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And that's Farmland Saga! Absolutely cried tears of joy this whole episode! Hope we get season 3 tease next episode, because the next arc is so epic and full of moments that reference the first season

Tyler Owens

One of the best episodes of anything I've ever watched 🤷‍♂️


When they called each other brothers the tears just started flowing. It was so beautiful. This entire episode was beautiful.. I've been afraid to say this out loud because I feel people might think I'm just saying it "in the moment", but I feel like Vinland Saga is my second favorite anime of all-time. Nothing can beat Hunter x Hunter for me, lol. But Vinland.. I have never been moved by an anime as much as this one. My god I feel like this show is one that should be required by law (lol) to watch when you become an adult because, no matter what, you will leave this anime a changed person. Sometimes it just blows my mind the beauty some people are able to create and this show is just one of them.


Farmland is one of my favorite arcs ever This the best example that you don't need constantly action and an edgy protagonist to be a good anime I'm soo sad that next week is gonna be the final Vinland ep 😭 On another note, it's fucking hilarious every time you shit on floki lmao.

Ayaar Timofeev

Farm arc is over. But there is 1 more episode left Btw in the manga it was said that: "Olmar heavily compensated all those who were injured or lost family members that day" "In doing so, the Ketil farm sold off half it's land and other personal holdings" "As for Thorgil, he left the farm but did not return to Canute's service" "Where he wandered off alone Nobody knew"


Epic. Can't believe next week is last episode of the season and we will have to wait forever again. Hope we get a sneak peek into what we can expect next season!