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(pt 1, pt 2)

“So—what do you think?” Kelly remarked in an innocent tone, turning from the mirror above the sink and glancing towards Brian. “Is the new look okay on me?”

She’d never put a shirt back on, and was more conscious than ever of how her healthy pair of twins were out on display, capped with stiffening pink nubs that pointed towards Brian in an accusing way. The moment Stephanie and Emily took off, tensions in here had heightened to dizzying degree, and it was all she could do to focus on their casual talk and banter.

Kelly felt like she was hotboxing sex phermones, like her mind was careening through a shimmering red nebula of fuck-fog. Brian still had his dick out, it was still hugely erect, and he was making no motion to holster his weapon and put this sexy standoff to an end. So, she wet her lips and smiled at him.

“You look great,” Brian answered honestly. “The red makes you seem kinda like…”

“Like who?”

“Wait, are you gonna take offense to comparison?”

“Depends on the comparison, doesn’t it?” Kelly laughed, rolling her eyes. “No, Brian. I’m not as fucking touchy as your ex. Give it to me straight, alright?”

“Uhh.” Brian grinned, looking embarrassed. “Well, I was gonna say you look kinda like Haydee Millions, from Paramourn, with that red hair.”

“Hmm, Haydee Millions?” Kelly touched her chin, looking thoughtful. “Thank you.”

Is he still being careful with where he looks? She wondered.

Planting her hands on the vanity behind her, she arched her back a bit, rolling her shoulders through a stretch. His gaze wandered slowly, following the line of her neck down to meet the jutting round shapes of her breasts, and lingered there for a moment before casually returning to meet her eyes. Oh, fuck. Oh fuck yes.

“Nothing to thank me for,” Brian said, distracted. “It’s—”

“Brian—shut the fuck up,” Kelly interrupted with a chuckle.

She was almost pacing in place, subtly shifting weight back and forth from one leg to the other just to keep them from shaking. As she did so, the slick feel of her lips shifting against one another with lubrication was incredibly distracting. All of her dials were in the red, her kamikaze crash-course was laid in, and it felt like she was screaming down on final approach to her target.

“You gave me this hair,” she pointed out. “You and your magic sauce.”

“I... really don’t think that I have magical semen,” Brian laughed uneasily. “That’s not even a little bit possible.”

“Oh?” Kelly tilted her head with a challenging smirk. “You have some other explanation for what’s going on?”

“Not… as of yet, no,” Brian admitted. “But—”

“The red isn’t dyed, you know,” Kelly reached up and fluffed her luxuriant new hair for emphasis. “I know firsthand what dyed fuckin’ hair looks like. What I had earlier, that was dye. You’d’ve had to bleach out that black and then add new color, which’d leave me all kinds of dry and damaged.”

“I don’t have any idea how that happened,” Brian tried to explain. “If you need me to cover the cost of changing it back, I can—”

“Does this look dry or damaged?” Kelly spoke over him, running her fingers through her silky new strands. “Take a look, Brian. This is amazing, this is healthier than what I had—this is brand new fucking hair.”

“I… uh…” Brian was at a loss for words.

“The color’s just a start, too,” Kelly took a cautious step forward. “Didja know Stephanie had a couple acne scars, yesterday? Not big ones, but they were there. Two of ‘em, these almost imperceptible little dimples in the skin, just outside her left eyebrow.”

This time she let her own line of sight wander down his naked body, travelling from that stupid handsome face to the broad lines of his shoulders, his chest, dropping across the exquisite abdominal musculature to that prodigious dick of his standing rigidly up in the air. She could swear it throbbed in response to having caught her eye, and almost forgot what she was in the middle of saying.

“—Well, they’re gone,” Kelly continued, swallowing a mouthful of saliva. “The acne scars. Where’d they go, Brian? How’d all her facial pores dramatically shrink over the course of twenty-four hours? Why do her eyes look bigger and brighter than before? What’ll happen next, when we go further—when we bang? Do I get fucking years younger? Bigger tits? Devil horns, or something?”

“Um…” Brian winced, eyes flicking furtively across her chest for a moment.

“So, magic kisses. Magic cum. Whatever, however—doesn’t matter. Even if you were some total asshole, ladies’d be lining up to suck and fuck you, Brian,” Kelly shrugged, lifting and dropping her shoulders with enough force for her tits to bob with the motion, and then lowered her voice. “But… you’re not some total asshole.”

“I’m not exactly any kind of saint, eith—”

“Shut up and lemme finish,” Kelly growled, inching closer again. The room was small, and in another step she would be practically astride him. “It’s a factor, is what I’m saying. As your girlfriend now, I’m gonna be totally fucking honest with you. It’s a factor. But, I wanted you to know… that it’s not the factor. Okay?”

“...Okay,” he said slowly, as if measuring her words over and over in his mind. “So, what’s the factor?”

That you’re willing to reach into the fucking mess that is my world right now and throw me a fucking lifeline, Kelly thought, sizing him up with intensity in her eyes. That you weren’t interested in the pretty face and perfect body on offer, if they didn’t come with the shitshow real me and all my fucking problems. That I—that I TRUST you, and the more I think about it, the more I really FEEL it... the more everything else, ANYTHING ELSE seems trivial.

The mystery beauty magic, the way your eyes make me shiver, how good you taste, this raw fucking chemistry between us. The way I wanna go face down ass up and just have you piledrive that monstrosity into me—that, that’s all just fuckin’ window dressing. Icing on the cake. All over my cake. Icing.

“I… don’t think I can explain it right,” Kelly admitted in aggravation, biting her lip. It was hard to think. “S’complicated.”

He locked eyes with her, and they seemed to connect again, emotions and attraction pulled into the same wavelength in a hissing flash of red sparks. She was close now, so close to him that she couldn’t hide anything. It was as if those reasons too embarrassing to put into words were dancing right there in her brandy-brown eyes for him to read.

“Then, show me, instead,” he challenged.

Oh my God.

That almost had her teetering forward beyond control. She was so ready to climb on top of him, to mount him, to crash down like a world-ending red comet and obliterate this farcical charade they were entangled in. Realizing she was almost there—almost there, so fucking close—she gathered her last shaky vestiges of self-control and regained a precarious mental balance.

“...Not, uh, gonna go all principled on me, if I do?” Kelly asked with a nervous laugh. “Figured you’d put up some kinda fight. Say some, oh, I don’t fuck on the first date. Something stupid like that?”

“That’s not… entirely why I was being stubborn, earlier,” Brian admitted with a playful grin. Slivers of red starlight streaked through her peripheral, and it felt like he was falling again, because that was not a denial.

“Didn’t trust you. Wasn’t sure if I liked you,” Brian said. “Yeah, you’re great, don’t get me wrong. But, after… everything, after Chloe, I didn’t have much of any kind tolerance for girls who seemed like they were looking down on me. Even if it’s just that I’m… what, a lowly weeaboo to you?”

Ah. Kelly almost felt herself blush at that, and she let herself break into an uneasy smile.

“I, um. Wasn’t completely honest with you before,” Kelly confessed, reaching forward to trace fingertips along his shoulder. He was so warm. “The girl I came to AnimeCon to say goodbye to, Sarah. She wasn’t just a friend, she’s… my little sister, actually. So, over the years in my head I sorta got to telling myself that this was her convention stuff, that it was too geeky for me.”

“Sarah Star?” Brian guessed.

“Yeah,” Kelly said, accidentally revealing her surprise in the way her fingers froze. “How’d you…?”

“We saw her at the cosplay contest,” Brian explained. “You two resemble each other a lot. Otherwise, I’d have probably never made any connection.”

“It’s… yeah,” Kelly let out a wistful sigh, watching her hand play sensuously back and forth across his skin. “Kelly Killy and Sarah Star, that’s us. Our real last name’s Killarney.”

“You don’t have to say goodbye to her,” Brian pointed out. “You’re staying with me for a while, right? We’re gonna get Mrs. Rivera to find a stage for you somewhere, singing or acting or, y’know, something.”

“It’s too weird to think about,” Kelly frowned, blowing a tuft of red hair out of her face with a puff of her lip. “I’ve had it in my head so long that I’d be kind of going right off the deep end here, so the thought of just chilling with you instead, getting my life all back together… I don’t know. It’s crazy.”

“But, you will, right?” Brian asked, giving her a searching look. “You’re coming with me, aren’t you? Living with me for a bit, so we can figure everything out?”

“...Yeah,” Kelly realized, and as she locked eyes with him it felt like she was falling even faster now, plunging down into this with streaks of red and gouts of reentry fire. “I am, aren’t I?”

“Then, it seems to me like this moment tonight here between us is... kind of special,” Brian rationalized. “Meaningful, you know.”

“Yeah?” Kelly tensed with excitement as her mind parsed what he meant. Is he saying…?

“Yeah,” he said.

“It is, isn’t it?” Bright, beautiful laughter slipped out of her lips, and her hips gave out an involuntary wriggle. “Meaningful. Oh, Brian, it’s on. Fucking finally, hah. You’ve already gone and said it, now—no take-backs, you fucker.”

“Hey, I wasn’t trying to be difficult, before,” Brian chuckled. “It’s just, you know. The situation’s really come around. You know what the most important thing that you put into a relationship is?”

“Uh. Effort?” Kelly guessed, hands scrambling to shed and discard her borrowed leggings in a hurry. Anticipation had her fingers tingling, and what she wanted—what she needed was so close her body was already betraying her. With one last kick they were off, and she was in front of him, completely naked. It’s time, it’s finally time. Time to—

“Compromise, that’s what makes relationships work,” Brian said. “I’m all about compromise. So, I think... just for tonight, we can celebrate things your way.”

“Celebrate,” Kelly was breathing heavily. “My way. Yeah, celebrate. Okay. Alright, for real now—no more bullshit. I need you right in fucking side of me and I need you to take me hard, before somethi—”

The sudden knock on the door interrupting her was so unwelcome that flashes of red swam across Kelly’s vision. She froze, clenched and ground her teeth in furious aggravation, finally bouncing back off of the bed away from Brian and stalking to the door. Not bothering to cover herself up in any way, she forcefully twisted the handle and swung the door open.

Instead of the expected Stephanie and Emily... it was a uniformed police officer. It was dark outside, but there were dim lights at each of the rooms spaced across the walkway surrounding the pool area. The cop was in his mid-thirties, and wore a crew-cut along with a bored expression as he stood waiting outside their room. Inwardly seething, her mood couldn’t have taken a worse turn if Chloe herself had been standing there, because she hated cops.

“Uhh, ‘scuse me, Ma’am, didn’t mean to interrupt,” the officer said in amusement, awkwardly turning his line of sight back on down the row of doors. “Officer O’Rielly, City Police. Got a call in ‘bout a noise complaint, here. You, uh, you making a lot of noise?”

“No, you’re quite a bit early, actually,” Kelly remarked sweetly, leaning forward to rest her elbow on the door frame. “He hasn’t even started laying into me, yet. Can you come back in… forty-five minutes to an hour, maybe? We’d be happy to justify any noise complaint you’ve got by then.”

(pt 4)

/// Apologies for spamming you guys already with another post, just hit 400 patrons and got excited. Links in posts still don't work, Patreon support claimed it was a spam prevention feature rather than a bug. Gonna work on RE:TT next teaser, I swear.


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