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Anne Leefdoor

I’m guesstimating most of the characters Tsukasa revived are between 18 and 30 (Tsukasa himself is 18 during petrification) So they might be seen as ‘young’ adults. Most of them seem to be body builders of some kind and since Tsukasa was well known for his strength in the martial arts world, he might have known many of them them from there... They’re not teenagers or children but martial artists who fight or train for a living are hardly the type who ‘own everything’ and ‘take from the young’ so he’d probably still be ok with them. Tsukasa’s ideal for revival might be children and teenagers, but I actually think higher of him because he didn’t start reviving the kids of the people he killed. He isn’t stupid. In a world as brutal as this one, with no real safety net, with a group made solely out of teenagers and children is very likely that they wouldn’t last (or even survive) for long. Senku, who was petrified when he was 15, was very clearly an exception. You can’t really compare him with normal teens his age. Definitely agree that Tsukasa’s ideology is hypocritical though. Even if you can see where he’s coming from. The reason why older people have the advantage over younger people in the world is basically: they were here first so they’ve had more time to shape the world to their advantage. Now here in the stone world, Tsukasa has the advantage of being awake before almost anyone else, and he chooses to use his power over everyone who’s still petrified -by virtue of him actually being able to move- to kill anyone who doesn’t fall into his ideology. Even that guy he talked that beat him up when he was a kid. Yes, it was a rotten thing to do and he definitely deserves somekind of punishment but going straight to execution? And you can hardly call the people happily living in any society where so many are ‘culled’ for an ideology pure-hearted… But Hyouga was definitely brutal wasn’t he? Do you think Tsukasa agreed with what he did to ‘test’ the gas? Anyway, I’ll stop blabbering now. I like the way you go into discussion about these things, and also can’t wait for your reaction to the cell-phone building!


Thank you very much for the comment. Your thoughts about Tsukasa make complete sense and I agree that he isn't stupid at all, he revives even older folks if he thinks that they can't bring any harm to his world. It's interesting now that you pointed out the scene with gas, I actually don't think Tsukasa would approve, we might have potential internal conflict down the line, Hyouga was very extreme and sacrificed his own people.