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I just love this show, every episode just makes me happy, but this one was a bit bittersweet...
It seems like it was the end of S2 and I can't wait to see what S3 has to offer, it seems like we are going to have potentially a new troublemaker that got teased near the end and sea adventures just seem super fun!



Great season! This show has such a good vibe, I love it too. Remember to watch Dr Stone Ryusui before starting season 3! It's an hour long special episode and the events take place between season 2 and 3. Also season 3 has two parts and it just ended last year, so you will have caught on with the rest of us xD

Ayaar Timofeev

That was a season finale and a prologue of Dr Stone. You've read Hyoga's betryal like a book I remeber writing "just you wait how this would resolved" and It seems you really liked how this conflict concluded Thanks for the reactions, Marko. It was fun and interesting ride. Looking forward for the special