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This can't end well... Another incredible episode!

Demon Slayer S3 EP 5 is up also bellow this post in case you missed it! :)






Arnheid VA is incredible and I absolutely loved the slave girl callback , I really wish those two would meet again someday Also this ep was done by S4 AOT staff !


Everything is peak about this show, literally, the VA's are amazing. Oh nice, didn't know it was the same stuff as AOT! :D


Long post.. I try to not make such long post but it's so hard to explain yourself fully on such a deep show. Also, every time I make a comment on an episode I write about my thoughts during the episode. I never change my opinions based on future knowledge. Arnheid.. man.. I can't remember a show where I have wanted to take a character and just pull them completely out of it. Arnheid's story just breaks my heart so much. I mean, I can only imagine that over the years she's abandoned the idea of ever reuniting with her husband and she's accepted her life with Kettle and the child they're going to have. Which that alone is horrible. So then guess who shows up out of the blue? Her damn husband. We can tell by the expression on her face that it completely blew her mind. Aside from the feeling of fear she got from him she was also shocked. And I think one area where we don't agree with each other is that you believe Arnheid is visiting Gardar to tend to his wounds because she's kind and compassionate. I see it differently. Sure, she mentioned that when she saw him he scared her and she talked a big game about waiting out the storm and accepting her "new life".. but to me, the second she was about to leave that house to go see him.. I knew it was all talk. (I'm not trying to be offensive towards her when I say it's all talk, btw.) She loved him. Einer even asked her if she still loved him and she said she still does. This was her husband after all. She just couldn't ignore the opportunity to see him. I don't think she had any plans of releasing him from his bonds.. I don't even know what she planned to do when she got there aside from tend to his wounds and talk to him. She must of just felt so helpless in the situation. I should say that I don't think what she said was exactly ALL talk. I think she was being somewhat truthful about waiting out the storm and all that. And the only reason I think this is because she knows it would be easier that way. I also think she said it to protect Einar from doing something that could end up getting himself in trouble. But yeah, in the end it was just too difficult for her to sit by while the husband she thought she would never see again was within walking distance. And now she's in a whole new mess. :( The reason I feel for her so much (like I really need to explain a reason, lol.) is because she's only been a victim in all these situations. She's never done anything that would warrant any of this life she's had to endure. Gardar made the choice to leave the village, she's pregnant with her slave owner's child and we all know she had no choice in that matter, and now Gardar took it upon himself to seize an opportunity to escape and basically forced Arnheid into helping. It's rough.


Making another comment because there was some other stuff I wanted to mention. One of the things I wanted to talk about was Einar. I've seen some reactors calling Einar a cuck and it just infuriates me. I know there's this idea that you shouldn't get so worked up over someone's opinion on a fictional story but not all fiction is 100% fiction. The act of loving/caring for someone so much (I'm not exactly sure he's in love with her.. so to say, but more-so he's just crushing on her hard but he truly does care about her regardless..) that you're willing to help them knowing full well that you'd be helping them get with THEIR love is one of the most selfless expressions of love that someone can make. And it's not one of fiction. So when I hear reactors say that I'm just like, "..How? How can you say something like that?" (feel free to make fun of me for getting so worked up, lol.) And the last thing I wanted to mention is what you were talking about during the opening. That every part of this show is masterfully done. I really hope it gets nominated for Anime of the Year because my god does it deserve it. I'm not watching any other anime right now so I can't say that based off any facts, but I can't imagine ANYTHING out right now that can touch it because this anime just radiates "I am a next level anime."


Thank you for sharing your thoughts man. I think you are definitely right, I kinda brushed it off easily, but it seems she really still loves him and it's not only her being a good person. She literally is victim when it comes to every single situation and that just goes to show us the position of women during that time period... She was shocked and afraid plus she carries incredible burden of having to tell him about their child and all of that while she was planning for some time to try and raise a new life on the farm... And on top of everything, there's still love for her husband. I honestly praise her for keeping her sanity, such an incredible person she is!


Lol, whoever says that about Einar doesn't understand love clearly. I think I mentioned in one of previous episodes how I don't know anymore how to express my gratitude for how well they animated and directed this show lol, I really hope it wins some rewards as well! :)


Just incredible emotional scene with Thorfinn and Einar, and Vinland. It's so epic every time Vinland is mentioned, they really nailed it!


I really hope that that's the direction the show is going!