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I'm soo mad they made my boy Geto this dirty. RIP him 😞


IKR, some random freaking brain... and I was hoping for some interesting conversations with Gojo and maybe even redemption arc for Geto :(


These episodes went crazy, and yeah man , they did Geto so bad, man's being used as a puppet against his will, knew that scar was suspicious


Thank you for uploading! To be honest, I was looking forward to the reaction from the 54:00😭 I can finally share this pain with you😭 If we think about it, Geto's thoughts and evil brain's action is contradictory. However I didn't want to notice it...😭


The brain is literally living off his intrusive thoughts lol


Yeah scar was sussy, but I thought maybe it's scar from Gojo and he didn't die in the movie, recovered somehow, but boy was I wrong... xD JJK is brutal


I could tell that Geto in movie acts more emotionally compared to S1 and this current Geto, but his actions were still in the line with what he became so I personally would never guess that it's someone completely different.

Jackson Seales

Good catch with Choso's blood manipulation being Kamo's technique. It was minor but in season 1 the death paintings background was explained, that they were made by Noritoshi Kamo, a sorcerer from the past that was in the Kamo clan. (Same name as the student) Also, you have been introduced to one of my favorite villiane ever, the brain inside Geto. The reveal shocked me, but I am glad that Gojo ended up killing Geto. It seemed weird that he would have survived to me, but I love Geto so I was ok with it. Making us think Geto, a character we love so much was still the villian but changing it to an unknown villian really is good at making us feel so many emotions. Usually, introducing a new villian in a series can be hard since fans don't know them well, but it works here because we technically do know them from season one. Also it is such a cool idea.


Crazy reveal! Epic for those of us who don't over analyze every single scene beforehand lol Genshin was a real buddhist monk, his teachings/writings were of rebirth "Pure Land Buddhism". I guess the show found inspiration and used it for the whole "new world" concept that this "Brain" was talking about at the end of the episode. I'm no expert in Buddhism though so maybe somebody can say something more xD


This may be a warning, it may be a desperate attempt to freak you out. Either way, remember your health my dude.