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Michiel Devue

yay flashback time The world summit (or reverie) is an event where the leaders of kingdoms part of the world government come together in marie jois, this was explained all the way back in drum kingdom where we got a little flashback with vivi and wapol there. Vivi got slapped by wapol and she had to try not to cry idk if u remember haha.


These are some of my favorite flashbacks, love Jimbei's storytime


Oda's flashbacks are always god-tier. I particularly love how he takes two elements established way earlier, Arlong Park and Sabaody Park, and connects the two here. Episode 542 is a crossover filler episode btw, so you can skip it. As of this moment you're actually almost exactly halfway through the anime since the latest episode is number 1081 :D Btw I'm really hyped for the final Attack on Titan episode this weekend. The other AoT project that Isayama was involved in that I mentioned a while back is actually an art book, but it will include a new manga chapter about Levi's childhood! So maybe that will be an OVA someday :D


I think Fishman Island is one of the most underrated arcs in OnePiece. The lore, flashbacks and new information we get in this arc are just too good. I also loved to see more of Arlong and his upbringing, making him a much more interesting of an villain in retrospect. And then there are Fisher Tiger and Jimbei, both who are just absolute GOATS. Good stuff man.


So far it was okay, but these episodes were perfect, I agree, It's so interesting seeing all these characters that we know like Jimbei, Arlong and adding Fisher Tiger who we heard about a lot recently, hero who came alone to Marie Jois like a freaking boss.


They are both parks omg, I just realised that... Man, ngl the wait for AoT killed the hype a little bit, but right now it's all I'm thinking about, our beloved masterpiece is coming to end and I'm rewatching some of the episodes atm. :') Hopefully we get that OVA someday! :D


Thanks for explaining, I think I remember a little bit of that flashback, Dalton was present there as well if I remember


Yeah Arlong always longed to go to Sabaody Park but the racism prevented him from going there, so he built his own version of it in the East Blue, continuing the cycle of hatred.. It's actually a similar theme to AoT. The hype also died down for me but the latest trailer was extremely hype and I'm also rewatching old episodes so I'm ready now, it's gonna be amazing :D