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                                heres an idea for the chapter introducing the villain:

he opened his eyes and smiled showing off his sharp teeth "finally  someone is using my amulet again" he growled "after that stupid human  threw it away saying "these two beauties is enough for me" I thought it  would take another 100 years until someone so compatible pick  it up....but" his smile turning into a frown he is to caring instead of  owning these women and becoming their master of their body and their  delicious soul he is treating the equally making their souls stay in  their own body a measly male soul is not worth a contract, I cant  wait for another to get it I will have to take measures into my own  hand" reaching out he grabs the nearest flying demon servant by the  throat "get me my book of souls" the demon trembling replied "yes  m'lord" and flew off. a few min latter it came back caring a leather  bound book "here you go m'lord" he grabs it slowly caressing the cover  before opening it. he flips through the pages until he stops at one page  "ahhh I remember her, one of the strongest warriors of he world  but when an army to big for even here to handle she turns to an ancient  tomb that shows you how to make a deal with me and she draws out a  contract were in exchange for her soul I will kill the entire army for  her, she will do nicely" with a wave of his hand a women was summoned  first startled but when she sees him she starts to yell "you lying son  of a ***** I will--- but she was cut off by him " what do you mean lying  I killed the whole army like you asked?" the women snarls "yah but only  after they already killing, raping, and enslaving my village" smiling  he replies "you should have been more specific WHEN you wanted me to  kill them, but enough talking I need you to go to earth and corrupt a  man to steal willing women souls" she looks at him with disgust "and why  would I do that"  "well bc I own your soul and you have no choice I  will place your soul into your body allowing him to steal it and there  by learning how to steal from others, any question befor you go?"  "yah  earth only has humans and im obviously not a human how will that  work?" smiling his widest smile yet he says " don't worry were your  going no one will notice" and with a snap the girl disappeared from the  cave.

p.s. are they turning into the things they a dressed like?
p.p.s. can u do someone who is dressed up the girl from bleach who  plays endless tag but her grown up form she is the best combo of  adorable and hot 

 /// Would you guys notice if I hired a ghost writer for the rest of AnimeCon Harem?



Also I love the first post note. Of course, they are turning into what they are dressed like because clearly a harem fic would involve bestiality with a generic brand Flareon, ninja girls always bring water to mind and gothic lolita girls are well known for having red hair.


I'm glad someone is doing it with sarcasm. Let me be straightforward. NO!!! A "NO!!!" as loud and long as has ever been filmed in cinema. This is the complete inversion of the story you've said you wanted to tell. Embrace your own vision. Please!!

Kimu Taka

That's uh, that's something there. For a second I thought someone stole your password.


My first immediate thought was--have I not been writing Chloe as villainous enough? I need to step up my game.


Nope, there's already enough going on without adding demons and soul-stealing and shit. So no, don't add this. That wouldn't be the kind of story I thought it was going to be, nor the kind of story I wanted it to be.


On the one hand, it would make the story generic in a way that many other stories on Royal Road are. But, on the other hand--it also becomes generic in the way that many harem animes are when the writer misses a deadline or runs out of ideas and suddenly introduces supernatural aspects.


I'd rather the deadlines be missed than the story be fucked.


........Huh. Now I kinda want to go back to sleep too, and it's 2 in the afternoon. Although, if we have an alien harem demon descend on the Convention, all the cosplayers start transforming into what they're dressed up as, only the massed supernatural force of harem can keep them away (presumably by concentrating all the group's spiritual essence into the focal individual) and the whole place begins hooking up to resist (or indeed, embrace!) the demon-alien's corrupting prowess... Yeah, I STILL want almost as much nothing to do with this premise as before.


Maybe instead of trying to strengthen the premise it should just be given a one-shot as is? Sort of a Doom: Repercussions of Evil approach, though the original post is pretty close to that already. All it needs is a "you are the demons" moment and you'll be good to go. (Turns out MARA was the alien harem demon the whole time!)


In addition to how generic it would make this story become I wonder if the writer of this, I guess "story" is the kindest word I have, has something against grammar and sentence structure. I had a headache by the time I was done reading this


Doesn't Chloe already want to steal Brian's soul? Maybe just break it.


Tosk, this is more a sketch to get feedback. Check below and you will see how he usually writes. :)


I thought he said this was a PM he received on Royal Road with "Story Suggestions"


I don't want to guide the story, I want to enjoy the trip. :) As for the ghost writer, it all depends on the quality. A good ghost writer is invisible but also difficult to find.


This said, not everything in the story needs to be explained. What is important is that the world and the events taking place in it need to be coherent.


This was definitely not written by 40-64. He is mocking the idiot who sent him this shit as a suggestion on Royal Road by suggesting that this person could ghost write for him. I am pretty sure whoever wrote this suggestion was either an idiot or 11 (more likely both).

Jedi Khan

Someone obviously wants you to try making the story into some sort of sprawling epic. And here I thought you were setting up to make this into an erotic version of Poke...er, Battle Monsters...with humans instead of creatures.

Miss Stephanie

Th-this is a joke right?? Please don't ghost us Gre- er, Forty.. I think Kell would *literally* kill you IRL! A-And then we wouldn't exist anymore.. WE <gulp> wouldn't exist.. ._.</gulp>


goddammit steph breathe! thats not gonna happen. you're going to keep existing, because he's GOING to keep writing. otherwise I'd trample stamp his goddamn balls to the curb. not even joking fuck this beta cuck DnD nonsense!!

Jedi Khan

Uh...what? I'm not good at meta thinking...wait, I get it! The acronym at least. Took a moment. Still not sure what "meta" means...? Brain starting to hurt now. Gonna get back to work and stop thinking for a bit.


There's nothing to worry about--there's literally almost no way to tell the difference between this ghost writer's work and my own. You guys won't ever know the difference.


Had to laugh out loud right away because your post reminded me of the "No!" Harry Potter copypasta that interrupts 120% of online Harry Potter discussions I've seen.


When I managed the Pizza Hut in town, I set the login password for the touchscreens to "Luau." Everyone knew what the password was, but had to ask how to spell it, every single time.


I suppose I could start hinting that her willful negligence has, in fact, gotten innocent people killed here and there. Trying to think what else I could manage to squeeze in...


Haha, you know what I mean though, right? The setup seemed like something out of a cheesy anime with a demon lord.


There's a twist or two still in store for the main story, but to my frustration, I really, really don't want to spoil it yet.


Yeah, I can't claim credit on this one, it got messaged to me via Royal Road. Also getting a lot of comments there on people suggesting different ways for Tabitha to use her future foresight to become a billionaire... but that's not really a goal she has.


I woke up to find this and had to stare at it making a weird face until my girlfriend came over to see what the heck I was staring at, haha. Had to share it with you guys. I am actually a little worried that by posting up on Royal Road, I'm getting an audience a little too young for the themes/maturity. Or the blatant sexual stuff.


I love READING sprawling epics, but I'm not sure I could write one. My stories tend more towards personal conflict examined as closely as I can. I mean, I've written some two hundred thousand words, yet it's the story of a three-day convention trip.


It's okay, the kitty harem totally counts. But yeah, please avoid all spoilers; as you well know, it tends to spoil the experience. I like the way you shoot the HSQ (Holy Shit Quotient) of a chapter straight through the roof as things are!


Thank you! I think. I really do wish Patreon had a spoiler tag feature, I feel like most platforms have one in some way or another.


True. Not that such a setup can't be good. I've read one, very badly translated, novel like this and it was actually good compared to all the shitty ones you see in anime. But yeah. And the reason I took this seriously is because my brain forgot what pm means...

Jedi Khan

Yes, but that three day convention trip could be the beginning of something more. What that more is, is entirely up to you. It could simply be start of a happily ever after for Brian and the girls, it could be the beginning of a grand quest to foil some evil demon lord with the power of a loving harem, or it could be the start of a journey to become the Harem Battle Champion. All up to you, Master Storyteller.


The sequel to AnimeCon Harem is already figured out, courtesy of my writing so much slower than I plan. It's just going to be another lame one centered around personal conflict though; RennFaire Fantasy.

Jedi Khan

Oh? Interesting. Phase 2 in your master plan, then, before you begin the sprawling epic that even you don't know is coming. ;-)


Now that makes sense. Shows to tell I should not write comment when overly tired.


It was certainly intended as a compliment; the higher the HSQ the more intense the emotional investment! And I'm glad of no spoiler tags; I have a really hard time not availing myself of accessible information- as shown by me showing up here instead of just waiting for you to put up another chapter on the relevant site.

Luke Mofford

Zhilbar, there's a Jayne Cobb quote that I feel fits here: Lets see now, 10% of nothin' is... nothin' into nothin', carry the nothin'...


Are... are there going to be more of those fictional Patreon accounts? Because I want more.


The most curious part is how the "villain" is Chloe's direct opposite. Where she's a radical feminist who has gotten carried away a little bit too much, the "villain" is mega-misogynist. Do Chloe and Brian bury the hatchet to fight against misogyny?


Maybe an omake where you pretend to jump the shark after running out of plot?


Everyone Loves Large Chests gets way weirder, way more sexual than you'll ever get here. And it's doing really well on Royal Road.


Im gone for just a little bit and now you are doing this. I feel offended.