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Dr. Stone episode 11 is also up in case someone missed it. :)



Yoooo was wondering if you were gonna watch it!? Another insane episode! Crazy how much we underestimated Jogo since we've only seen him fight Gojo, hes so dangerous! Next week can't come soon enough also "His fangs go after the strong" immediately goes after megumi 👀


Very nice that you are now watching it on release day :D. The Sukuna part was so exciting for me, its always terrifying and amazing at the same time when he is onscreen.


Yeah, I expected him to go after Naobito. Yet another scene where we are literally being told that Megumi is that guy, he just doesn't realise it yet! He has scary potentinal it seems.


I always think back to ep 5 last season when Megumi was going to use that technique that got Sukuna interested "sacred ring swing" something like that, cannot wait to see that in action