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10/1 Poll for Bonus Chapter

  • Cosplay Make up Panel 10
  • Order of the Sovereign Swords 13
  • Fetish 101 Panel 15
  • Photoshoot Prankster 13
  • Mary: The Mastery 6
  • 2017-10-01
  • —2017-10-06
  • 57 votes
{'title': '10/1 Poll for Bonus Chapter', 'choices': [{'text': 'Cosplay Make up Panel', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Order of the Sovereign Swords', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Fetish 101 Panel', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Photoshoot Prankster', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Mary: The Mastery', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 6, 19, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 1, 6, 58, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 57}


There's always a lot of interesting things going on at anime conventions, more than we'd get a chance to see with just Anime Convention Harem. So, everyone please vote for what you'd like to see the most! On a provisional basis, we're going to have the weak suggestions I made a few months back as our options. The bonus chapters are going to exist as side-story supplements to the main story, but will only be posted here on Patreon. A brief recap of the ideas in our hat:

  • Cosplay Make up Panel

Curious, Kelly wanders into a cosmetics how-to panel to discover a familiar face; the friend who dragged her to AnimeCon three years ago is running the show. Kelly offers to demonstrate her own skill for the panel, and a familiar girl named Megan eagerly volunteers to become her canvas...

  • Order of the Sovereign Swords

Some medieval-garbed LARP enthusiasts from out of state try to poke fun at the drowsy-eyed girl everyone else seems suspiciously deferential to. Does she even know how to use padded weapons?

  • Fetish 101 Panel

Stephanie doesn't like the sound of this panel, and she doesn't know where Kelly even found a collar and leash for her to wear. W-why is everyone just staring at me!?

  • Photoshoot Prankster

Frustrated, horny, and downright furious; when Emily finds Chloe, of all people, attending the convention, she can't help but want to turn the tables and see this girl humiliated. But can she pull it off without getting caught?

  • Mary: The Mastery

Mark doesn't care about anything but cards, so how is he supposed to find time to show his obnoxious sister Mary around the convention? Besides, the cute nineteen-year old Chinese girl is putting all the other Mana: the Mastery players on edge. Brian, can't you take this brat around the con with you for a bit? I'm beggin' you, man.

I'm only going to let the poll run for a brief period--over the coming work week--I'd like to spend the weekend of Oct 7th & 8th taking time off from plugging away at Chapter 11 so that I can jump right into the bonus chapter. I'm looking forward to your first choice!


Last Knight

The cosplay makeup panel and photoshoot prankster sound the most interesting to me, in that order.

FortySixtyFour (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-28 00:35:38 My weekend starts when I get off work at 3PM today, so I'm having the poll automagically close then so that I can have some time before Sat & Sun to organize my thoughts based on the winner. Looking forward to it!
2017-10-06 08:40:19 My weekend starts when I get off work at 3PM today, so I'm having the poll automagically close then so that I can have some time before Sat & Sun to organize my thoughts based on the winner. Looking forward to it!

My weekend starts when I get off work at 3PM today, so I'm having the poll automagically close then so that I can have some time before Sat & Sun to organize my thoughts based on the winner. Looking forward to it!