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(pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7)

“Kelly—Kelly, stop, stop!” Brian managed to breath out, trying to push her back by her shoulders.

“Mmm,” She slowly pursed her lips as she released his slick cock, and smiled wickedly up at him. “I know, I know. I was bad, and I should be sorry. But—I’m not!”

“Hehe. Hehehehe,” pleased laughter came from across the room, and to his surprise, Brian realized that Emily was somehow still inside the room with them. The short Latina in that maddeningly skimpy Akane Kurokawa cosplay was leaning back heavily against the inside of the door, as if bracing against any outside intervention. “Hehehehe!”

Emily?! Damn, when’d she dart back in here? Brian realized to his embarrassment and horror that Kelly was resuming—she was enthusiastically licking up the length of his penis, right in front of his longtime friend Emily. Before he could fully come to his senses, the beautiful girl lowered her head down onto him again, taking him fully into her mouth.

“Kelly—unngh, h-hold on a minute!” Brian protested, once again trying and failing to remove her. How is so much of Kelly’s hair streaked through with red now?

“Nope!” Kelly declared proudly, smacking her lips. “Not gonna!” She plunged back down on him, making loud, wet noises with each bob.

“Hehehehe!” Emily giggled brightly again, clutching distractedly at her cheek where Chloe had elbowed her. “Hi Brian! How’s that feel there, huh? Haha, sure looks like it feels pretty good!”

“Emily…” Brian gave her an awkward smile. He really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry—how long had it felt like his best friend had been dying for something like this to tease him about? “What are you—Mmm—what are you doin’ in here?”

“I was invited!” She declared proudly. For all of her affected bravado, however, the step forward she took was a nervous, hesitant one. “You totally said we could room here with you tonight. Right?”

“Well, yeah, but—” Coherent chain of thought escaped him as Kelly started twisting and sliding around him in a back-and-forth corkscrew motion right in time with each bounce of her head in his lap. Her hand was still gripped tightly around his base, literally beating him off into her mouth as she did so, and it was all he could do in that moment to hang on and keep from cumming right then and there. Ah, fuck-k-k. Not now, Kell, not when Emily’s standing right there fucking grinning at me like this!

“Ah! I get it—you’re busy, right?” Emily wore a giddy expression, and she gingerly tiptoed another step forward. It was that patented mischievous Emily look he knew so well, like she was excitedly sneaking a peak at the Christmas morning presents. A grinning girl, afraid to get scolded, but just so eager she can’t help but get herself in a little trouble. “Hehehe! Well, like, don’t mind me! I’m not gonna interrupt you guys or anything!”


“Oooh! Don’t call out my name when you’re makin’ sexy faces like that!” Emily’s own countenance was going completely red, and she was flashing him a smile so wide that it must have hurt. “You’ll give me the tingles! My heart’s goin’ all a-flutter! Ahahahaha!”

Did you come in here just to mess with me?! Brian wanted to feel embarrassed at the situation, because it was just too weird and impossible for her to be here right when this was inexplicably happening. At the same time, however, it was easy to tell how happy Emily was for him—she was so obviously thrilled at the situation and practically glowing with pride for him. Even if she’s definitely never gonna let me live this down…

To Brian’s surprise, however, his friend crept even closer, bringing a knee up to sit herself on the bed right beside him.

“Wow, that looks like it feels freaking amazing!” Emily teased, cuffing him on the shoulder. “Right?! How’s it feel, huh? Tell me that feels amazing. You’re really just, like, goin’ at it, girl!”

“Mmm?” Kelly hummed. Her cheeks hollowed again as she leisurely pulled herself off Brian with a pop. She was breathing raggedly, working her lips, and absentmindedly touching at the saliva that had run down her chin. “You tryin’ to swap places?”

“Uhhh!” Emily froze for a moment before bursting into an uneasy giggle. “Uhhhh— Hehehehe!”

“That’s… this is, uh. Well, guys, as you mighta guessed, that was my ex Chloe screaming at us, back there. Kelly, Stephanie, this is my friend I kept tellin’ you about. Emily,” Brian finally introduced the girl. He was still wrestling Kelly back from his cock, and for a moment the girl fought him, redoubling her efforts to cram the entire thing back in her mouth again.

“Yeah, uh—we’ve met,” Kelly chuckled, not looking up from what she was doing. She managed to stretch herself forward enough to catch his cockhead between her pillowy pink lips and greedily suckled on it, sloppily french-kissing the tip of his dick. “Mmm, gave Emily my key. How d’you think she got in?”

“Your... key?” Brian struggled to concentrate.

“Yeah! Thanks… Kelly,” Emily said, having only now learned her name. She gave Brian a huge smile, watching on with intense interest as Kelly continued to slobber and slather attention all over Brian, and then waved at the girl half-hidden behind him. “Hiya there, Stephie!”

“Hello... again,” Stephanie smiled weakly, squeezing Brian’s shoulders tight from where she sat behind him and letting out a long sigh of relief.

“Wait—what?” Brian asked distractedly as Kelly enveloped his rod completely with her mouth again. “You guys—hnngh, when did you guys all—??”

“I met Chloe, first,” Stephanie admitted in a quiet voice. “She approached me when I was waiting for you outside the panel room. She said… that you were helping them set up, that you told her to tell me to meet them outside the convention, at the loading docks. I-I couldn’t find you, and there were these guys, and they tried to pull me into this other building. They wouldn’t listen, and—”

“Wait, wait. Kelly, actually stop now,” Brian carefully cupped a hand beneath Kelly’s chin and pulled her off of him. A strand of saliva extended from her smile to his glistening cock.

“Go on, Steph,” Kelly breathed. Although she restrained herself from going back down on him, she slipped her fingers from both hands around his girth and pumped them up and down, slowly pumping that meat right in front of her own fascinated expression. “Tell him.”

“Um. They were going to—these guys were going to pull me into this doorway, and then—and then, Emily and Rebecca saved me. Emily pulled me away, and Rebecca beat them up. With an axe,” Stephanie recalled. The pink-haired girl hiding shyly behind him had a dazed look in her eyes, unable to peel her gaze away from the erection Kelly was playing with. “And, then we ran, and they made sure I was okay, and we talked to security an-and everything. I—I tried to be strong, and brave, b-but, when that awful text came, fr-from your number…”

“Text?” Brian asked, twisting in place so that he could put a comforting arm around her. “Steph, you should’ve told me everything right away.”

“Chloe musta sent a nasty text,” Emily realized, making a face as she piecing together what happened. It was hard for her not to just zone out, watching the hypnotic sight of Kelly steadily stroking that thing. “She has your phone, Brian.”

“Chloe does? Why would she—”

“She stole it, somehow,” Kelly joined in, looking completely captivated by the sight as she continued jerking Brian off. “She tried to squirt crap all over the Calamity Queen, too. “I swapped you out for that other good Darkmask dude right when someone was askin’ for her picture. And, it worked—she ended up following us all the way out to this parking garage. Tried to fuck up the dress with all kinds of mustard packets.”

“That’s…” Brian turned from Kelly to Emily and then to Stephanie. “It’s crazy. I mean, I’m not saying I don’t believe you guys—it’s just, crazy now hearing that all this happened, and I didn’t even know. Are you okay, Stephanie?”

“I am!” She guiltily looked up to meet his eyes and gave him a beaming smile. “I am now. When I’m with you—when I’m with you and Kelly, I’ll always be okay. No matter what. Ah, uh—Emily, too! Emily and Rebecca.”

“Awww, thanks, Stephie! You’re so fuckin’ adorbs!” Emily reached past Brian to playfully tousle Stephanie’s fluffy pink hair. It seemed to take a conscious effort on her part as well not to simply keep staring at what was going on in Brian’s lap. “But, enough about all that, hehe! Brian, we’re interruptin’ this badass blowjob you have goin’ on!”

“Gah, don’t look, Emily!” Brian protested with a roll of his eyes, shielding his privates from her view with his hand as best he could. “It’s weird.”

“Weird, why?! Why’s it weird?” Emily demanded indignantly. The palm still clutching at her cheek didn’t hide her thrilled expression any more than Brian’s hand concealed his dick.

“Because—because you’re my Emily,” he blustered in protest. “I don’t want you seeing my junk.”

“Why not?!” Emily laughed.

“Yeah, Brian… why not?” Kelly added, releasing the penis she’d had a two-handed stranglehold on to hold it with just one thumb and forefinger. She waggled the prodigious erection back and forth a little bit, slapping it against her own cheek. “I mean, would you just look at this thing? What a monster.”

“Oh my God,” Emily mouthed out. She’d meant it to sound like mock surprise, but her own words rung out in a much more genuine fashion than intended. Brian is… big. “She’s right. That thing… that thing is nuts!”

“Yeah, speaking of…” With a playful grin, Kelly dropped her hand down below to firmly grasp Brian’s balls. “Check these things out!”

Only just connecting her own choice of words with the situation, Emily covered her face with both hands, small chest rising and falling in quick little jerks as she tried in vain to stifle a very immature fit of giggles.

“Alright, c’mon,” Brian chuckled, trying to reach past Kelly to pull his cosplay pant legs back up. “At least let me have a little dignity, in front of my bro Emily at least?”

“No, no, they’re nice,” Kelly objected, hefting them in her hand. She flipped her red-streaked hair out of her face to send him a genuine smile. “I mean geez, they feel heavy. I’m totally not making fun, I swear. Your everything is like… like, are you fucking kidding me? Let her see.”

“That’s not—”

“Brian?” Stephanie’s innocent voice purred into his ear. “This is show and tell... let her look as much as she wants. Please?”

“Emily,” Brian helplessly turned to his longtime friend for support. “You don’t really want see all this, right?”

“Uhhhh,” the petite Latina him a guilty smile, attention flashing back up towards his face. “Ummmmm, haha. I mean, a little, kinda? Like, I don’t wanna anything to get weird ‘tween us or anything, but dude, you’re like… dude. This thing’s like, nice!”

Emily emphasized her praise with an enthusiastic pair of thumbs-up for him, and Brian couldn’t help but chuckle, slumping back against Stephanie in defeat.

“I’m not even gonna be surprised,” Brian gave her a lopsided grin. “Of course you’d want to see—you always were the pervert in our group.”

“I am not!” Emily snorted, slapping at his nearby leg. She immediately remembered that it was currently his very naked thigh, with that stupid huge dick standing up just within her reach, and she quickly withdrew her hand. “Like, look who’s freakin’ talking! L-look at you, look at all this!”

“I blame Kelly,” Brian joked.

“That’s actually pretty fair,” Kelly admitted. She was still transfixed, gently squeezing and kneading Brian’s bulging ballsack. “You wouldn’t believe the things I got Steph to do this morning.”

“I-I blame Kelly!” Stephanie protested weakly. She shifted further back on the bedspread, letting Brian lay back in a reclining position, with his head resting on her thighs.

While throbs of pure pink lust had certainly been coursing through Stephanie earlier, the sudden situation and Chloe screaming hysterically at them had startled her silent. She was still slowly calming down, and although Brian’s beautifully masculine nude figure was definitely a feast for the eyes... right now, Stephanie was craving calm and comfort. There was something both possessive and strangely satisfying in gently pulling Brian—her boyfriend, Brian—back to cradle him in her lap. Somehow, it felt like she’d unwittingly achieved a major life accomplishment. Lap pillow!

“You okay, Emily?” Brian asked.

“Am I okay?” the cute cosplayer gave him a confused look.

“You’re holding your face.”

“Oh, I—yeah, hah. I think Chloe mighta got me with an elbow back there,” Emily withdrew her palm and gingerly probed her cheek with her fingertips, immediately swearing. “Ow, ow ow ow. Fuckin’ cunt!”

“Let me see,” Brian insisted, motioning her forward.

“Uh,” she froze. “Okay…”

Feeling almost numb with trepidation—or maybe anticipation, Emily carefully climbed down onto her hands and knees atop the bed beside him with stiff, careful movements. She felt as though that right now sloshing blue arousal and attraction had filled the chalice of her self to its very brim, and any untoward movement on her part ran the danger of spilling out the truth of her feelings. In a lot of ways.

He was practically naked, resting his head on one girl’s thighs while another was playing with his dick, and he wasn’t able to ignore the weird way Emily had been clutching her cheek. She felt like he could’ve been in his rights to tell her to take a hike in this situation, longstanding friendship or not. Sex hung in the air in here, and not just as a possibility. Hot and heavy things were gonna be crashing over this hotel room like a tidal wave, a terrible, full-body-tingling inevitability.

I’m not in over my head again… right? I can ride this out to wherever it goes, Emily licked her lips, giving Brian a nervous smile. She leaned in closer so that he could see her face, and she could almost see the triumphs and tribulations he’d gone through this weekend, dancing in those mottled green eyes of his. Could he see beneath the surface, to those terrified trembling depths?

“H-how bad is it?” Emily asked.

(pt 9)

/// Continuous rewrites likely throughout the future as I play with different perspectives and dialogue options. Trying to capture just the right dynamic of playfulness, sexy, exasperation, and whatever, fuck it. Still owe you guys three teaser updates for this month, doing my best to balance working on them with not burning myself out.

TerinCat sent us a new revised artwork, I consolidated all of her stuff into just one post so that it wasn't cluttering up the feed quite as much. I'm probably going to only ask for one more round of revisions, so any last input or feedback you can give for our AnimeCon Harem cover is greatly appreciated.


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