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Here we go guys! I'm gonna miss the anime, but manga works just fine as well!
Togashi is immediately hitting me with some pure insanity lol, amazing chapter filled with dope reveals and world building!


Fgts Editing

Im so happy youre reading the manga! Some of the most amazing moments to come, cant wait :)

Fgts Editing

By the way i would recommend reading on mangasee, much higher quality of the images and better translation!


It is V5, not VS. It is basically P5(the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council) in our world.


This was so interesting! Also liked that you implemented the ost! I think now I'm going to read the manga from chapter 1 just for the sake of it and then when I'm caught up to the most recent chapter available I'll come back here to watch your reactions to chapter 341 and so on


Great first reaction. Your English is more than good enough for manga reading so no need to worry about that. Also, the international coalition is called the V5 because it is an international government body comprised of the 5 main nations in the HxH world. Remember the guy who gave Netero his orders to exterminate the ants back in the CA arc? He was a representative from the V5.


Finally HxH continues, first i rewatched the anime with you and now reread the manga :D You just know that a story is amazing when you have to read the manga after the anime ending, happened to me with HxH and Berserk.


I have been itching to get to watching this after work now that HxH has moved to Thursdays. Friday for me but still a work day lol So hyped that you're getting into the manga, I feel the reaction was even better now that you have the time to read and also fully absorb the panel and the little details. Really enjoyed that first chapter readthrough! I didn't know VIZ was restricted in Serbia when I suggested it, so that's my bad. Hopefully the VPN will work, the VIZ panels are much higher resolution and the translations are clearer. If by any chance you can't get VIZ working by next week, use this site https://manga4life.com/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter - not a legal way to read but it uses the official translations you would find on VIZ. In the panel where Ging's withdraw from the Zodiac in mentioned, he is indeed already in Kakin. The buildings he's looking towards are the same ones where Beyond was in the earlier panels - the scans you were reading were probably too low resolution for you to tell. Just a few manga reading tips for the future. In a few of the panels you confused the reading order, for example in the last page you read it as "And one..." -> "I have..." -> "Actually, this..." -> "A special..." when it should have been "And one..." -> "Actually, this..." -> "I have..." -> "A special...". Reading starts at the top right and goes left before going down, another example being the Beyond "I'm going to places" panel where you also confused the reading order. Another small tip is the use of "-> [Name/Subject]" in the speech bubbles showing who they're speaking to. They are not a spoken lines but just to clarify to the reader who is being spoken to. I also agree with reading Volume 0 before Chapter 349 so we'll remind you before then! Can't express how happy I am you're reading through the manga, looking forward to more!


I didn't notice someone also suggested MangaSee in a previous comment. The site I suggested and that one are completely identical so either one works if you don't manage to get VIZ working!


Hey man, thank you so much for the tips! I'm glad you enjoyed the readthrough, I was afraid that it would be boring for you guys, but I realy like that I can just absorb the panels slowly then move on. :)


Very enjoyable first manga reaction! :) Really like that you take your time to zoom in on details, theorycraft, etc. Makes it overall a really chill format and also helps me rediscover some details that i completely forgot about or even missed in my own readthrough. Also gj on the volume mixing with the background music. It's loud enough to set the tone but not too loud to be distracting in any way. Exited for the next chapters :)


Looking forward to more HxH! It's been a while since I read the stuff just after the anime, I forgot Beyond is introduced immediately. Lol he is very interesting character!


Marko, I don't know if you're going to see this in time but I'd say you can watch both op and ed for Monster in today's reaction, they're great to set the atmosphere

Matthew Houston

Told you to brace yourself - now you see why lol. You did better than you think in reacting, it was very lucid and expressive and I think anyone who watched came away with a positive experience. A couple big brain predictions or thoughts as well


Thanks brother! Yeah, manga wasted no time with giving me some classic Togashi greatness right of the bat, it's awesome!