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The bunnies was definitely Subarus worst death yet, I get chills whenever I think about it. Also Suabrus VA is so good, his name is Yuusuke Kobayashi and his performance at the end of episode 8 was amazing. (Also Otto best boy)


Incredible episodes, I suppose, I teared up again watching Subaru tell Echidna he can return by death.


My interpretation of how the “half blood” thing works is not that Garfiel’s dad was a literal beast, but rather that he was a full-blood demihuman, similar to Ricardo. I think it’s possible that the demihuman race was created by the Witch of Lust, since Echidna said something about her giving life to beasts to fill the world with love… Also that scene at the end is one of my absolute favorites. I’ve read comments that watching Subaru (especially in episode 18 and the episode with his parents) helped people who were depressed or considering self-harm be motivated to get better. Amazing character!!


I will go with that interpretation from now on as well, it's much better! xD I'm so glad Subaru's character and those episodes had such a positive impact on people who are struggling and no wonder, they really made his character super realistic and relatable, amazing stuff!

Two Bae

Bro idk if you noticed already but if you compare the ending of Ep8 when Echidna says "I know" and it flashes subtitles, it is the same as in Frozen Bonds when it is talking about Pucks contract and not being able to get too close to Emilia with flashing subtitles