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That was quite an experience... The movie was stunning, I can't believe it came out in 1995, the year of my birth...
It did gave me existential crisis and confused the shit out of me, but I still enjoyed it a lot! :)



It's kinda cool how you always notice something every rewatch. I just noticed they showed she was a cyborg by having the steel girder she was attached to at the beginning just bend in half.


There's a lot of shit you don't realize the first time around, and this is coming from a personal experience, not from your revelations at the end of the movie which I haven't gotten to, I'm only at the point where the Major floats in the sea, but this little theme of the illusion meeting the real is everywhere in the movie when you look for it. We have the guy who's memory is fake, the illusion of his wife and daughter confronting the reality of his bachelor life. The Major when she's floating, the reality of her coming to the surface and the illusion of her reflection meeting. The Major and Batou themselves as cyborgs, real humans in fake/illusion bodies, and finally The Major fusing with The Puppeteer at the end of the movie, a real human fusing with a fake, AI human. It's like a weird Pinocchio. The Fake doesn't become real, it is real in its own way. This movie is so wild and so good. Can you tell I love it?


Yeah, I most definitely need to rewatch this movie, I enojyed the experience and the vibe of it, it was pretty eerie and really thought provoking. I can tell that you love it since it seems you rewatched it quite a bit! :D