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Today's One Piece reaction is under this video in case someone missed it!


Ayaar Timofeev

Congrats on 100 patrons! I mean, it's no surprise to me. Marko, you did really good work. You really deserve it, in my opinion 1 episode extra week sounds cool


please never change, marko :)

Tyler Owens

I honestly wish you all the success in the world. I have really enjoyed your content & perspective since being introduced to your channel initially through your AoT reactions. You're on my list of folks I try to support even when they aren't watching a show I'm really into.


Love you bro! Glad I found your channel! We'll be here till the end Marko!


So happy for you man❤️❤️, I remember being soo stressed from many things happening in life and living alone far away from family and friends, but there is the one time you did double uploads week for JoJo part 4. This probably made my whole month lol. Again, congrats and wishing u the best:D.


Congratulations, and thank you for your amazing reactions. I don't have many friends who watch anime either, that's why I love coming here and watch your reaction, interact with you and look at comments. I wish you all the best and hopefully your content will only grow and expand!

Money Gambler

Congratulations! It is good you still enjoy watching anime and you are my favorite reactor. If you are interested you can check out similar channels for an inspiration: "FILMBuFF" "Semblance of Sanity" "Romania Black". They all have a little different approach, but they all put a lot of effort into it just like you. "Romania Black" channel has 7 thousand YT subscribers and over 300 Patreons. So I´m confident that your Patreon will grow over time.


Wow that is amazing! I just joined your patreon pretty recently because I love Re:Zero and your reactions are my favorite along with the reactors "Autosave". I hope you keep growing so much more, so that people can see how good your reactions are!


Thanks man. I'm aware of FILMBuFF and Semblance of Sanity, they are really smart and invested in the shows so it's always fun and interesting to hear what they have to say. I haven't seen any Romania Black content, but I will check it out! :)


Thanks for the kind words man. I also like to see some reactions when I finish that show so I will check out Autosave as well! :)


You are the man Marko, well deserved. You’re one of the best reactors doing it, you provide not only genuine reactions but really pay attention to the shows you are watching to give thoughtful commentary. I don’t really rewatch shows by myself so it gives me a chance to revisit the greats! Here from before the first channel got deleted 👍


My man Steve! I wont ever forget all the Steins;Gate edited videos that you sent me for the maximum enjoyment and all the comments and explanations!


Thank you Marko, and congrats! Appreciate that you're always tuned into the comment section of whatever you upload. It makes it more personal, like we're actually a part of the whole experience with you. Keep it up! :)


Thanks man! Reading the comments is always interesting and helpful and I view not reading them as being rude unless we are talking about insane number of comments that big youtubers get ofc haha.

Jesus Christ

This was a pleasant notification. Congrats Marko, you definitely deserve it! Glad to see the Patreon grow ;D

Fgts Editing

Thanks for being here marko, i really wish you only the best and hope that it continues like this. Each time i get a notification that you uploaded something i just wanna stop everything im doing and watch it, your videos really make my days a lot better, since youre always so cheerful and really get involved in what you watch. Really appreciate you a lot, hope youre having a good week so far :)

markosanimejourney (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-19 05:29:54 Thanks a lot my man, I really appreciate all the kindness and the fact that you enjoy the reactions! <3
2023-07-10 20:38:31 Thanks a lot my man, I really appreciate all the kindness and the fact that you enjoy the reactions! <3

Thanks a lot my man, I really appreciate all the kindness and the fact that you enjoy the reactions! <3

Itai Filiba

thank you Marko! there are qualities in your reactions, that I see in no other channel.. especially your attention to details.. you just seem to get what others don't, and really care about understanding. Not to mention the discussion is always smart and thoughtful. Good luck!