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I'm not well after this episode... 






Super hard to watch, only Vinland can produce the most beautiful yet heart crushing moments


Next week's drops of Vinland are going to be insanely hype, you'll finally be caught up and having to wait a week with us lol


Oh man, we are definitely going to have insane rest of the episodes based on how things are progressing. I'm catching up next week so we will be waiting together for the rest of the season, can't wait to see how everything wraps up! :)


Definitely! And they are going to show episode 20 two days before it airs at an anime panel, so you know it's going to be a special episode.


Long post, won't be offended if you don't read. Lol. "Bro, I've never felt so uncomfortable and I've watched all sorts of crazy shit in anime, bro." I can relate to that so much. When I watched this scene, I went from uneasy to completely shook. The only comfort in my mind was the thought, "There's no way the writer would have her get beat to death like this. After all she's been through." But as he kept beating her I got so scared. Every fiber in my being was screaming out for someone or something to intervene. When Snake grabbed that stick.. my god.. all the emotions I was feeling just started coming out in tears. The worst piece of shit could of grabbed that stick from Ketil and in that moment I would of seen them as an angel of light. And Ketil.. he's just a fucking delusional man. So delusional that he actually believed a slave that he bought was in love with him. Like she had a choice in the matter. I don't care what time period you live in, as a fucking adult you should understand the position of a slave. They are no longer in control of their lives and you know that. So you have no right to have tears in your eyes and say something along the lines of, "You were the only one I trusted.", when you find out they tried to escape with their husband. And IF he truly cared for her he wouldn't of beat her, simple as that. I definitely understand you when you say, "I don't care what you guys fucking say, I hate Ketil.", because the lengths people will go to to justify some of the worst things in this anime is absolutely insane. I posted a comment similar to this one on someone else's reaction video to this episode and someone responded to me with a long response, which is fine, but in it were some things that really upset me. This is the portion of what he/she said that bothered me. "Literally no one in this show is a good person, not even Arnheid. Don't forget she is the reason all this shit happened in the first place. -She went to go see Gardar even when she was told not to. -She was the reason Gardar made the impulsive decision to kill one of the guards which led to her being forced to free him so that they wouldn't both die. -Which then resulted in more of Snake's men dying by Gardar hands. -Which led to Thorfinn And Einar being dragged into the situation to try and bail her out. -All those deaths and chaos could have been avoided if she had simply stayed put and "weathered the storm." --- When I respond to people coming at me like this I try to keep my cool because I believe that disagreements/debates can and should be discussed with a level of mutual respect behind them. No name calling, throwing insults, etc.. But them saying that about Arnheid.. blaming her.. Idk, I'll just show you my response. " ^^ all those points you brought up are pretty fucking insane to me. I would like to know whether or not you feel her actions were justified, regardless of the outcome, because all of your points, especially your last point, "All those deaths and chaos could have been avoided if she had simply stayed put and "weathered the storm."", make it sound like you think that she should accept her life as a slave regardless of ANY opportunity that presents itself for her to escape. And if you think that way then.. I don't even know what to say. Actions have consequences.. we can all agree on that. But there's a few things that differentiates actions.. one of them being the intent behind it. None of Arnheid's actions were with the intent of getting someone else hurt. None of them. And I'm trying to be respectful during this response but don't even TRY to tell me that Arnheid is the reason Gardar attacked that man. It already bothers me enough that you basically said she should of been a good little slave and just did what she was told. Gardar is his own god damn man. He makes his own decisions. He saw an opportunity and he took it. Would that opportunity had of been there if Arnheid hadn't shown up? Who knows. But that does NOT mean that it was her fault he attacked that man. That is insane." --- But yeah, I'll just end it with.. I've never done this with any sort of media before, but this is one episode I'm never gonna watch again. It was too hard for me. I barely even wanted to watch reactions. Yours is the only one I've watched from start to finish.


I'm always going to read so no worries man, that's the least I can do. After all I like hearing everyone's thoughts! I already expected that some people might try to justify his actions. I understand what led to his mental breakdown, the writing is really good and realistic, he kept losing everything that he built his whole life, but I don't care about him because what he did to Arnheid can't be explained in a way that would make him be in the right. At least in my eyes. I really don't get why would someone say that she's the reason this all happened... Sure thing, her actions did create opportunity for Gardar to escape, but you know what else led to this situation? Arnheid and Gardar being enslaved. They are right for trying to escape. They never wanted any of this shit to happen. Imagine seeing your loved one after like what, 5 years? All while thinking they are probably dead. I would have done the same thing as Arnheid 100%. This show is perfect because of how flawed and realistic characters are and we are dealing with all sorts of different psychological profiles. Ketil's character development and contribution to the story has been amazing, but I simply can't like him anymore, it's impossible, fck that guy and as you said, I'm not going back to this episode for a rewatch, no way man, it's way too heavy...


That scene was very disturbing to see the first time I watched it, I had to skip it during this reaction And it’s hurts soo much because it’s something that is happening in our world This is just…. Heartbreaking I feel betrayed because somehow I believed Ketil was flawed but a good guy , I never expected him to do something this horrible. Idc if it’s justifiable or not. I really hope she survives this. She didn’t deserve this About snake story, the director actually tweeted that it was planned to do original anime snake story but had to be cut due to time constraints unfortunately


There are few shows that can do what Vinland did. We spent all season getting to know Arnheid and her story, growing affection to her, just for them to do this. It was super uncomfortable and hard to watch. Snake stepped up again. I really hope he will join Thorfinn and Einar and escape.


Yeah, I also liked Ketil up until this episode, it really sucks. Horrible things happened to him, but I just can't rock with him anymore. Why the heck did he need to do that man, he didn't even try to talk to her, her husband came, ofc she's gonna try and escape. He had delusion that she was in love with him. Damn, hopefully we will still get some extra Snake content down the line, I love his character so much.

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

@Ray people justifying and forgiving Ketil for his actions is a major red flag in my opinion because this happens in the real world too, I’ve experienced this firsthand in my life where someone will be outed as being an abuser and some of their friends instead of cutting ties with them and making sure the person being abused gets help they’ll just completely ignore the terrible things their friend did and continue defending them as if nothing happened just because they like this person which if your reaction to abusers is not complete and absolute disgust than you need to reevaluate yourself because your moral compass is absolutely fucked.