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1) Starting Over

   Our character artist from April '20 to April '21 Zaphryon left the project. This is an enormous setback, as we're now going to be starting over from scratch with character designs and illustrations with a new artist. Other game projects have had this happen and simply had mismatched art styles in-game between the different artists they use, but I don't want to do that. We're currently now on the tail end of Mr. Rawrdenn's May commissions, and if we find his style suitable for the project we'll continue on hiring him.

   In the meantime the year's worth of assets we collected from Zaph will be used as concept art and references for new replacement character sprites and illustrations:

   In short, yeah it sucks. It really really sucks. Losing an artist this far into the project was always gonna be worst case scenario, but we're gonna make the most of it and keep moving on with progress. We still have our backgrounds and music. Hopefully this was just a big stepping stone that set us up great for a better artist.

2) Project Release Delay

   Probably obvious that there's no chance of us making the original June 22nd deadline, now. We'll be lucky if we even have a few sets of character sprites by then. As for setting a new release date... that's gonna be up in the air, I can't make any projections on when it might be until we've secured a character artist and know what their costs and completion times might be.

3) Patron Feedback

   What are your thoughts on the project going forward? What polls would you like to see or changes to the workflow on the guide page would you prefer? As we're temporarily robbed of our project momentum this may be our best opportunity to take time and consider what changes everyone would like to see to AHE.

( Devlog #2 | AnimeCon Harem Eroge | Devlog #4 )



To be quite honest, I’ve found myself satisfied with the pace of the project thus far, which makes the coming months a little tricky. I have noticed no concerns of mine over the structure of the AHE project or its content. I believe you’ve been a very satisfactory leader/provider, and have no changes I wish to see implemented. I am fully confident in your abilities thus far. With regards to the loss and replacement of the character artist, it sucks but there’s not a whole lot to do? You’ve arranged a candidate to replace him, pending satisfaction. I guess I’d say, if we do decide to keep him, should we ask for new content poses first, or go over and redo all previous works? I think that should be a poll.


I do agree with what Kirrocen said. I think we should do a poll to see whether people are interested in seeing the old assets in a new style or to start over from scratch with new poll ideas. I do know eventually the old poll ideas will make it to the game one day so I really could care less which path we take from here.