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(pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9)

Is that…? Wow. Is that all…?! Stephanie thought, eyes widening at the generous splattering of cum plastered up along Kelly’s neck, some beginning to slide down to pool in her cleavage. Watching Kelly guide him to climax, feeling him shift against her thighs and finally go rigid had Stephanie going crazy. Beneath the gijinka dress, she was wearing nothing at all, and she was way past heating up—she was positively molten and squirming with arousal.

Nuclear pink was flashing intermittently across her mindscape and twitching twinges traveled up and down her body. Stephanie hadn’t been able to imagine anything more sexual than when she’d been secretly fingered amidst a room of strangers earlier. However, that helpless sort of desire paled before witnessing the obscenely pornographic lust of Kelly fellating him and then squeezing his magnificent dick between her breasts and getting him off while others watched—being finger-fucked in the panel room seemed like a private, subdued moment in comparison.

I want that, Stephanie struggled to think, to push coherent thoughts through this radioactive pink haze engulfing her. Another tremor went through her body, and she felt herself contract down there with need. Hours ago, she wouldn’t have been able to even imagine something so directly lewd, and now she realized that she needed it, the idea immediately transforming into raw erotic compulsion. I want to make him cum all over me. With my mouth, with my body… with everything. I want it—I NEED it.

“Oh my God,” Kelly murmured in surprise, sliding her hands up her breasts to gather goopy spreads of ejaculate. “Is this for serious?” Milky white seed was everywhere, in runny spatters and slick strands. A portion of it was even visible in her mouth, cradled between her lip and her tongue, and a string was dripping down from the side of her chin. A mess of semen was all over her chest and the globes of her breasts, beading downward like drooping candle wax, but clearer, more fluid-looking. Stephanie couldn’t help but wonder how warm it felt. How it tasted.

“Holy fuck,” Emily breathed out in surprise as she disengaged from the nearly insensate Brian. “Is that all—d-did he just—erupt?”

“Yeah,” Kelly grinned. “Don’t think I’ve ever seen so much all at once? Like, even in movies? Jesus, Brian.”

“Emily…” Brian managed to gasp out between ragged breaths. “Did—did you just kiss me?!”

“What? N-no,” Emily denied, her face flushing red in embarrassment. “You’re imagining things.”

“I think that maybe you did, Emily,” Stephanie let out a giggle, leaning forward over Brian to gently run her hand through Emily’s pixie cut. “Take a look.”

Her fingers revealed a brilliant strand of blue now adorning Emily’s bangs.

“What is it?” Emily blushed, batting away Stephanie’s hand. “What? Ew, Brian! Did you get jizz on me?! Ew!”

“Nope,” Kelly laughed. “You kissed him alright—you’ve got a streak of color. S’how we know who all’s guilty around here.”

“Color? Whaddya mean, ‘color?’” Emily protested with a blush. “What are you talking about?”

“Blue?” Brian looked at her in surprise. “I don’t get it. Pink, and then red, and now blue?”

“I’m not fallin’ for it!” Emily proclaimed, twisting away from Brian so that she could sit up. “You guys are just tryin’ to distract from all of… this.” She gestured towards the gooey mess flung all over Kelly’s cleavage and beginning to drip down towards Brian’s naked thighs.

“While we’re on the subject of Brian paint-by-numbers,” Kelly teased, swiping a fingertip through the milky white spending across her breast. “Steph—tell me if this does anything.”

Everyone watched in surprise as Kelly then took the dollop of spunk and put it between her lips, slurping it into her mouth as if it was a gob of icing. For a moment, there was only Kelly’s expectant look—but then, Stephanie realized that a cascade of bright red was soaking down through the remaining black in Kelly’s hair, swallowing up what had once been disparate streaks of color until only a few black strands remained. Kelly’s eyebrows followed suit, turning a brilliant red as they arched up over her fluttering eyes.

“Uwwaaahh-haaaahhh, I know it did somethin’, ‘cause that felt like, uh.” Kelly paused, licking her lips. “Like a fuckin’ deep scalp massage, but like—from the inside of my skull. Little red comets and shit. Feels fucking amazing.”

“It... did do something,” Stephanie confirmed, bit her lip, unable to shake that restless horny buzz going up and down her body. “You’re almost completely red, now.”

“What… the fuck?” Emily’s mouth fell open in astonishment at Kelly’s transformation. “How’d you do that?”

“Whoa. I mean,” Brian murmured, blinking at them, still obviously fairly out of it. “Kelly, that’s...”

Briaaan… Looking across Brian’s handsome features as his head was cradled in her lap, down that perfect naked chest of his to where his incredible penis stood, still shockingly erect, finally to Kelly’s breasts—bountiful scoops of flesh, thoroughly soused with that liberal marination of white ejaculate… The pink heat of desire building up inside of Stephanie was almost unbearable, and she couldn’t control her breathing anymore. Impulsive ideas, each one more salacious than the last, rose and fell within her on molten pink plumes of liquid arousal.

The urge to get up, go over and swipe Brian’s creamy cum off of Kelly’s ample breasts and shovel it eagerly into her mouth was overpowering. She wanted it, so badly that it was frightening. Wanted to frantically lick and kiss every last pearl of Brian’s spunk off of her friend’s fair skin, wanted to smear it all over herself, wanted to share it with Kelly in a messy kiss so that they could both enjoy the heady high of this moment.

More than anything, she wanted to try blowing Brian herself.

“No, seriously,” Emily interjected. “How’d you do that?”

“You saw how I did that,” Kelly said, dipping her fingers back into the runny glaze across her cleavage and sucking it into her mouth again. “Brian’s got magic cum, duh.”

“Magic kisses, too?” Stephanie added with a sheepish smile. “A magic tongue?”

“Sure seems like it,” Kelly grinned. “Yeah.”

“He what,” Emily stared at them in disbelief.

“Your hair gets color when you kiss him,” Stephanie explained. “It’s a thing. Or, also when you… um, other things. You should have felt something, that was... really out of the ordinary, to go along with it, right? Something amazing? You have strands of blue in your hair now, Emily.”

“I what,” Emily’s hands shot up to her hair. “I do not. You guys’re fuckin’ with me.”

“Didn’t you feel it?” Kelly teased, sliding fingers slick with cum into her mouth and pulling them out clean. The last vestiges of her dark hair were rapidly disappearing. “Fuck, I still feel it. Steph—you’ve gotta try some of this.”

“I-I, um, is it…?” Stephanie stammered out an uneasy laugh.

“Try some,” Kelly insisted, dropping her arms to her sides and presenting her chest. “I wanna see what else happens.”

“Wait, wait,” Brian shook his head, groggily struggling up onto his elbows. “Emily, why’d you kiss me?”

“I don’t know?!” Emily shrunk back from him, still covering her head. “Wh-why’d you be a stupid sexy jerk-butt?!”

“That doesn’t make any sens—”

“You don’t make any sense!” Emily cut him off. “This whole… this doesn’t make any sense! What the fuck is going on?!”

“You have blue in your hair,” Brian pointed out with a chuckle.

“Y-you have jism everywhere!” Emily countered, her voice going into a higher pitch. “You just got sucked and blown and fucking titfucked right in front of us and you’re naked and you have girlfriends—girlfriends, plural, and—!”

“Yeah, but why’d you kiss him, though?” Kelly smirked, giving her a shocked look.

“Th-this isn’t about me!” Emily protested, pointing an accusing finger at Kelly. “You’re topless and covered in spooge, you don’t get a say!”

“Spooge? Who says spooge?” Kelly rolled her eyes. “You’re a dork. Call it cock sauce. Baby batter. High fructose porn syrup, throat yogurt, man-glue—”

“Yeah, why’d you kiss me though, Emily?” Brian pressed, looking at his longtime friend with equal parts curiosity and amusement in his expression. “Was it just—”

“—Penis colada, trouser tallow, daddy-milk—”

“Sh-shut up!” Emily protested. “Both of you! I just—I don’t know, I just felt like it, okay? It’s not a big deal. We’ve kissed before. Not a big deal.”

“No we haven’t,” Brian shook his head, giving Emily an incredulous look.

“We totally have!” Emily blustered out, pulling her yukata closed again. “Shut up!”

“Let her speak,” Stephanie chided, tapping Brian’s shoulder.

“I... wasn’t drunk,” Emily admitted in a small, almost inaudible voice, looking at them like they were bullying her.


“I wasn’t drunk, back then,” Emily said quietly. “Okay?”

“No, no, you definitely were drunk,” Brian pointed out. “You passed out and everything.”

“Okay—fine, I was a little drunk,” Emily gave him a nervous smile. “But, I wasn’t... supposed to be?”

“I swear Emily, if you’re messing with me right now… do you have any idea what a crush I had on you all throughout high school?”

“You what?” Emily looked stunned. “You fucking what?! You did not. I wasn’t the crush, you were the crush!”

“Yeah, real mature, Emily,” Brian rolled his eyes. “You’re rubber and I’m glue, huh?”

“No, cut it out, I’m being so for serious right now,” Emily exclaimed. There was a strange, giddy feeling rising up within her, as if the strange blue was beginning to bubble with anticipation. “Did you for real have a crush on me?”

“Did you?”

“You answer first!” Emily insisted in a childish manner.

“When did you start to have a crush on me, then?” Brian challenged.

“First day of school,” Emily couldn’t help but smile brilliantly. “Right when you—you know, when you released your power level.”

“His… power level?” Kelly gave her a strange look.

“So, why didn’t you ever…?” Brian asked.

“I did!” Emily said in exasperation, looking away to hide her embarrassment. “It just… well, you know how it went. Fuck.”

“You could’ve just said something—”

“I… could not. Nope, no, no way,” Emily blustered. “It was tough for me back in high school, okay?! Why didn’t you ever say something?”

“It was… also tough, back then,” Brian managed. “There was stuff. Things.”

“Well—okay, yeah,” Emily winced. “That’s true. But, that was all a long time ago!”

“It was.”

“So...” Emily fidgeted on the bed. “I could be your girlfriend too, now, right? C’mon, everybody’s doing it!”

“I mean, yeah—you could,” Brian gave her an even look. “If I wasn’t half-sure that you’re just fucking with me. You’re somehow both the first person and the last person I’d ever trust.”

“What do I have to say to convince you?!” Emily laughed.

“Nothing,” Brian countered with a chuckle. “You’d have to prove it.”

“You prove it,” Emily argued. “You’re the one that said you have this big crush on me! Hah, yeah right!”

“No, you!”

“No, you!”

“Children, children,” Kelly interrupted, amused at seeing Brian reveal this unexpected side of him. “Can you two just fuck and get it over with?”

“O-okay,” Emily said, her voice slightly wavering.

“So, you’re being completely serious?” Brian asked with finality. “About me?”

“Yeah,” Emily answered, looking gun-shy once again. “Kinda?”

“What do you mean, ‘kinda?’”

“Uh, kinda… completely?” Emily admitted.

“Emily,” Kelly intervened again. “Why don’t you try convincing him? And, I don’t mean with your words?”

“Uhhh,” Emily stiffened up. “Umm.”

(finale pt 1)

/// A year ago, I quit my steady job to try out writing for a living. Scary as hell, and there's been a lot of ups and downs, but I think I can say with confidence that 90% or so of all this since Ch 4: Out of the Blue would not have been written if I'd stayed on at the plant and continued working full time. RE: Trailer Trash wouldn't have been written at all.

Huge thank you to all of my supporters, big and small, for helping me get to here, in all seriousness I would not have gotten any of the stories this far without you. Looking forward to getting lots and lots more writing done in the coming years.


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