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It's ridiculous how many great anime shows there are...
Just like with Code Geass, Monster grabbed me immediately, I loved these first two episodes... Never stop suggesting me these awesome shows guys! <3




Michiel Devue

I never finished this manga you gonna motivate me


I also started this anime today, it's really great so far

Nikke Mau

Been a while since I watched this, very excited. One of my favorite mangakas ever, and if you like this, there's definitely more from him you should watch/read!


I voted MHA in the poll since I never saw this one, but it must be good if it won. So I'm gonna watch it with you for the first time.


I really love Monster's art style, or the 90s anime art style in general. It's so incredibly detailed, artistic, authentic and gritty i think it's kind of a big loss that no newer anime don't try for this kind of look anymore. Also as someone who was born in Germany, when i first watched Monster i was shocked how accurately Germany is depicted in this show. From the architecture, the colors being used, the interior designs, to things like the police uniforms and even small little details like the caramel bonbons that the director ate (which were of a very famous german toffee brand back in the days). It's amazing to see something like that in a japanese anime. :D And regarding the twins having seemingly no relatives. Their family just fled east germany, so i'm assuming that their relatives (if they have any) are probably on the other side of the german wall. And the separation between west and east germany was so strict during that time (mostly due to the cold war - because west germany was allied with the western forces and east germany was allied with the soviet union), that making any contact with relatives across the border was pretty much impossible. Anyways, glad you're reacting to this show. It's been probably like 6-7 years since i last watched it and i forgot a lot about the actual plot. So i'm going to have a blast rewatching it. :D

Fgts Editing

Ahhh im so happy youre finally watching this, one of my favorite anime. Fridays continue to be amazing, thanks for watching this! :)

Jim Nasium

I was so happy that you started this. I haven't seen this YEARS. You have no idea how far down the rabbit hole goes with this one. You will be shocked as you progress through the series. Wait till you realize the real premise of the show lol

Money Gambler

Hyper realistic even when compared to live action shows. Hope you will enjoy it.

