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After clambering over to straddle Brian’s lap, Emily remained latched in a fierce hug, pressing herself up against his chest with her legs wrapped around him. With the lower portions of her cosplay torn away, the petite Latina could feel the meaty plinth of his erect dick rising up behind her to nestle perfectly in between her butt cheeks. It was extremely distracting, and her splayed-open sex was flushed and practically salivating a warm, syrupy trail of arousal down across his rugged lower abdominals. The nectar trailed down beneath her all the way back to the thick root of that massive penis of his.

On the nearby easy chair, Stephanie was likewise situated in Kelly’s lap, and Emily could see that the two girls were necking and enthusiastically pawing at each other like horny teenagers. The wet sounds of their kissing was broken only by stifled gasps, muted whispers, and occasional soft moans of approval. This surprisingly sapphic display of passion was more than a little interesting, but Emily turned her head, trying not to watch.

“Emmie?” Brian asked in a low, sexy murmur. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I just… yeah,” Emily let out a slow breath, feeling overwhelmed. “Just. Gimme a minute.”

Brian—you made me cum. I just ORGASMED all over your face, dude. Surf and spray still crashed across Emily’s mind in brilliant sparkling blues—she couldn’t be any more turned on—and these were only her feelings above the waterline. Just beneath the surface, an unstoppable tide of deeper emotions was stirring.

Crossed fucking OCEANS of bullshit to be with you, Emily thought, deciding to continue to slowly pucker her lips in a languid line of moist affection across Brian’s neck. With so many mistakes, misadventures—so many stupid fuckups and shipwrecks along the way. Now, finally, FINALLY—we can be together... right?

When she’d presented herself to him earlier with that teasing wriggle, eagerly offering it all up, she never anticipated he’d respond in any other way than just sticking it in. Instead, Brian actually chose to lean in down behind her and... go down on her first. She’d felt both shocked and honestly overwhelmed being thoroughly pleasured with his tongue—it wasn’t anything along the lines of what she’d fantasized about. Emily had been mentally steeling herself for direct penetration, bracing to receive a hard pounding. Instead, the surprise cunnilingus felt so much more intensely personal that her heart wasn’t prepared at all.

For so many years, she’d built this up in her head as her big moment. Any expression of attraction Brian had for her was all the validation she’d ever fantasized about. Sex was expected, and anything more their first time seemed... unlikely, unrealistic, more than she’d dare to hope for. Over time, how the big moment was supposed to play out had somehow become an established mindset. This was totally outside the scope of what she’d planned.

It was better.

As she rolled her old expectations over again in the sway and swash of her mind now... closely examining it, they didn’t measure up to reality at all. Brian hadn’t shied away from spreading her thighs and then planting his face right up into her private parts—he’d actually been pretty enthusiastic about it. Making out with her muff, pushing his tongue deep inside her to sensuously explore her every nook and cranny, working her over with powerful strokes, appreciating and adoring every soaked pink fold of pussy ‘til it felt like she was melting, until her futilely kicking legs finally gave out from under her.

The experience exceeded anything Emily had ever dreamt up on her own. When she masturbated alone, she had to work at it, work up to it, tense her body and diddle herself up towards a certain frenzied crest. This wasn’t the case at all with Brian licking and lapping and slurping away at her. Instead, her pelvic muscles had stiffened up in resistance beneath the onslaught of slick sensation—as if her body thought she could ride it out. Past a certain point, however, she couldn’t clench up anymore to possibly withstand it—and Brian just kept going. And going.

It had felt like her lower half was steadfastly sinking into a pool of pure pleasure, and Brian had that fluid blue feeling fully enveloping her, flooding her trembling body and drowning her in sensations she was completely helpless against. Orgasm had borne down on her with a thrilling inevitability, culminating in that sweeping tsunami so huge and unstoppable that her feeble attempts to withstand it were laughably useless.

That was… so fucking incredible. Didn’t even know it was possible to cum like that, Emily thought, squirming in Brian’s lap as she absent-mindledly suckled just below his earlobe. She was so wet it felt like it was getting everywhere, and it felt like they were both now messy all over with the musky lubrication of her excitement. Should probably feel worried. That it’s weird or too much, but… instead he made me feel accepted? Encouraged? Made me feel completely loved, every little bit of me. Oh, Briannn… you can’t do that to me.

“Sorry ‘bout ripping your costume,” Brian told her, somehow managing to sound not even a little bit sorry.

“That... was so fuckin’ hot,” Emily confided with a small smile, snuggling in even closer. “You realize I wore that for you, right?”

“The fishnet?” He asked, stroking a hand down her butt. “Nuh-uh—you wore netting beneath last year, too.”

“No, no—every year, the whole Akane Kurokawa thing, stupid,” Emily smirked. “Don’t you remember? Way back when, when we were at very first talking about adult stuff in anime? How she kinda like, represented somethin’ to you?”

“Ho-ly fuck,” Brian jerked in surprise. “No way do you remember me saying that. Emily, that was like… forever ago.”

“Yes way, idiot,” Emily tried to put on a playful pout, but a disarming grin kept bubbling up past it and winning out. “Idiot, baka, stupid moron! Would’ve done a bit of chest binding and went for a Sousuke Salladin cosplay if it was just for me. Wasn’t it all kinda... super obvious? Like, why else would I go for an Akane cosplay? Doesn’t ‘xactly fit my body type, y’know?”

“Literally nobody would’ve ever connected that,” Brian laughed. “Or ever guessed that Emily, the little hottie, would have even had a thing for me.”

“Emily, the little hottie?” Emily repeated, squeezing her arms tighter around him.

“Yeah. Emily—I’ve called you a little hottie before.”

“You have, buuut, that was back when we were just friends,” Emily said. “So... basically, it always counted as being said in like, a joking way.”

She gleefully continued nibbling her lips across Brian’s bare throat in a teasing trail of not-so-soft smooches—fuck, I wanna LEAVE MARKS, hickies, bruises—and then played her tongue back along over her indiscretions in soothing apology. Having her mouth always on him like this was... comforting. It was a certain stage of naked intimacy she’d been craving for years. Now that she’d finally gotten her taste of this, she was reluctant to ever relinquish it—how could she ever let go?

Fuuuck. Yeah, I could get used to this.

“Then how’s it feel when I call you a little hottie, now?” Brian teased.

“I… don’t know yet for sure, I guess,” she found herself pausing, hesitant to reveal her uncertainties. “Um. Why didn’t ya just jam it in? Still kinda surprised, I thought for sure you would. I’m, uh, gettin’ all anxious all over again. You’ve gotta realize, the plan was to just wiggle my butt for you and say hop in, bro! I’ve been holding in that joke for years, so now it’s like, I missed out on getting my punchline, or somethin’?”

“Pffft,” Brian had to turn away, shaking with laughter for a few moments while Emily held onto him with an expectant smile. “Jesus. ‘Hop in, bro?’ You had years, and that’s the line you stuck with?”

“Worked, didn’t it?” Emily hugged him tight, nuzzling her face against his shoulder in satisfaction. “Made ya laugh.”

“It’s definitely the most… Emily thing you could’ve ever said,” Brian agreed, squeezing his arms tight around her.

“Thanks!” Emily mumbled in embarrassment. “Oh, and I’ve gotta say—the tonguing was choice, dude. Annnd, I’m gonna leave you a great review and all—five stars, two enthusiastic thumbs up! Buuut. Why didn’t you just… uh. You know. Do me. Is it weird? Is it still... weird, because it’s you and me?”

“What, why didn’t I fuck you ‘til you were making ahegao faces and victory signs with your fingers?” Brian laughed.

“Exactly! Cross-eyed, mouth open! Tongue out! It’s not rape if her pupils turn into little hearts!” Emily snorted. “Ask any lawyer. But, uh, yeah. That. Stickin’ it in.”

“Emmie...” Brian chuckled. “Did you want me to like, show you my honest feelings? Or, d’you just want me to be real rough this first time? I’m startin’ to think your, uh, fantasy version of me isn’t real romantic.”

“No no no!” Emily slapped his back. “I don’t mean it like that. I just… I dunno. Romantic? With me? It’s just—it’s weird? You and me, we’re like this. This is us, the way we are with each other. We can joke around, and be whatever, and it’s not serious, it’s like—comfy. It’s us. S’hard for me to picture you treating me any different?”

“But you can picture me just ravishing you, using you for nothing but my own gratification?” Brian asked in mock-indignation. “Wow.”

“Yes?” Emily blushed furiously. “I mean, no? I dunno?! I guess I did kinda picture things kinda like that. Um, yeah, a lot…”

“It’s like you’re hung up right there,” Brian laughed. “Stuck somewhere between knowing me better than anyone else in the world, and not really knowing me at all.”

“Hey!” Emily frowned, feeling herself start to tense up. That cheery, confident exuberance she was trying to project was wavering, beginning to collapse and retract back into herself. “I mean… Brian—hey. C’mon, seriously? Kinda... like, not a cool thing to say to me.”

Fuck... was he actually just humoring me with the oral? Emily furrowed her brow, scrunching her eyes shut. Even now, when practically floating with joy and relief and basking in the contented warmth of this whole experience... all of those lifelong insecurities persisted. They still tried to justify themselves, still stubbornly clung to the flotsam jagged debris of her past stupid shipwrecks. Is this all… not how I think it is? Goddamnit, bad-brains. Please don’t do this to me right now. Don’t fuckin’ ruin this, too.

She swallowed uneasily.

Jesus, Emily. What the fuck, get it together. This was… it’s probably fine. Right? Probably. Don’t blow it all overthinking things. S’all in your head. This is just… you know, just the madness and delirium of bein’ lost out at sea for too long, Emily thought miserably, hiding her face in against Brian’s shoulder again. Sooo, either landfall’s REALLY in sight this time, or this is just another mirage—like that night after homecoming.

“Emily—can I just be brutally honest with you?” Brian asked, regarding her with a serious expression.

“Um,” In Brian’s lap, Emily felt herself go very, very still. “Yeah? I dunno, probably? Can you?”

( Previous: Losing Control | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Finale pt 2 )


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