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Been messing around with the graph editor over the past weeks and I think I'm really starting to grasp how it works. Kinda looks like an ECG/EKG monitor doesn't it?

Been about 20 days since last post and tbh since this is essentially just a monologue / journal of progression the updates may be pretty sporadic to avoid spamming this with a bunch of nonsensical gibber jabber.  Rest assured I've been diligently working on this piece this whole time.  I've been going back and expanding upon the fun bits of the scene and really dialing in the rhythm.

In the future I'll actually post the wip rendered images and short mp4s as Im working on lighting, or little short loops to get some feed back on how they're coming along. Would love to stream these sessions as well.  For this first work I'm really having fun just documenting my learning progress and maybe someone down the road will find it entertaining to read through. I don't know lol but I am still capturing the wip images to see if the render image strips are looking how I'm seeing it in my head working with the viewport shading. If there's interest I'll throw em on here.

 It's important to develop habits for the things you want to do so this is my way of getting in the habit of making posts :)

Anyway, back to it. 



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