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That was a very bewitching episode...
Now that's a tea party that we expected, but someone was still missing...
I like how creative author is with always finding a way to up his game when it comes to Subaru's suffering, my gosh. xD


Ayaar Timofeev

18:32 Yes, they do exist and continue existing (at least i believe so). Reinhard really saves every time the Earth from Puck when Emilia dies. I am looking forward for the next episode. Good reaction, Marko


I don't think they confirm that? I thought Subaru simply doesn't know if that's the case or not

Ayaar Timofeev

Well, seems like there is no confirmation. The only thing we have is this episode. I just believe that they exist. I mean, how else would Subaru know about Reinhard stopping Puck? It looked way too convincing to be really true, not just Subaru's imagination

Money Gambler

It is hard to say. Subaru saw Reinhard fighting Elsa, so he had idea how strong he is. So this image of him could be recreated from his memories. Also there is Echidna who is notorious liar and she said she saw every step Subaru took on his way there. "Can I expect you to brake down and cry over my corpse" I believe she referred to scene where Emilia died after Subaru told her about return by death. That would mean that she knows what happened in different loops. But if the world continues then Echidna would stay in the world line where Subaru died. That´s where things are getting more complicated. Paradox, or schrodinger's cat or something else. So we can´t be sure about anything at this point I guess.