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Setting up a Subscribe ★, as an alternative to Patreon for people who wish to support my writing—but would prefer not to do so through Patreon. Might be a little rocky for the first month as I try different posts out, I'm not used to their in-line styles just yet and their detection of symbols seems to throw things off.

Not currently planning to remove my Patreon page or stop posting regularly here. Unless I'm removed without notice on the whim of the Patreon trust and safety team, all of you will have ample notice if I ever decide to leave Patreon for any reason.

My handle on there will be the same as it is here; FortySixtyFour.

 2/20 Update: My Subscribe ★ is set up and currently equivalent to the Patreon $1 tier, featuring all of the same content that would be accessible here; chapters, bonus chapters, teasers of chapters in progress.


Luke Mofford

Yeah, that’s all kind of shifty. They deplatformed Adult 3D Animation creator Studio FOW (admittedly for specific infractions and violations of Patreon’s TOS), and straight up told them in their letter informing the Studio that they were no longer welcome, that should any member of the team attempt to make another Patreon page, Trust and Safety would go through the social media pages of everyone Patreon knew was involved with the Studio, and would ban any further pages if they found anything objectionable, in anyway, outside of Patreon.


Oof. So far, my test posts up on there have been a major headache. Lot of reformatting work to do, as their system is many times pickier about style placement. HTML tags become asterisks, but asterisks won't be translated into italics in a lot of cases, like, for instance, if there's a space between it and the first word to be emphasized. They also don't accept italicizing part of a word but not the entire word.