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Kingofclubs was so confident that patrons would choose Melanie Campbell as reader's favorite character that he dared me to run a poll that even put her up against the main characters. Due to the large amount of characters, votes were by write-in only rather than by automated poll. The results are as follows:

8 votes: Emily

(FortySixtyFour, Chris Kobashigawa, HornesOfTheseus, William Foster, Scruffleupagas, CJ, Kimu Taka, Robert E. Poole)

7 votes: Stephanie

(Adam Kranzel, Andrew Snyder, ZeroCross, Trey McKnight,Rene Christensen, Seadrake, Michael Zieher)

5 votes: Kelly

(I. Ronicle, Luke Mofford, Frederick Frederickson, Sebas Tian, G Bowz)

3 votes: Rebecca

(Arcanum Veritas, Mackoy, Joel Robinson, Kalel) 

2 votes: Jordyn

(Roethan, Synn Shadow)

2 votes: Brian

(Zhilbar, jmundt33a)

1 vote: Foxy


(Received no votes:) Chloe, Dan Andrews, Cassie, Megan, Ryan, Dale, Sarah, Qin Wanwan, Mega Miruku, Mr. Gary, Nick, Joe, Ghost Wine, Vic Magnolia, Colleen Clissenberg, Akari Dakumasuku, Ara Ara (the Con Mom), Brady, Ashley, Ben, Jess, Fletcher, Mike, Will, Tanya, Lauren, Mark, Mary, Amanda, Bill, Chrissy, Brick-cloud, Sulric, Idren, Corvus Cantrip, Marina, Bones, Liz, Dave, Bosatus (Rob), Lucas, Geneva, BlasterMage501, Mrs. Rivera, Samantha.

1 vote: Melanie


Let me know if I missed or miscategorized your vote, there were a lot of comments on that post. We've now conclusively proven that not only is Melanie not the most popular character, but that she is (at best) tied for second among the side-story characters. A tie with Foxy, who several voters went out of their way to profess was their least favorite character. It should also be noted that the lone single and only vote Melanie received was from Kingofclubs8129 himself.

I welcome any future challenges, and may run all future polls (including side-story polls) as write-in rather than automated. We only get a fraction of the overall patrons responding, but the responses are more interesting.


Robert Chatterjee

I will say that if we were to do a ranking poll, Neko would probably top 3 or 4 for me.