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Some thoughts going through my head as I work on Ch 12 today. As some of you are aware, partway through writing the series I decided to change my release format from small chapters averaging 5k words, to large chapters, running an average of 25k words.

Before year's end, I'm going to clean out a lot of the non-story-related update posts, and have all of the story posted up on Patreon for ease-of-reading. Should I break up the large chapters into smaller ones so that it can be read as a serial, easy-to-finish a portion and with a wealth of more chapters to read? Or should I organize the small chapters into larger installments that require an hour or more of time for a reader to sit down and work through?

As people who've already suffered through reading my story, your opinions and preferences on format matter the most to me. The story seems to take well to splitting, as I have good hooks throughout the material that make for good closers/openers, but it lends just as well to larger format reading some of the smaller chapters together in a batch.

Serial Format:

  • I leave the first six chapters as-is.
  • Split Ch 7 into two chapters.
  • Split Ch 8 into six chapters.
  • Leave Ch 9 as-is.
  • Split Ch 10 into four chapters.
  • Split Ch 11 into seven or eight chapters.
  • Leave bonus chapters as-is.

Large Installment Format:

  • Combine the first seven chapters into a single chapter.
  • Leave Ch 8 as-is.
  • Combine Ch 9 and Ch 10 into a single chapter.
  • Leave Ch 11 as is.
  • Combine bonus chapters into a single chapter.


B Dream

Anything in between possible? You always seem to talk about Chapter number 1-11 (now 12), which I assume matches the Literotica chapters. However I read yours on storiesonline (which has a much better reading interface IMO) where there are 4 chapters that cover 1-10 I think. So I don;t fully relate to the 1-10 numbering or what those sizes mean, but I suspect they may be a little small. None of the 4 SOL chapters seemed too long to me. I assume they would be part way between your 2 suggestions. Also, how come you have posted the chapters differently on SOL vs Literotica? And, will you continue posting on SOL (I think chapter 11 content is not there yet)? And tbh I think the real balance is between chapter length and delay. i.e. I have no problem with the long chapters you suggest once they are complete. The advantage of shorter chapters is smaller waits in between chapters as you are writing/publishing.


I'm having issues figuring out how to edit chapters already posted to StoriesOnline (do I need to repost them completely?!) and I know there's a few sections there where the italic tags got messed up and large swathes of text were italicized when they weren't meant to be. Not sure how noticeable it was on your readthrough. I started writing small chapters in the first place because writing was a new hobby for me, and I needed to squeeze it in after work but between cosplay, battle-gaming, running a Minecraft server, and hanging out with buddies. Only ever switched to the "large" format because I was writing the truth-or-dare game that way. I wanted it to have a big impact on readers (and not have them kept in suspense partway through) and that portion kept snowballing into a bigger and bigger mess of text because I kept putting in too much detail. I was able to combine chapters into larger portions for StoriesOnline because I'd already finished the chapters and had some perspective on how they'd fit together for better reading. For instance, I've decided to not post the Emily chapter on MCstories or StoriesOnline yet, because I want to put it up paired with the following chapter.


I think the readers have spoken. I'm going to go ahead and organize them into the larger batches and start formatting them for Patreon.


Hey long time Literotica fan and recent discoverer of your Patreon. Might i suggest uploading your chapters here in a popular text format such as .txt , .doc or .pdf? You could poll the other supporters as to what format they prefer or even do more than one. This gives your supporters an even more tangible and organized reward for supporting you and it'll be easier to keep your posts organized. I find that's what a lot of the other content creators i support do.