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Which fiction? I see quite often that readers say they adore one story but have zero interest in the other, haha. Up until now, the patron tiers and rewards have been geared just for AnimeCon Harem, really. Do I need to rethink them?



I started with ACH (via MCstories.com). I really need to catch up with ACH, and I recall you posting a index / reading order recently, but I'm unfamiliar with RE:TT.

Jeffrey D. Andújar

Came here originally for trailer thrash now I love harem con as well

Devon P

I like both stories, I don't really care about the side story with Fox at all and don't read it.


Oof, any particular reason why? Anything I can change or switch up with the side-story stuff to rekindle your interest?


Do you remember what part of AH you left off at? RE:TT is an entire different genre I'm trying out, some like it, some don't.

Devon P

I just dislike the character, the writing is fine.

Devon P

I liked Chloe from the start, Foxy came across as a piece of shit in the main story and that feelings stuck around enough that I don't read more of his side.


Definitely came for ACH but like others have said supporting the whole universe is a something we will do also. Once I figure out how they all interconnect ill be reading the rest

Randall Randall

Like most people, I came here more for ACH but also like RE:TT. It's 60/40. That's the first option, given the peculiar way the poll options are written.

Sebas Tian

I originally didn't have much of a problem with foxy in the main story of AHC, in fact I thought he was a typical confident lady's man, however as far as I remember in the main story he didn't really pull any tricks or underhanded things. In the side story's that is entirely different and that is when my hatred for him began. Like I have said before I don't think he is a bad "character" I just know a couple people like him and it pisses me off xD.


I came for ACH, but I only read the complete chapters, so until CH5 is posted in its entirety, I've been reading (and enjoying) RE:TT.

Myob Myob

My current thinking is when Re: ends, I’m gone.


I've loved the Re:TT, then randomly stumbled upon ACH, which I started with mixed feelings, which disappeared when I realized you were the writer - I knew it would be deeper than it seemed. When I caught up to public releases I expected to wait months for the new chapters, and then I found the treasure trove here! :D

Seth P Bates

I came for TT. It is (so far) less sexual, but in my mind a far more interesting story. I read ACH because I'm here, and it's not bad at all.

Aaron Stanley

I started reading your work when I stumble across Re:TT on the list of best stories on Royal Road, ACH was an afterthought honestly only read it because of how amazing you were with the character writing in Re:TT and was hoping to get that fix from your other work. I'm happy to say that my expectation paid off. the only other sexual-based work that I hold in such high regard is a manga called Nana to Kaoru which shares in your works ability to explore not just the sexual nature of relationships but also the emotional. honestly, if it wasn't for the emotional aspect of these works I wouldn't have bothered as otherwise why bother reading when you can just go watch porn. all I have to say is please keep updating Re:TT every so often and once you're done with ACH pick it up full time PLEASE.