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   Kelly felt both lightheaded and giddy as she advanced across the convention center plaza with Emily in tow. The two were holding hands, but the different length of their strides made it feel as though the taller girl was eagerly tugging the shorter one along. It was hard for Kelly not to feel extraordinarily pleased with herself—everything about this felt right.

   They were carrying the torch for Stephanie, together they were carrying this spark of living magic back to Stephanie. During Stephanie’s most helpless hour, they made this detour to retrieve the spunk Stephanie had earned earlier and return it back to her when she most needed it. The stuff was coming full circle.

   With a wry glance behind her at the muddleheaded Latina ambling along with her cute cheeks pushed out, Kelly knew she couldn’t have done this alone. Whoever was carrying the mouthful of magic cum seemed to be held in thrall to it’s effects. At best, one could stumble along in that horny daze of distracted total arousal while guided by the other. That wasn’t even to say that depositing that warm load of cream completely freed one from it’s effects— Kelly was still so turned on she was feeling jittery, she was throbbing with so much energetic excitement that it made her feel like giggling.

   Whew damn is this stupid and kinda dangerous, Kelly bit her lip and tried not to think too hard about how hot and bothered she was.

   At the same time, she definitely knew they were on the right track doing it this way. Kelly thought of herself as more practical than superstitious, but there was also this nascent sense of significance to what they were doing—her and Emily had to carry the cum to Stephanie in their mouths. Like the Olympic flame only had meaning being carried while it was lit, them bringing an active spark of magic to Stephanie was an entirely different magical context than if they’d simply left the condom tied shut and delivered it to her dormant. In some intangible way, it was incredibly, maybe unspeakably important.

   It’s special, Kelly told herself. More than symbolic, way more. This is like, sheer fucking condensed magic elixer from her first time having sex. It’s like it was waiting, like before Steph could enjoy it, it needed to be shared by Emily and me. Steeped in our feelings, so that each of us is kinda imbued into the experience with her. That’s what she wanted, I’m pretty sure that’s the exact sort of Stephanie sentiment that made this huge impact on me.

   The line of thought kept bringing her back to yesterday when she’d been sitting in that booth at Marino’s Pizza with Brian and Stephanie. It had been one of Kelly’s personal pivotal moments of truth, because she’d been on the cusp of bailing on them. Leaving at that point would have set her entire life on a drastically different path than it was now, taken her towards an almost definite bad end.

   “We’re, um…” Stephanie’s guilty smile had revealed itself.

   “We decided to date,” Brian had revealed. “You were right all along. I don’t know why I was ever dragging my feet.”

   “Oh,” Kelly had given them a blank look. “That’s... cool. No, really—good for you guys. Congratulations.”

   “It… might be a little more complicated than that,” Brian had said. “Stephanie?”

   “Oof,” Kelly remembered scoffing at them. “What’d I tell you guys about overcomplicating things?”

   “We… want you to be involved in some way, too,” Stephanie had said. “If you’re okay with that.”

   That seemed like such an OUT THERE thing for her to say, and it’s like I didn’t really ever even fully GET IT until now, Kelly thought. Stephanie’s anxiety rendered her completely asexual for most of her life. Just, when she DID finally open up, she fucking BLOSSOMED, like she was bursting with so much love to give that she went full-on polyamorous for our little group. I mean, that first night I was just this dumb bitch, getting off on kinda seducing her into doing stuff with Brian and fooling around with me. But, to her—to her, I was helping shape her sexual identity.

   “Mmph, mmph,” Emily interrupted her thoughts with muffled insistence, giving Kelly’s hand a squeeze. “Mmphh!”

   “My turn again?” Kelly breathed, forcibly reining in her antsy footsteps and turning around to face Emily. “Mmmm, yeahhh—give it to me, Kitten.”

   Eminently aware that her actions were turning more than a few heads from the surrounding crowd this close to the AnimeCon pavilion’s set of entrance doors, Kelly carefully cupped Emily’s swollen cheeks with her hands and then leaned in to accept her turn at carrying the magic spunk. Beneath the bright blue pixie-cut Emily’s eyes were already glassy and half-lidded, it looked as though she’d nearly fallen completely under the spell just from carrying the load across the plaza grounds. The Latina’s lips were soft and wet and they parted to release the molten heat of magic cum right into Kelly’s mouth. There was so much of it, and Kelly let out a delighted hum of approval and swilled the substance back and forth with her tongue for a quick moment before her cheeks grew dangerously full.

   “Ohmy—oh my God,” Emily gasped for air and blindly grasped at Kelly for balance. Her fingertips brushed against the side of Kelly’s breasts and then drew down her waist, eliciting a wriggling shudder throughout Kelly’s hips. “It’s like—it’s like—whoooa man, it’s like—that stuff is so hard to not just like, swallow, you know? Like I was so damned close to just gulping all of it down. Fuck.”

   Kelly’s throat clenched and it took all of her willpower to not immediately do just that.

   “I, uh—Jesus, where are we? We’ve gotta—” Emily’s stammering words were already falling out of Kelly’s awareness.

   It was just too hard to pay attention to anything else. She was lighting up in blinding bright reds, every inch of her body suddenly ached for sex. Eager excitement burned in her belly like an arc welder, shooting out a brilliant red shower of sparks in the dazzling ferrous fire of burning metal. Raw need thrummed and shimmied up and down her body, she could feel the fluid heat gathering, and her labia was lubricating with arousal. Her brain was too red-hot to think. A fallen star was gleefully sputtering within it’s crater bed, and the very air around her seemed to be vibrating with sexual tension.

   Emily was still talking, but it was too difficult to focus on what she was saying. Thankfully, the girl was also pulling at her hand to guide her along, so Kelly obediently followed, stepping and stumbling after Emily without parsing a single word of her chipper dialogue. It was okay to trust Emily, after all—she was one of their own. Toddling along in her wake was like being bathed in blue vapor, the magic invisibly steaming off of Emily felt refreshing. Exciting. It was like following after the scent of something delicious, a sweet sensual blue flavor that wafted up in the wake of Emily’s passage.

   Soooo fucking good! Kelly wanted to whimper out a little noise and only just barely managed to restrain herself. Emmie. Emily Emily. Emma-ma-lie. I can taste a little hint of your deepest secrets, Emily! Like, the little clear note of innocence you’ve got amidst all that kinky, fuck, just—wow. Good stuff, good stuff, I love it. I need MORE.

   The too-bright red inside her mind was messily welding the memories of all the cum she’d slurped out of Emily last night to this current pervy predicament they were in. It was baffling and she couldn’t put these lurid ideas into words, but it also made so much sense. Too much sense. Stephanie and Kelly had suckled and slurped up every perfect pearl of cum leaking out of Emily, they’d shared that ambrosia. Now, Emily and Kelly were swapping and snowballing cum for Stephanie. It was poetic, or pornographic, or maybe both, she was too fucking turned on right now to decide.

   Does this stuff need a dash of Rebecca to it, too, maybe? Kelly wondered in delirium as Emily dragged her through the convention center doors. It’s been like an entire HOUR since I’ve tasted Stephanie’s pussy. An HOUR. At least. Can’t even bear not having that beautiful pink pussy in my face right now. Slick folds, a little puffy. Perfect pink pussy. Lapping at her clit, teasing her towards orgasm. Am I gonna be alright? Can we really just let her slip off to whatever college she goes to, after this weekend? Are we gonna—are we gonna be alright?

   A sea of faces swam by on either side of them as Kelly let Emily pull them through the crowded AnimeCon lobby, but it was difficult to register the attendees as people. Instead she fought the urge to swallow down this sudsy load of cum and saliva that was filling her cheeks. She was stumbling around in public with her mouth full of cum, too turned on to function—and worse yet, it was as if the sensation was continuously tickling towards climax.

   Can I just push Steph down and spread her legs and spit and lick and fucking stab my tongue into her in a big sloppy mess? While Brian fucks me? Or, maybe while Brian fucks Emily, drives her right up against me so that I can feel the rhythm, hear her let out those adorable little panting breaths?

   There was so much incredible sex they hadn’t had yet! Rough sex, sweaty loud sex. Slow and sensual sex. Tantric sex, they could work through the kama sutra playbook. Public sex, roleplaying sex, flirting with the boundaries of every taboo they could discover. A colorful array of lovers, REAL lovers was here for her to explore, and despite her best efforts over the past few days Kelly hadn’t had nearly enough yet. Maybe she never would. It was like discovering alcohol for the first time all over again—being tied to one another by actual feelings gave all the intimate debauchery such a thrilling kick that she didn’t think she’d ever get over it. Ever.

   Emmie wants to play with my tits, Kelly couldn’t help but reach up with her free hand and grasp the curvature of her breast that was gently bobbing within the confines of her Rolling Phones tee.

   Want to sit in Brian’s lap, feel that thick missile of his filling me up. Those strong arms of his around me. Want to talk dirty to him, promise him the sleaziest, most degrading things. And then fulfill all of those promises—and more. While Emily fondles my titties, has her teeth on my nips. Steph’s lips on me, Steph’s fluttery kisses everywhere. Stephanie sweetest, down there making out with Brian’s shaft right where it’s stretching me, her tongue rolling across tongue cum swallow please PLEASE fuck me take me clit kisses harder throat harder squeeze and pinch me harder HARDER—

   Kelly slowed and then jerked to a halt, yanking Emily to a stop just before they reached the escalators. She’d reached her limit.

   “—like Freya and Samwell tryin’ to carry the cursed crown to Mount Murder,” Emily babbled on. “Except blue. Yeah I don’t even know how else to describe it, but like every second I wasn’t gulpin’ down dat goo felt like entire years without sex! What, are we ovulating? Or, or in heat? ‘Cause it’s like my ovaries are so friggin’ thirsty for—oh. OH, my turn again, huh?”

   Blinking back tears, Kelly could only quickly nod. She was rising up on the balls of her feet and squirming from one foot to another, something—anything to help mitigate this fervent craving for a certain specific kind of grinding motion. Inside her yoga pants, a bit of slippery fluid was beginning to leak free of her honeypot. Her thighs clenched and twitched in unison, and she did her best not to climax right then and there.

   Sharp hand across my buttocks would probably about do it, Kelly couldn’t help but quiver at imagining it. Right out here in public. Wonder if Emily would. I think—I think just one quick little slap will push me over the edge. One tiny smack. Fuck me. PLEASE.

   Emily was blushing furiously and looking absolutely embarrassed, but the petite girl rose up and drew Kelly into a kiss—that enormous wad of cum that had been rolling over and over within her mouth dropped down into Emily, leaving Kelly to feel shaky and empty and a little confused. A dangling strand a little too thick to be drool escaped and began to slip down into her cleavage as she felt her higher thought processes start to return.

   Uh. Okay. Right. RIGHT, Kelly shivered. There was the whole—this whole plan of action thing. We were super angry before. Now, we’re not. All of that feels very, um, DISTANT now. Good. Good job, plan. Uh. Good thinking stuff. Definitely working. Just, maybe working too well.

   “Think we’d better hurry,” Kelly muttered, licking her lips and tasting both sex and beams of starlight. She’d never tasted starlight before, but it turned out to be pretty amazing. “Definitely uh, definitely getting to us a little more each time we—uhh.”

   Emily wasn’t listening.

   The girl was swaying on her feet, Emily’s dark eyes were glazed over in a far-off dreamy trance, and her adorable cheeks bulged outwards like a chipmunk with all the nut she was holding in. Starting to feel more than a little anxious, Kelly blew errant red bangs out of her eyes with a puff of her lip and grabbed Emily by the arm to lead her up the escalator. Yeah...okay, magic’s pretty dangerous to mess around with, huh?

    *     *     *

   Blue sea swirls were splishing and splashing throughout Emily’s mind in a giggle of escaping bubbles. Or maybe escaping thoughts? Hehehehe! A naughty little undertow of lewd liquid seemed to keep pulling her body deeper every time her silly mind started to panic and attempt to fight back upwards towards clarity. Remaining lucid and conscious of her surroundings was just so dry, and the blanketing blue around her made it really really hard to remember why she would even want to go back up there where things were just boring and stressful and without color.

   She knew she wasn’t supposed to, but—she just couldn’t help herself—Emily swallowed down a large gulp of that fluffy delicious cream she’d been carrying in her mouth.  A tingle twitched down past her tummy in a seeping line of wet as vivid, lurid blues immediately plunged her deeper and deeper down until she could barely make out the surface anymore. It was so nice! She was so serene and beautiful and weightless, now! Thoughts and worries were too buoyant to come down this far, because they were tethered to the above, that dreary dried-out airy area way up there. There was no real reason for this slut to return, she was supposed to drown in all of this—wasn’t she? Drowning was really great, it was amazeballs, drowning meant she could just stay completely immersed in blue forev—

   A fiercely burning red star skipped across the surface like an angry armageddon, parting the water in an impact tidal wave of displaced euphoria and sending Emily tumbling and spinning back towards coherency.

   “Mmmrrh!!” Kelly jolted Emily awake with an angry noise and was slapping at her cheek in frustration.

   Oh, fuck—

   Emily found herself in a lip-lock with Kelly amidst the convention attendees beside the upper escalator egress. Kelly was sucking the cum out of her mouth, and it was very obvious that the amount of special stuff transferring between them had been reduced by quite a bit compared to the last time they swapped semen like this a minute ago. Emily had swallowed a bunch of it. Guilt and shame burned at her cheeks, but even though Kelly was digging fingertips through her hair and pulling her up onto her tiptoes and tonguing her in search of more—some was already gone.

   “I’m, uh—” Emily gasped for air as their kiss broke. “I’m sorry! It was just some of it, there’s still some left! I couldn’t help it! It’s just too—”

   Kelly couldn’t hear her.

   “Aggggh, fuck fuck fuck—” Emily swore, trying to shake herself out of the daze.

   She still felt positively drenched with blue, her hips felt weak and she was practically swaying on sea legs—the platform of the convention upper level here felt like it was rolling in a constant tilting motion. Emily grappled at Kelly for balance and couldn’t help but stare for a moment, totally fixated on the soft swell of perfectly rounded fabric that was Kelly’s bust. Those breasts were barely disguised by the thin fabric of the band tee she wore, and those full, heavy-seeming melon shapes seeming to be trying to strain their way free. Plump, luscious nipples were poking out like the tipped tension triggers of a naval mine, and—

   No no no focus focus FOCUS! Emily admonished herself.

   She was way too soaked through with blue, and from the looks of it, Kelly wasn’t faring any better after taking in the remaining burden. Looking up to see Kelly’s expression, Emily discovered with a wince that the scene girl’s normally sharp, intelligent eyes were completely vacant and spaced out. The idea that this load of cum they were snowballing between each other was affecting Kelly, of all people—making even her a brainless bimbo—that was too fucking hot.

   Okay! Nopers, we’re not gonna even THINK about that! You’re in charge now, Emily. Blushing furiously, Emily clumsily grabbed Kelly’s hand and stumbled forward.

   She’s carrying the sauce—she’s lost in whatever whatever Kelly dreamland. She’s got the sauce now, so yeah duh I’ve gotta lead. I’m a little tugboat, and I’ve gotta get this big-tiddy bimbo into port before the magic cum melts her mind. Easy, right? Easy peasy, lemon-squeezy. Big-tiddy bimbo’s got the sauce, and I’m just a little tugboat. I’m a little tugboat. Fuck, I shouldn’t have swallowed some—I can’t even fucking think right now.

   Emily hurried through the sparse crowds of people traversing the upper level with Kelly behind her, their arms pulled taut between them as the half-delirious Latina tugged her blissed-out friend along. She felt pretty proud of herself that she was able to function at all when she still was this ridiculously immersed in blue. The fact that repeated exposure to Brian’s magic spunk had been regressing her mind into some kind of sex-addled stupid Emily was turning her on too, yet she was still holding it together!

   I’m a little tugboat, I’m a little tugboat, Emily grit her teeth as she navigated Kelly around a group of con-goers. I can still fucking taste it in my mouth how am I supposed to concentrate?! I’m a little tugboat, c’mon, c’mon—

   She certainly felt like a tug, skittering back and forth across the immense blue as she pulled cargo-carrier Kelly. The only problem was—Kelly’s hand was getting heavy, sluggish—more difficult to maneuver.

   “Fuck fuck fuck,” Emily swore under her breath as she started leaning into each step.

   We were just kinda jerking to a stop whenever we got too ENSORCELLATED and couldn’t be led anymore. So that we could trade off. Ensorcellated probably isn’t a word. But, like—I dunno if I can even hold the cum again. Waaay past my legal limit for that shit right now, I’m already half-fuckin’-sunk here and still takin’ on water. Fuck! C’mon, Emily! We’re almost there!

   The doors to the atrium were in sight now, and Emily felt a rush of relief wash through her as they made a beeline there past cosplayers and groups of guys. Putting each shaky foot forward was like sloshing through sensuous temptation, and Emily was fucking thirsty. It took conscious effort to keep focused on the mission, because all she wanted to do was relax back down into the refreshing waters. Maybe drop to her knees, shove a hand down her pants and frig herself senseless. The girls had just managed to pass through the doors and enter the atrium when they were waylaid by a man at the door.

   “Hey—badges? You two have badges?” An amused staffer stationed there flagged Emily down as she tried to push on through.

   “Um?” Emily panicked, scrambling to search for one with her free hand. Fuck fuck do I even—?!

   “Yes! I’m a badge!” Emily declared, discovering the lanyard Rebecca had given her already around her neck. “I mean. Have a badge. I’m a little tugboat.”

   “Uhhh...okay,” the staffer chuckled.

   “I’m a little tugboat,” Emily repeated in relief, finding that Kelly’s badge was likewise easily visible. “So she’s—uhh. Yeah. Cool?”

   “Alright, cool,” the guy gave them a gesture indicating it was fine for them to enter. “Carry on.”

   Emily wasn’t even embarrassed—this was an anime con, and spouting weird random bullshit to total strangers was weeaboo normal as far as she was concerned. The real worry was Kelly, because when prompting her big-tiddy bimbo cum carrier back into motion it became obvious that Kelly was floundering, almost too far gone to function. While before Kelly had been following somewhat okay, now the girl was just drunkenly staggering after her, and Emily was forced to turn and take Kelly’s arm with both hands to prevent her from going down.

   C’mon c’mon c’mon not when we’re THIS CLOSE! Emily reeled, twisting her neck to scan the periphery of the atrium for Stephanie and Brian. Fuck fuck fuck where ARE you guys?!

   To her thrilled surprise, she sensed Stephanie before she saw her. Over across the way, past the scattered medieval-garbed fighter-dudes, pink heat was burning like a beacon. Emily hadn’t even had time to remember that this ordeal might be clit-starting her powers into wild fornication, because aggressive arousal had been so twat that her slick pussy couldn’t even properly throat-fuck the idea.

   Uhh fuck, whoa there! Emily lit up at realizing she could actually feel the girl through magic, now—but also directing her attention there right now seemed to submerge her into a spiralling slipstream blue vortex of sex thoughts and nothing but sex thoughts. Almost there! C’mon c’mon c’mon!



   “What the—”

   “Watch it!”

   “Uhh, sorry—sorry!” Emily called, awkwardly trying to muscle Kelly through without the tipsy girl smacking into anyone or falling over or spilling out of her top.

   They weren’t able to weave around people in a nimble way anymore—it was all Emily could do to coax Kelly into waddling onwards, and they wound up walking into people and disrupting several conversations as they made their final approach. Stephanie was shining for them in brilliant pink like a lighthouse, and still Emily and her trailing cargo of panting bewitched bimbo were forced to blunder forward through every reef and shoal that stood between them and safe harbor.

   Almost there, almost, almossst—

   The very welcome sight of her group was straight ahead of her. The heavyset Megan was seated in one of the auditorium seats that ringed the amphitheater fretting over Stephanie, Stephanie seemed to be hunched in on herself and cradling one hand, and in front of them Emily could see the familiar backs of Brian and Rebecca discussing something. She plodded the final few steps forward with Kelly and then struggled to push her big-tiddy bimbo between Brian and Rebecca and into Stephanie.

   Kelly all but fell upon Stephanie in a tight embrace and began kissing the girl immediately. The pillar of pink anger that was searing them all raw by sheer proximity was doused by this crashing meteor of surf and spray colliding into the shore, and Emily allowed Brian to catch her as billowing explosive steam clouds of pink and red and blue burst triumphantly into the air. Emily shuddered at Brian’s touch, nearly cumming, and her hips gave an involuntary sharp jerk that jammed up against him. Okay yeah hello there! Fuck me, I think we made it. Holy fuck.

   “Oh—hey,” Brian’s words were a husky sex-rumble to her incredibly horny mind and she felt her pelvic muscles clench and flex at hearing him. “Were you guys—”

   “I’m a—I’m a little fuckboat,” Emily interrupted in a breathless voice. She promptly leapt up the rest of the way into his arms and latched onto his body with both legs. We made it. We fucking made it.

( Previous: Snowball's Chance in Hell | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Burnout )



Wow. That’s for both the post and the new artist. Sex fluids as a literal drug. Kelly might be onto something about contraception, although whatever kids anybody has will almost certainly be magical. Curious to know if similar effects can be induced in the others. Brian’s seminal fluid seems to be a source of bliss and general “unattuned” magical energy. If Emily goes down on a Kelly/Brian creampie, would she experience the same or different high as a Steph/Brian? Or is Brian the only source? I certainly don’t mind waiting until May, although I can understand those who would be upset. Not sympathize with, but understand.


Commence: Sex Magic EXPLOSION!


Awesome. I just love the use of hypnotic cum.

Eroyla Drago

Injection of cum stat!


Two parts hotter than hell, one part worrying. Kelly's future warning keeps coming back to me, and Brian is not stupid, he is going to start connecting the dots soon and if they don't tell him themselves it could create this whole big problem later.

Myob Myob

Is 4064 okay? There has been only silence for over five weeks now and I am getting a little worried.


Seeing as he did a chapter dump on RR I think he's fine.


Just checked Discord….he posted earlier today


Welcome back. Looking forward to see the story continue. FYI, l am here for the story and don't really care about graphics so from my perspective don't let the artist drama get to you.


"although whatever kids anybody has will almost certainly be magical." I mean... was Emily magical, before personally getting zapped?

Marcus Cassin

Holy crap that was one of the funniest things I have ever read.


lost in the sauce lmao