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“The Great Conjunction is the end of the world! Or the beginning. Hm! End, begin, all the same. Big change. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.”

We covered a lot of ground with the teasers. I think we're a hundred and thirty thousand words ahead in the story, so it's past time for me to go through and rework all of the C and D material up to a B average at the very least. I'll still try to push the RE:TT story forwards (despite it also needing rewrites) but AnimeCon Harem needs major revision before it forges on ahead any further.

I'm fairly happy with the first half of Ch 5, but I'm going to specifically be rewriting the Sarah scene, and likely all of the Stephanie POV portions along the latter half. Also going to be adding some scenes into F101, and reworking as much of M:tM as I can so that perspectives don't hop around as wildly. 

Ideally, I'll be able to join Ch 5 and its companion sidestories together seamlessly, and I'm going to enter into the rewrites with that mindset.



I remember you mentioning you've had to do some research for F101, notably on spanking. If you have any more BDSM-related question during the rewrite, feel free to ask me. I can most likely answer them all. I've been practicing BDSM for nearly 12 years now.

I. Ronical

Take your time