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Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing good. I apologize, but there won't be re zero upload today probably . I am waiting for power to come back, but its not happening, there's no electricity in my place. It probably has to do something with the storm and heavy rain in my town right now. If it comes back soon I will post, but if not, then tomorrow I'll do double upload or maybe even 3 since I'm free tomorrow. Sorry once again and thanks. 


Jim Nasium

I saw the title first and was worried that the last Vinland episode really affected you that much. Hope the power comes back today


Dont remind me xD Im trying not to think about it. I hope so too, My batttery on the phone is almost dead as well 😭

Money Gambler

I´m looking forward to the next episodes. Especially episode 13, I believe you heard a little bit about this episode in the comments, some people dropped RZ after that. Some find Subaru irredeemable after that one it is also lowest rated episode of RZ. I don´t think it is on Kethil´s level of "irredeemable". It is mostly just people who hated him from the beginning, or people who don´t understand writing.


Hope you are all good brother