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Still back and forth on this one, even this late in the drafting process.



Leaning towards submission on her part and maybe some restraint like shibari. Maybe even tie his dominance into her desire for him to stand up for himself.

Mike Williams

If she likes being submissive, then she might channel her crush on Brian into trying to act like his servant. I assume people like his parents will have actual servants in their home, which will probably make Brian uncomfortable with Emily's attempts to act that role for him.


I could see him feeling that way, although in reality it's all a matter of entitlement. Treating servants like crap instead of people is where the problem is. Her wanting to be subservient to him while still being respected is very different. Could just be she has to slowly show him the difference. Though if she DOESN'T want to be respected that will probably be a much harder sell.


I know there is a way to make paragraphs in this thing but not sure how.

The GrandMage

While Shameplay is interesting, and Roleplay really plays into the theme (So quite frankly is somewhat expected of everyone, really), one of the things I like best about BDSM is the fact it's a kink firmly built on trust. And that, I think, Brian really needs. Nothing to wash Chloe's manipulations and obvious distrust of him away then someone trusting him to have all the power in the relationship with the implicit understanding he'll stay within the boundaries of what she wants. Which I think goes a long way to paying off the Chloe/Emily angle of the ex vs requited crush and everything. Plus, Brian coming from a background where his family tried to completely control him to a position of consensual control. . . It's a kink I could see him perhaps being reluctant to explore only to find himself enjoying it. It kind of fits the themes of the characters best, I'd say. Plus, you teased it in Chapter 5 and it's my kink, so of course I want a payoff.

Kimu Taka

I wasn't originally on the BDSM train, but after reading other comments, it does make sense and would make for a deep journey of trust, discovery, and understanding between Brian and Emily (if indeed that goes that way). Or Emily and the others if you go "True Harem" ending that isn't School Days. Heck, if you go multi-novel with this (and why not, Janet Evanovich is still making bank on Stephanie Plum after 20 years) it would really work for either a whole book or over multiple books. Start it here, while everyone is in the thrall of the Harem Charm, and then in subsequent books explore a bit more of the depth and effect that such a relationship has on Brian given his troubled past (as touched upon by Mike, Roethan, and TGM).


After a lot of deliberating, I'm actually thinking about going down the Other: All of the Above route. Having Emily have some really out there kinky fantasies that really set her apart from the other girls. Maybe tie it into the whole chapter by having a subplot wherein through the flashbacks, Emily keeps getting called a freak by snobby girls in high school or later by Chloe, each time flipping out dramatically on them for calling her a freak. And then, in a closing segment where she's fantasizing about some really out there kinky stuff, she sighs to herself, grins and thinks, "I really can't help it, I'm a freak."

David Turner

Emily i feel should perhaps like all of the aboce but mostly because mike likes it. Theres a lot of people in kink whos kinks are fairly fluid and what makes them REALLY like it is seing their partner get off on it. I feel this meshes well with seeing mike want to gain his confidence in the wake of Chloe. And seeing him take an assertive active role in the bedroom would make her happy. Meanwhile I feel chloe should be the real freak but is so ashamed about her desires that she went full 180. Even when she gives in to mike, which i could see being coordinated by kelly, she would probably go back to being her bitchy self after the fact and would essentially have to be broken multiple times. The idea that if she doesn't have control of the matter then there's nothing to feel guilty about. You could then imagine her continuing to be a bitch in ORDER to get mike to lose his temper and punish her.