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Senku flashbacks are always awesome man. The fact he was talking about electricity and the teacher was teaching simple addition was hilarious lol


Excellent Reaction as always!The opening and visuals are so beautiful! Been a while since I've watched it! Gen is such a great character. Cannot wait for the next episodes!

Jim Nasium

The song you like Marko is called Strong Desire. It's on Spotify and YouTube but I would wait until you are caught up because it's easy to get spoiled especially by the OST cover of characters you haven't seen yet.

Anne Leefdoor

I also really liked Kinro’s moment in this one. 🥰

Ayaar Timofeev

That was a bit funny seeing you shocked about Gen getting violently stubbed after talking about how Dr stone is "peaceful" compared to other anime lol. But I mean this scene was so unexpected and fast, so yeah. I was shocked as well when I first watched it. But nobody died, so all good still I feel like it's too fast, they talk so fast and there's a lot of action at the same time. It feels so packed for me. I watched Dr Stone in the English dub and compared it to the subbed version, the dub feels better in terms of just watching / not having a hard time reading and following the action. Because Dr stone is not well-suited for sub in my opinion. Just saying that the dub version might be not bad too. What do you think, Marko? Besides that, really good analysis in the end, nothing to add. Good reaction, Marko


Yeah, attack on Gen was so unexpected lmao. I can appreciate good dub, but I'll probably stick to sub, I just prefer it more as it fits characters mouth moving and overall I feel more passion behind the original dub.