and maybe i'll do the percy jackson stuff cause it's been brought up many times too