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These episodes are making me feel like I'm bipolar with all these different emotions and mood changes... Absolutely goated episodes!



These are some of the darkest episodes of this show! Literally a rollercoaster of emotions seeing old characters and what happens to them.. Togashi you mad man! Love the reactions Marko!

Antonio D.

Don't have time to watch your reaction right now but either way... Nice

Lena graham

There is a scene set after Gyros backstory that the 2011 anime cut. The basic version is that: Gyros determination for evil allowed him to keep his human memories after being eaten by the queen and reborn an ant, this allowed him to resist the Queens control and leave NGL but he and Gon are destined to meet at a later time


"still unaware of the cruel fate that lies await.." is one of my favorite narrator lines ever, always gets the best reactions lol


I mean it's pretty easy to see why they didn't want to start the anime with flashback of a dude who won't appear for nearly two years. Also makes Mito look awful.


I can see that. It was just interesting to me that Gon learned about Hunters and Ging from Kite in 1999 version and we actually get to see him cry because his father abandoned him, it was literally life changing moment for Gon. Still I see your point with Mito and her taking custody of Gon and all that, it really does make her look bad.


What the hell, that's so interesting. Being born as an ant while still having that hatered for humanity is horrible lol, I can't wait to see what's gonna happen! :D