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/// Transcribed from TiAM325's discord spitballing. NSFW language and extreme violence, but I'd hate for anyone to miss out on it.

Omake 1, Sarah Star versus Kelly Killy, written by TiAM325, directed by TiAM325

   Llaaadies and Gentlemen. Let's get ready to Ruummmbbllleeeeee

   Our hosts here at Animecon don't know that in the Sovereign Swords area an octagonal raised platform, enclosed by a metal fence, has been constructed.

   The first matchup is Fan Favorites and the most even match possible.

   In the Red corner. Weighing in at 125 pounds this morning. Standing a respectable five feet 5 inches tall. Fighting in black.  Let's give it up for KELLY KILLY

   In the yellow corner. Standing five foot four inches and tipping the scales at 128 pounds. Fighting in white garments, Youtube's famous makeup artist. Put your hands together for SARAH STAR!

   Pounding taiko drums start going through the speakers.  Spotlights point to the door closest to the yellow corner.  Crowds of people in cosplay, MMA tapout atire, and street clothes stand and applaud.  Sarah strides out in a hooded long white kimono.  She is surrounded by Melinie, Jordyn, Mary, and Foxy.  Sarah makes her way down to the cage as the drums continue to pound. Outside the cage, she stops and flings off the kimono,  revealing skin tight white booty shorts and a bikini top.  Her flowing dark locks are artfully teased and the slightly exaggerated makeup enlarge her luminous eyes.

   "I think when she was told this is for fan service Sarah didn't understand she would be fighting. Sarah Star everyone!"

   The drums cut out. A tortuous wail slices through the arena. "Blue bonnets over the border" is the tune. Big burly men in kilts step out each doorway. Bagpipes and drums boom and echo.

   Emily is first through the door. Carrying a pole the hoists aloft a black banner with brilliant red stars. Then Kelly strode out, appearing relaxed while swathed in a flowing black hooded robe. Immediately behind her stalked Rebecca and Stephanie, carrying the tools of corner men. Brain took up the rear, playing a set of great pipes with tremendous skill.

   Kelly stepped to the cage and swept off her robe.  Unlike her sister, Kelly is fully prepared to fight.  Her blinding red hair is pulled tightly to her skull in twin dutch braids.

   The makeup is stark, almost frightening. Brilliant blue, Woad, patterned as a monstrous face. Kelly's massive mammaries are tightly bound with a plain black sports bra. Her hips and legs are covered in tight leggings, black with a red octopus patterned on them

   "As the fighters finish preparing cageside, let's meet the judges for this bout. We have Fletcher, Animecon staffer. Liz, well known cosplayer and now Fletcher's girlfriend." They both jump at that statement and look longingly at each other. "Trust me. I am the third person limited slightly annoying narrator. What I say goes in this part of the story, which is completely noncanonical. What was that? Third wall, there is no third wall for me. Hahaha." "Next to those two lovebirds we have Chrissy, of ChrissyCat Creations. If you think none of them are capable of judging a MMA fight fairly, you are correct! They are here to appease the readers. I mean Animecon."

   "The actual judges are sitting on the other side of the cage.  We have former UFC heavyweights Pat Miletich, Tim Kennedy,  and Michael Bisping. To ensure safety for our fighters, we have USArmy special forces trained fight doctor Mike Simpson.  Ensuring a fair fight, we have world famous martial artist Tony Jaa!"

   Furious what was about to happen to his precious creation, a man in full fantasy armor leapt up and stalked about the arena, looking for the narrator with the microphone.

   Tony Jaa gestures for the sisters to step to the center of the cage. "Touch gloves. Now back to your corner. And fight." His hands drop. Kelly steps forward, flexing her toes on the rough canvas. Hands are up relaxed by her jaw, right roughly 9 inches ahead of her left. Her feet are spread shoulder width apart, right leading. She appears calm, ready, inside red stars are bathing her mind with warm soothing light.

   Sarah's vision is a yellow fog. Her memory jumbled. 'I was told a fan service fight. Foxy said med wrestling or something. Why is Kelly so serious. Who are these odd people. Oh, time to fight.' Sarah launches an overhand sweeping right towards her sister's ear. Kelly steps in slightly ducking a little and letting the punch scrape along her left forearm. Kelly fires a straight right at Sarah's perfect teeth.

   Sarah pulls both hands up to shield her face, barely stopping Kelly's red trimmed gloves. Kelly immediately rolls her hips, driving her left fist into Sarah's liver in a textbook shovel hook.

   Kelly keeps her momentum going and fires her right elbow up at Sarah's jaw at a diagonal. It connects with a glancing blow. Kelly wraps her arms around Sarah's head in a chancellery while her sister is stunned. Then, with a hop, Kelly throws her over her hip, dropping Sarah to the canvas with a heave.

   Sarah quickly wrapped herself around Kelly's legs and pulled her sister down. Through the yellow haze of her vision, Sarah grasps at Kelly's ankle and leg, trying to tie her up. In the fall, Kelly hands land in her sister's loose flowing hair. Not thinking about possible rule violations, Kelly twists and pulls.

   A whistle blows.  The brown hand of Tony Jaa flashes before Kelly's  brandy brown eyes, breaking her concentration.  Red streaks roll in the  corners of her vision.
That's right, whistle means let go and get up.   Kelly untangled herself from her sister and moves towards her corner,  as bright red as her tightly braided hair. 

   Sarah climbs heavily to her feet.  How does Kelly know to hit like that?  The yellow corner beckons. Foxy is standing there, he flashed her a  thumbs up and a grin. 

 Kelly turns to face the center of the cage, hands returning to a ready  position. 'How do I know how to fight. There was no training for this.  Mara told me what to wear and that I needed to bind my boobs.'  A jovial male voice sounds in her head. "Girl, relax.  You know how to  fight because I know how to fight.  We are together now." "What the actual fucking fuck!" Kelly screams out. "Shush and quiet.  I am in your head, not behind you.  With the hair  change, you get more of us.  Previous wielders of the charm. I can't  explain more, the Laws of Charms prevent me.  But I can say the charm is  what caused your hair, not Brian's sperm." 'That is so fucked up, I think. I don't know. ' "Don't worry girl.  Just relax and fight. Talk with Brian and the girls  later." 

   Sarah turns from her corner, her eyes putting yellow halos around everything. 'How does Kelly know how to hit like that.  She dated a musician, not a fighter? O, here's the whistle.' With a bound, Sarah closes the distance to her advancing sister and lunges under a left cross. Dropping one knee to the mat, she wraps her arms around both knees and drives forward.  Applying pressure on Kelly's groin with her head, and a twist of her shoulders, Sarah's double leg takedown is successful. Unfortunately for her, her sprawling legs cause a bit of wardrobe malfunction in the skintight booty shorts. A bit of lip peaks out, revealing that Sarah missed her last waxing appointment.

   Kelly  let out a sharp breath of air as she lands on her back, knees and feet  trying to find purchase on her sister.  'Don't think, just act.' 

   'I usually don't have a woman between my legs, sure as hell not my  sister. But wait, I can try that.' Kelly wraps her right leg around  Sarah's left like a grapevine and shifts her hips around a little. Sarah  drops her weight on Kelly's chest, trying to snake an arm around her  neck.  Kelly wraps both arms around Sarah's upper body to keep her from  lifting up, shoots her hips to the left, and bucks Sarah over in a  barrel roll. The two sisters are pinned breast to breast, legs intertwined, Kelly now  on top.  Red bursts of light popping behind her eyes, Kelly tries for a chokehold and submission. 

   'How did she do that so smoothly.  I dated the wrestler, fighter guy.   Mike was no great shakes as a boyfriend, but he tried to teach me self  defense, and was satisfactory in bed.'  Sarah cannot think fast enough to keep up with her sister. Kelly is just  moving faster than she can keep up. She shrimps up and rocks her weight  from side to side trying to dislodge the older girl.

   Sarah pops an  elbow up into the side of Kelly's face and then tries to stiff arm her,  trying to make space.  "Ouch, sis. You trying to make me ugly?"  The voice in Kelly's head  started speaking again, but Kelly couldn't understand.   "Grab her arm,  twist yourself quickly. Throw your weight back, and hyperextend her  elbow." The laughter was leaving this voice.  'I don't understand and her thumb is pressed against my throat.'  Suddenly red stickfigures dance aacross the vision of this red haired  woman. Before she could move, a klaxon sounded.  End of that round. 

   'Foggy Dew' by the chieftains begins plays through the system as the sisters disentangle themselves and return to their corners. 

   Kelly undulates to the red corner, twitching her butt and hips in time  to the music, grinning widely at her corner crew, her friends.  Stephie,  with a look of happy concern, is holding the water bottle ready. Emily  is holding the first aid kit with a feral grin.  Rebecca places the  stool down, just in case, with a towel ocer5jer shoulder.  Brian just  grins a most Brian smile and flexes his fingers. 

   "Oh thank God.  My neck could use some work." Kelly sinks onto the stool as Brian's fingers work their magic. Stephanie, adorable in the black and pink  track suit, ensures hydration while Emily, decked in black and blue, checks for cuts.

   'Rebecca  is fussing over me, over all of us, like a mother hen.  Do I care? Not  right now.  Somehow I know how to fight.  I am hearing voices in my  head.  And I don't care, this is fun and Brian is making me feel great.' 

   On the other side of the cage, Sarah has a slightly less warm welcome.   Foxy has a frown, crowning his crossed arms and  closed off posture.   Mary, who should be holding the stool, is merely scowling, unmoved.   Melanie is looking bright, standing by with the first aid kit.  Jordyn  has the water and a quiet, guarded smile. 

   Foxy speaks first.  "You were sloppy, slow, and weak.  I trained you better and expect better.  Mary, come along." Taking the slim arm of the slight Asian girl, Foxy stalls away from his girls.

   Jordyn  scurries to get the stool as Sarah lowers herself down.  That 2 minute  round felt like 20 and her legs suddenly feel like rubber. 

   "Listen young lady.  I am going to show you how some of this works, and you just keep moving. Two more rounds until victory. Don't forget you can kick too."

   'Whoever  you are in my head, how can I trust you? Should I trust you? What the  hell is going on? "You can't.  You shouldn't. And I am not sure.  You got bonded to a  charm, that I was bonded to.  I am not a ghost or anything. More a  shadow or echo.  Here to help.  Now drink a little more and flex those  quads, you are going to need them." 

   "Alright fight fans, round one is over, and a bit indecisive. The  Sisters of Smash have each scored a few good moments; but nothing fight  ending.  Let's go down cageside and talk to the celebrity judges." 

   Fletchers flinches as the focus draws to him.  He squeezes Liz's hand  that he had been holding through the first round.  Je doesn't let go or  put their hands under the table that is in front of them.  "Not much of a  judge for something like this.  Give me a moment.  Sarah looks good,  but shockingly for her, the makeup is smearing and running.  She is a  bit pale for all white, and skin tight booty shorts and a bikini top are  probably not the best clothing for a MMA match.

   "Kelly Killy is  unknown to me.  Black is her color for sure.  Her leggings and right  shirt with the red close to her hair color, spot on.  The face paint is a  little terrifying. " 

    "Kelly seems much more relaxed in the cage.  She rides the blows better and flows with her combinations." Liz jumps into the conversation with aplomb. "Sarah is stiff, slower to respond.  Truthfully, neither of these girls seem to have trained for this.  Who set up their fight camp?"

   Fletcher snaps his eyes to his co-judge, glasses sliding down his long nose from the speed. "There is a lot you don't know about me Fletch. I have been a battlecat fan for years." Liz unzips her maroon hoodie to show a fan Tshirt of the European female fighter.

   Chrissy pulls the microphone closer. "I have seen Kelly act impromptu before, when she crashed my panel.  Kelly is not fighting like someone who has a plan, she is not her natural self.  Then again, is it natural to get hit in the face? Sarah I don't know.  She advances like she has been plan, but doesn't seem to reset well."

   "Thank  you very much celebrities, and yes in this con you are more famous than  I am.  A quick check with the actual judges, three nods from the  professionals.  Two thumb up from the fight doc, and heerre we goo!" 

   After a long massage from Brian's magic fingers Kelly stalks out of her  corner like a prowling lion, red trimmed black gloves poised at the  ready.  Sarah moves sluggishly, reduced instead of refreshed by Foxy's  actions, her white and yellow 4oz mitts dangling.

   Yellow motes float in her vision as Sarah steels herself. 'I have a  plan. Faint at her head and shoot in for a takedown. I dated a wrestler,  I know what I am doing.' Mike is not the ex-boyfriend she wants right  now.  Fists come up and tighten as the whistle blows.

   Kelly bounces on her bare toes, brimming with excitement.  Brandy brown  eyes gauge the distance down to the inch.  'I don't know how I know that  Sarah is just close enough, but this will work. Fucking maybe.' At the whistle, Kelly's lead knee is drawn tightly to her toned abdomen  and her right foot lashes strait out, heel directed just below the  sternum. 'My foot is gonna slap my sister's tits.  Don't want to get  trapped in her bikini strings.' 

    Sarah rocks back on her heels as her older sister's front foot comes  flying towards her sternum.  Contact, but more of a shove than a hard  crack, and Sarah is stepping in with a straight right at Kelly's nose. A  shift of Kelly's shoulders is the only warning that a sweeping rear  kick is coming at a low level. 

   Unable to cover or block, Sarah takes the powerful kick just above her  knee. Forward motion continuing, the yellow and white glove connects a  glancing blow to Kelly's cheek, smearing the woad paint.  Both girls  fall to the canvas in a rather messy takedown, Kelly's hands scrambling  for purchase on her younger sister.  In the tangle, Kelly's fingers get  trapped in Sarah's bikini. On the landing the strings break. 

   The snapping sounds of the strings separating are lost in the slaps of  flesh on flesh.  Sarah snaps a right elbow at Kelly's jaw, rising a  little to deliver more force.  The triangles of white fabric fall from  her chest in the flurry of movement.

   Kelly bucks and rolls, oblivious to the undressed state of her opponent. With a twist of her supple hips, Kelly has a shin in Sarah groin and starts to lift, driving the younger sister off of her.

   Cheers  rise from the audience as Sarah's chest becomes visible. Pale, almost  poetic in their perfection, camera flashes  shine from every corner of  the arena; highlighting the subtle tanlines, small coral colored areolas, and prominent pointed nipples protruding from the bouncing full  B cup breasts. 

   Kelly is flowing from movement to movement with the grace of a prima ballerina, absent of deliberate thought. <Even getting hit, this is  fun.  Brian, girls, watch me have fun!>  Kelly is on her feet, poised  to strike again, when she notices Sarah's exposed tits. She instead  backs towards the red corner, allowing Sarah to cover herself. 

    Sarah claps her hands over her breasts as her cheeks turn a vivid shade of pink.

    Tony Jaa, the referee, gives a sharp blast on his whistle and points to the corners.  Kelly trots to hers with no small measure of joy,<I am doing well in this round as well>

    Sarah trudges to her corner with trepidation, looking up but knowing Foxy isn't there.  Instead the man she most and least wanted to see, her ex Lucas.

    Lucas is holding an off-white 'wifebeater' undershirt and an ace wrap. <I am here for you baby, let me help.>

Sarah's eyes light up and a slight pep enters her step. "Luke, what are you doing here?"

    "I heard you were fighting, then I saw you were in a bind.  I am here to help."  With that, he starts to wrap the ace bandage around Sarah's bountiful boobs, starting at her left nipple crossing to the right.

    Quickly her tits are wrapped tight and the wife eater slides down over her head.

    <This smell, I know this smell> "Luke, were you wearing this? It smells like you. "

    "Yes Sarah, but you look like you need it more than I do right now."

    With another whistle blast, Sarah and Kelly come out of their corners with a rush.  Kelly throws a hard straight right to Sarah's jaw. Sarah slips to her right with a slight bob, the red glove just scraping her cheek.

    Sarah drops her center of gravity a few inches and fires a straight left into Kelly's solar plexus.

    That punch connects, forcing a sharp exhale out of Kelly, who counters with a left shovel hook to Sarah's liver as she steps in further.

    Sarah eats that punch with a grunt, dropping a hard right elbow into her sister's collarbone.

    Kelly  rides that blow, sprawling out a bit, then launching into a double leg  takedown.  She wraps up both knees and drives forward, spilling Sarah to  the canvas with a loud thud. 

   ...Kelly presses her right elbow into Sarah's femoral pocket, grinding against the major blood vessels and nerves found there 

   Groin, thigh connection

   Sarah tries to hammerfist Kelly's head, but her sister is staying low enough that the blows have very little power.

   Instead, Sarah bridges to move Kelly back a little, then sits up and snaps her arms around Kelly's neck, sinking a guotine choke

   Kelly doesn't panic, she launches short hooked punches just beneath Sarah's floating ribs.  Her goal is to cause enough damage before the buzzer, or she blacks out.

   Just as her vision starts to fade, the klaxon horn screams and Sarah is pulled off her.

   Sarah springs up only to find her left leg isn't quite able to hold her weight.  Her guts are aching but she gives her corner people a wane smile.

   Kelly coughs hard several times to get airflow going and return oxygen to her brain. She looks to Sarah's corner as she stands, her eyes narrowing rapidly when she sees that guy.

   <If that is who I think it is, I am going to slap him silly> 

   Sarah sinks down to the stool, letting Jordyn start working the muscles that are surprisingly tight in her neck and back.  Luke steps in front of her, shining a light into her eyes checking pupil responses.

   "I want to make sure you are good for the last round.  You are doing a good job, keep it up.  And I know that I screwed up with you, made things horrible.  We can talk after, ok." Luke's voice was even, low, and functionally emotionless; as if he was afraid to reveal or open too much

   "Luke, thank you for being here.  Why are you here?"

   "We can talk after you win."

   Kelly  drops into the stool, Emily checking her eyes and Brian working on her  shoulders and neck. "Brain, can you find out who that new guy in Sarah's corner is? I think  it's Luke, her piece of shit ex boyfriend.  If it is, I need to slug him  at least once." 

   ....."Brian, seriously. That looks like the shithead who crushed Sarah a few years ago.  He put on some weight, a little older

   But I swear to fuzzy buddha that is Luke, something.  Sarah's long term boyfriend."

   "Oh. I can try to find out, but I can't leave your corner until after the fight.  How is your face? You took a couple good hits."

   Gingerly, Kelly examines her teeth with her tongue.  Nothing loose, the mouthguard has gotten uncomfortable from the clenching.

   Doc Simpson; short, heavyset, bearded; steps in front of Kelly and shines a penlight in her eyes; asking a barrage of questions that she barely answers.

   Just as quickly, he steps across the cage to examine Sarah in the same manner. "Luke, you need to make peace with Kelly quickly.  She is going to try to hurt you if she catches you first." "I will talk to her as soon as you win.  You got this Sarah Starr. " 

   Tony Jaa waves both fighters up to scratch.  The sisters tap gloves and the bell rings. 

   Kelly sweeps a round kick st Sarah's  lead leg, driving through the block Sarah snaps up.

   Kelly swings her other leg around with twice the force, driving her shin sharply into Sarah's thigh.  Bone on muscle, just a bruise.  However, in the third round, fatigue is setting in, soreness is adding up.

   Kelly's arms are a little tired, her right cross is sloppy. There is too  much curve, the straight becomes an overhand right. Sarah fires a left  jab inside the punch, landing on the button. 

   Kelly feels her jaw pop, hands instinctively draw up to cover her face. Sarah drops her hips a little and fires a straight right into the mark and a left shovel hook into Kelly's liver.

   Vision gray, Kelly allows her elbows to drop, covering her ribs but leaving her face open.  Sarah digs in with her toes and launches her entire bodyweight into a right uppercut that snaps Kelly's jaw shut.

   Kelly goes boneless, dropping to the canvas in a heap.

   Before Brian can throw in the towel, before Tony Jaa can start counting, before Sarah can raise her fists: Kelly rolls over onto her hands and knees.

   She takes off like a sprinter from the starting block, and connects with her younger sister's legs in a tangle of pale flesh.

   Arms and legs akimbo, Kelly climbs Sarah's body, working her way up one inch at a time.

   (Baby girl, you got this hun.  Your face is hurt but you got this. There is only 90 seconds left.) That weird voice is back, but Kelly has a plan.

   Sarah crunches her tight toned abs to bring her elbows in range of Kelly's upper body.  Rolling her shoulders to get more power.

   Kelly leaps up and forward with the spring of a jaguar, clearing Sarah's flailing arms to snake her left arm around the long pale neck of the girl in white.

   Kelly keeps her weight low and on the balls of her feet and she shifts and slides around Sarah, heading towards her back.

   The fiery red haired head is pressed tightly against the dark brunette as Kelly's right arm comes up.

   Sarah reaches for her neck grasping and gasping, Kelly's left arm has her windpipe trapped in the crook of the elbow.  Kelly's right hand is now pressed against the back of Sarah's head.

   Kelly's left hand is hooked around her right forearm, then she squeezes.

   Sarah twists, bucks, tries to stand; and then goes limp.

   Tony Jaa blows a sharp blast of the whistle and grabs Kelly by both shoulders.

   The fight is over, Red corner wins! 

   Kelly rolls off her sister, dry heaves on the mat, and staggers to her feet.  She then leaps straight up, bringing her feet out in a side split while punching her hands down.

   She does that three more times, to each side of the room, then stumbles to  her corner.  The drum intro of "Devil's Dance Floor" by Flogging Molly pounds over the PA system. 

 Omake 2, Chapter 7 Together at Last finale fight scene, as extended by TiAM325:

   Stephanie's whole face quivered with the impact of the first slap.  Time slowed to a crawl as her glasses went flying. Impact from Chloe's left hand rocked Stephie to her heels. The second right dropped her
   In her own head Stephanie's thoughts presented more like a telegraph.
   We have been struck.
   Unable to evade Falling back Cover
   She pulls her arms across her face, rolling to her right.  Her left elbow is clocked into the air
   The twist sending the hard corner of bone into the jawpocket of her assailant
   A deep male voice, one maybe from a movie, sounded in her ears.
   "Fix bayonets"
   Stephanie, still unsure and reacting rather than acting, brought her right elbow down hard on the crown of Chloe's head. Rocking her shoulders trying to either get away or produce more power, steph drove her left elbow down into the exposed collarbone of the stronger girl on top of her.
   "May your womb be ever barren. May your teeth rot. May your bowels be ever loose and your cycle never end" Sounds poured forth from Stephanie that she neither controlled nor recognized.
   Emily leapt into action at this point. She flung herself into Chloe's back, driving all 100 pounds of female furry into two knees aimed at two kidneys. The force and angle of the attack drove chloe prone, mostly on the floor. Emily, keening 'el deguello' wrapped her fingers deep into Chloe's flowing thick hair, using the fibers as handles to pound the fine features of Brian's ex-girlfriend into strawberry coloured goo using the industrial carpet of the hotel as the anvil
   ...Chloe is struggling to draw a full breath through loose teeth and bloodied lips with that lethal Latin lynx on her back
   Before her vision faded, a harsh contralto voice yelled out. "Yub tvhoya maht," and the burden was relieved.
   Mara, wet hair flowing, sculpted muscle gleaming in the harsh florescent light, was holding Emily aloft by her skimpy cosplay kimono.
   The only  sign of strain was Mara's knuckles turning white as she gently lowered her friend to the ground, arms bending only at the elbows.
   .. Chloe's vision faded to black as Mara's towel slipped
   ...Stephanie scurried for her glasses as soon as Chloe's weight was shifted off her. Not much for armor, she still felt protected behind them. There was a foreign coppery taste in her mouth. Is, is , is that blood? Almost retching, the pink hair girl spat out a gob of blood and something fleshy
   Oh, my, STARS! Did I bite off my tongue? No no, my tongue is fine. There is a notch in Chloe's esr. I bite off her ear? Oh goodness. "Gloria Fortis Miles. Adverse et Admorsus" the same deep sonorous voice spread through her brain again. It was comforting, if not quite familiar
   <praise the brave soldier. Resist and bite>
   Looking up from the blood spatter, stephanie saw Rebecca sitting Emily down on her feet, Chloe barely moving on the floor. Then the towel slipped.

Chapter 8 Then they Banged pt 2, as abridged by TiAM325:

   'This weird magical crap started happening in and to me after I met that guy and touched his charm thing.  I kinda like the feeling'
   'Girl, don't fuck with the weird magic stuff. It be changing your mind for you'
   'But I love how I feel and don't want to go back.  And I think I can touch your feelings.  Wanna try'
   'What sure, try it once. I can't be this close to magic shit without poking it with a stick. Damn that was hot. Weird magic shit is messing with me but it feels good.'

Chapter 8 Then they Banged pt 3, as abridged by TiAM325:

   "Brian I am so horny I can barely fucking stand.  Look at my tits.  My hair is awesome.  Healthier than it has been in years.  Look at my tits.  How the fuck.    did you change my hair."
   "I don't know. I will pay to dye it black if you want. Yes your tits are very nice."
   "Brain we are going to bang like a screen door in a tornado. But that is because you are a special, nice, giving man. I am a bundle of fuckup wrapped in sex appeal. You want to deal with my bundle of fuckup, you are amazing. Look at my tits and fuck me."
   "We are going to deal with your past, together. Now, let's build our relationship. Your tits are very nice. Time to have great sex."
   <Kelly strips the yoga pants off > "Now I am naked.  Your cock is out. Fuck me."
   Boom boom. "Police, we got a noise complaint but I can't hear anything and you are naked you 2 have fun goodbye now"