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    When Brian woke up, the slanted canvas of the tent above him was bright with daylight, and draped across his midsection were plush thighs, round buttocks, and bare pussy. Stephanie had fallen asleep still astride him and had shifted to one side, hugging one of his legs against her face. Morning wood stood at attention—or perhaps even his erection from last night hadn’t gone anywhere, simply standing vigil through the night—but none of the mess from their activities was apparent.

    Hmm, not that there’d BE a mess, maybe? Brian stretched out his shoulders and rose up onto one elbow, rubbing his face. Think she might have swallowed. I guess that—no, that’s not right, either. There should be sweat, there should be stuff all over my face and chin for sure. Instead, it feels like I just showered.

    Despite feeling fresh now and having a lot to think about this morning, Brian started off his day doing nothing more than admiring the beautiful curvature of Stephanie’s ass. It was a magnificent display; round cheeks a pale but not too pale shade of peach, her thighs were full and thick, grabbable, but had muscle tone. Spread across him and on full display as she was, he was treated to an intimate look at her anus and vulva.

    She is, in a word—perfect, Brian decided.

    He had never had a particular specific interest in anal play or that kind of thing, but seeing the clean pink divot of her adorable asshole invited that kind of temptation, and as always the neat lines of her labia lips just below made him want to bury his face in it all over again. For a few long moments as he woke the rest of the way up he considered doing just that—waking her with his tongue. His dick twitched and his arm throbbed at the thought as his pulse sped up. 

    Turning his attention to the unexpected throb in his arm, Brian discovered a bandage. The deep row of teeth marks from Chloe last night had been pretty bad, and it looked like whatever magic effect that had him waking up feeling like he’d already showered and brushed his teeth didn’t extend to fixing bite wounds. He stared at the white gauze and the strips of medical tape that held it in place for a long moment, debating peeling it back so that he could have a look at the damage in better light.

    Ehh. Probably shouldn’t fuck with it, Brian thought, flexing his forearm to feel twinges of pain and then opening and closing his hand with a wince. Shit though, that really hurts. She almost took a chunk out of me.

    Last night seemed like a blur, now—arguing across the campfire, chasing after Chloe’s scream in the woods. Clambering down there into that pit with her. He remembered punching her in the face. Playing it back through his mind the action felt surreal, out of character. Brian didn’t hit women, he didn’t have any sort of abusive inclinations. If you had asked him if he would in any circumstances hit Chloe, before yesterday he would have replied with confidence that he would not, ever.

    I just… REACTED.

    He didn’t remember throwing it like a proper punch, there was no twist of his torso or wind up or anything. She bit him, and then he punched her in the face. Like it was an automatic response to a threat, playing out like simple cause and effect. Brian felt surprised he didn’t feel more bad about it, but also he kept seeing his fist plowing into her face, imagined he felt her nose and cheek on his knuckles for that brief instant. Remembered her head jerking back to rebound across the dirt wall of the open grave.

    She was going to kill me, if she could, Brian thought. She’s not a toddler, she didn’t just bite me on instinct or by accident—Chloe knew how she acquired blood magic, and she was trying to go vampire or partial vampire or whatever. She would have killed me. She would have killed all of us.

    That thought was what took the sting out of what he had done to her; forcing a kiss on her to put her on the other path of charm magic. Doing that without her consent would always feel weird and wrong and be something he was uncomfortable with, but—she’d planned to kill them. Murder him. Murder Stephanie. Kill Emily, and Kelly, and Rebecca. For a brief moment he pictured Chloe clawing her way up from the excavated earth past him, he imagined screams sounding throughout the night as the girls scattered throughout the woods in a futile effort to escape a predator they would never be able to outrun.

    No. No, nope, Brian squeezed his eyes shut and grit his teeth. We were lucky. I feel like we dodged that outcome by like, a TECHNICALITY of magic. Since it was just her not still being primed or initiated or whatever by the charm at that point. We got lucky. I don’t LIKE that I kissed her and maybe forced love magic onto her, but it was still the right thing to do. The only thing to do. I don’t LIKE the implications, because I’d really hate for the magic charm to just be this brainwashing thing, and lose trust for the love we all share.

    But, maybe it’s not. I don’t know, Brian glanced back towards the sleeping shape of Stephanie. I know I love her. All of them. Their love for me is real. With Chloe, or I guess now CHRISTINE, I have all kinds of doubts, but with them… I don’t. We really do love each other. That’s the only thing keeping me from really just freaking the fuck out about this whole messy situation.

    The dark segue of thoughts had helped his boner subside, and with small, careful movements Brian finally slipped his hands beneath Stephanie’s leg and began to extricate himself out from under her. He almost failed, not because she was heavy, or because scooching out was difficult, but because her naked leg was so damn distracting. She had amazing legs, every delectable part of them was kissable and difficult to part with, and Brian almost succumbed to distraction as Stephanie made a cute noise in her sleep and settled herself more comfortably.

    Damn, I just… damn, Brian rose into a crouch but for several seconds couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. Getting hard all over again. Want to run my fingers through that mane of pink hair at her nape, want to wake her up with kisses to her neck and my hand roaming up and down her naked bottom. Want to be ON TOP OF HER, want to prone bone her while whispering in her ear. Have her let out those erotic little cries of hers and wake up the whole camp.

    The compulsion to do just that was well under control, but still sat there in his mind with a kind of weight to it as he rose and pulled his pants back up the rest of the way, rezipped and buttoned them. As hard as it was to believe he’d spent the whole night with his jeans partway down and his cock flopped out, after cumming last night he’d just felt so damn comfortable. Just like Stephanie, he’d drifted off to sleep right on the spot.

    Well, it was late, too, Brian told himself as he stepped over towards the flap of the tent. Real late. And—damn, now that I really see it, this tent is fucking HUGE. Not only has standing room, I have to walk across it to leave? We probably could have fit four of us in here last night, and still had room left over.

    The tent didn’t zip—apparently zippers weren’t historically accurate enough for viking tents, and for an awkward moment Brian paused to figure out a series of little wooden toggles which were fit into canvas loops. He didn’t remember messing around with these last night. Like unbuttoning a shirt, he undid the enclosure partway at the bottom, and then squeezed out through the opening to see the vibrant greenery of the forest in almost every direction. 

    Rebecca was awake already somehow and sitting at the fire pit, the squat shape of the modern tent that presumably held Kelly and Emily was quiet and still. The ramshackle cabin looked out of place in the morning light, cobbled together out of mismatched odds and ends that someone had carted all the way out here into the woods.

    Brian gave Rebecca a silent wave. He felt a little self-conscious without his shirt as he walked over to join her, but that might have been because she was eyeing him with a small smile. The tawny-haired young woman probably wasn’t checking him out, but instead giving him a teasing look after overhearing him and Stephanie last night. That was kind of embarrassing too, but as he watched her glance instead turned to the bandage on his arm and her little smile fell away.

    “Good morning,” Rebecca motioned him forward. “Can I check?”

    “Mornin’,” Brian obliged, taking a knee beside her seat and offering up his arm for inspection.

    The gauze and tape was peeled back to reveal a dental imprint courtesy of Chloe, the deepest teeth impressions filled with blood that had scabbed over. The area was a little swollen, the pain was sharp and it had a certain raw feeling, but Rebecca seemed satisfied that it hadn’t opened up again, and she tugged the bandage back into place and pressed the tape back down.

    “She sure gotcha good,” Rebecca sighed. “...Sorry about that.”

    “Don’t be,” Brian shrugged. “Not your fault any more than it is mine. Not even Christine’s fault, anymore.”

    “Yeah,” Rebecca held his gaze for a long moment, evaluating him. “I wish things had gone better, last night. I knew she was being unreasonable, but. I don’t think I thought she would have gone that far!” I was really hoping that… that, well. I don’t know what I was hoping? It seems silly, now.”

    “Yeah,” Brian agreed with a sober nod, turning to face the cold ash and char of the unlit fire pit. “I know exactly what you mean.”

    “But,” Rebecca tapped both of her hands across her knees with a small smack. “Other than that—how are you feeling? Okay?”

    “Better, actually,” Brian admitted. “Sorry, didn’t mean to uh, brood and sulk and seem ungrateful last night. After everything you’ve done for us, here. Even just—”

    “No no no, you were fine,” Rebecca assured him. “It was—well, it was quite a night! For everyone. Completely okay, honest. I think you’re handling it better than most people would!”

    “Hah,” Brian shook his head. “But, I mean. Thank you. Really, thank you. For being here, for doing all of this—spending all this time out here waiting with Chloe. I know it couldn’t have been easy. In fact, yeah, I know how hard it was, how… difficult she can be. She didn’t try to bite or scratch you or anything over the past weeks, I hope?”

    “She was much better behaved than she was last night,” Rebecca said with a thoughtful hum. “We did exchange heated words a few times, but aside from the scary first day or two where I was watching to see if she’d turn, everything was pretty okay. If anything, last night was what was really surprising.”

    To see if she’d TURN, Brian played that phrase over in his mind with a grimace. What a terrifying thought—and Rebecca just took doing all this upon herself. Bore it with a smile. Even when none of us had no idea how any of this would go.

    “Whew,” Brian let out a small laugh. “Still, though. Rebecca—thank you. I really owe you big.”

    “Oh, stop,” Rebecca swatted his bicep, and did a slight double-take at it before turning her eyes away from it in amusement. “None of you owe me a thing. She was in trouble, she’s my friend, I was gonna help her however I could, no matter what. Although, and I don’t like swearing but this is super deserved—man, cutting through all of those roots to dig down that deep? That was a real bitch!”

    “Yeah, I bet,” Brian laughed in earnest this time. “Like—Jesus. You went the full six feet down and everything, damn. I don’t know how you did it.”

    “It was actually easier than sitting in there and trying to talk to Chloe!” Rebecca joked, showing him a lovely smile. “I do think it was more sawing than it was actually shoveling though, hah. So many roots! I keep all of my tools in my car for trips so I could resharpen everything as I went though, so it wasn’t a huge problem. Just needed patience and a little elbow grease—it gave me something to do.”

    “Well,” Brian searched her expression for a moment. “I am glad we won’t have to end up using it.”

    “Me too,” Rebecca leaned in to confide. “Brian?”


    “Can I kiss you?”

    “Uh—?” Brian felt himself smile in surprise at the unexpected question.

    “I’m not charmed, so it won’t be magic,” Rebecca continued, “But—I want to kiss you. May I?”

    “Um,” Brian wavered. “I just. I thought all that was something we were still going to talk about, and uh, consider. If—”

    “You’re right, it’s not fair of me to ask like that,” Rebecca grinned—she had a cute grin, and the playful curve of her cheek was incredibly endearing when he saw it from such close proximity. “I’ve had all month to think things through, and go through what I want… but you’ve been asleep or under a spell this whole time. You haven’t had time! To adjust.”

    “And, you want to kiss me?” Brian asked.

    “Mm-hmm!” Rebecca affirmed with a curt nod, still grinning. “For a start.”

    “Then, yeah,” Brian chuckled, trying to suppress the awkwardness he felt at being put on the spot. “I—honestly, yeah, I am still a little overwhelmed by everything. And, I know I’m grateful, I’m really grateful for everything you’ve done here. But—”

    “But?” Rebecca echoed.

    “But, I’m not sure how I feel about you yet, in that way,” Brian admitted. “Just to be completely honest. You’re beautiful, and you’re amazing, but then also—uh. I feel like I’m kind of bouncing around mentally feeling like a pinball machine, just trying to keep up with everything that’s going on. And, you deserve like, my full attention and consideration.”

    “I do?” Rebecca sounded pleased. “Hmm, but then also—you do owe me.”

    “Definitely,” Brian agreed.

    “So, what if I say you owe me a kiss?” Rebecca proposed. “Right now.”

    “Then—I’d have to say,” Brian swallowed. “That your power has enchanted me, and I stand helpless against it.”

    Despite the subtle tension growing into place between them, he impressed himself with delivering that line pretty smoothly. Emily always brought up what a fan Rebecca was of that movie, and unlike Chloe making a disgusted face at how cheesy it was, recognition and surprise turned Rebecca’s coy grin into a brilliant smile. Before he could even properly appreciate that however, they were suddenly kissing—the shrinking distance between them had vanished and their lips met in a crash.

    Brian grasped the shoulder of her tunic, and then felt her hands take his arms in turn, and their kiss was… it was nice. She was right in that it wasn’t magic, except being ‘magic’ in the way that having a really great moment between them was. He didn’t feel as though unspoken promises and mesmerizing attraction were exchanged between them on ribbons of supernatural color, but he did read earnest joy and enthusiasm in her kiss. Her lips were unexpectedly soft, he realized, and they tasted like strawberries from her lip balm.

    The moment concluded with a determined smooching smack from her, and she rocked back from him just far enough for him to see her wearing a satisfied—but still slightly teasing—look.

    “That was nice!” Rebecca shook her head in exasperation. “That was really nice—I don’t know what Chloe was complaining about. You’re actually super kissable, turns out?”

    “She didn’t like my movie quotes, either,” Brian said with a chuckle.

    “Well, I love them!” Rebecca’s flashed with mirth, and she darted in to plant a parting peck on his lips before pulling away again and this time rising to her feet. “Hm hm hmm hmm! That was nice. I liked it! I really liked it. I thought I would, but sometimes you never know, ‘til… ‘til you actually go and kiss! And—it wasn’t magic, right?”

    “It was…” Brian hesitated. “It was its own kind of magic?”

    “Oh, Brian,” Rebecca laughed, fidgeting with the belt of her tunic and turning this way and that with a beaming smile, as if she wasn’t sure what to do with herself. “You know what I meant! That’s sweet to say, though. You’re so sweet! Aggghh! What was Chloe thinking?! You’re a great kisser, too! That was so nice!”

    “It was nice,” Brian agreed. “But, I definitely still owe you big.”

    “Welll—” Rebecca bit her lip in a cute way. “How do you feel about ren faires?”

    “Hmm,” Brian thought about it. “Emily wants to go, she was selling us on it earlier. I think I’d be down?”

    “Cool. Cool!” Rebecca’s enthusiasm lit up her face again. “Awesome! Have you been to one, before?”

    “Not in ages and ages,” Brian shook his head. “Not since I was little. I think it was the state renaissance faire. Way, way back.”

    “Same state here? I would’ve been there, with my parents,” Rebecca chuckled. “Maybe we saw each other?”

    “Maybe, yeah.”

    “Well. The one coming up is the Bear Valley Faire—it’s technically Bear Creek River that runs through, like the same one that runs through Tionetta, just the river doesn’t pass through the faire grounds part of the valley there, and. It’s right between Tionetta and Seneca, but closer to the Tionetta side.”

    “That’s doable,” Brian nodded. “I heard Mike and Tanya and them go. I take it your LARP people all go?”

    “Most of them!” Rebecca said. “Alliance Realm. I’m one of the organizers for that side of things, yeah.”

    “So—like I said, I haven’t been to one in ages,” Brian said. “What can I expect? Do we uh, do we bring tents and stay overnight, there? Or, should I book lodging somewhere nearby if we’re going as like, a group?”

    “Oh, tents—definitely!” Rebecca sat up straight. “My one there, you guys are welcome to use it. Stay over in the King’s camp side, where we’re all historically accurate. I almost always loan it out to someone else anyways and just stay in the big pavilion tent my parents have, since they keep a room for me there every year. Here, let me show you!”

    Retrieving a partially burnt stick from the fire pit, Rebecca smoothed out an area of the tamped dirt in front of them with her boot and then began to draw.

    “Most of the faire ground is just huge empty fields—it was farmland until like, the sixties? Sixties-ish? So, big, huge tracts of land where all the trees got cleared and things were leveled out. Like… this size. Almost all of it winds up being parking during the faire. Everything from the interstate—that’ll be this line here—down through here, they set up super long parking rows in the grass with twine and driveway markers.”

    “You say ‘they,’ do you mean your LARP group?” Brian asked.

    “Oh! No, the Keith family own the grounds, but then the actual leaseholds in Bear Valley Village are managed by a company that oversees the actual renaissance faire,” Rebecca explained. “Or well, the Keiths used to be real involved, but they retired. Now, I think their kids or grandkids basically just do the grounds maintenance—sorta—and let the company handle everything else, because there’s some drama there—well, long story. Our LARP group is Alliance of Realms, and our executive officers there just meet with the renfaire company—Greyton Holdings.”

    “Okay,” Brian tried to follow along. “Wait. Bear Valley Village? Like, is this one of those with the uh, the actual fake buildings and everything set up to look like a medieval town?”

    “It is!” Rebecca made a peculiar face. “Hah, sorry. I forgot your experience was from one of the state faire ones—all of those are temporary encampments basically, while the Bear Valley one and a few of the ones a bit west of here have a lot of permanent structures. They go like this…”

    The blackened end of the stick drew a wide horseshoe shape and then tapped the dirt in the center.

    “All the stuff hidden from view gets jammed into this one single-lane access road in here, it’s parking for some of the vendors and staff head honchos, the horse trailers park along here, and then a couple campers for the cast, service trucks for the food peoples, an ambulance, et cetera et cetera. All of that’s in the middle but out of sight, because the central area is all built up with facades and decorative buildings. Surrounding that is a cobblestone street and a half of permanent structures built up to appear like they’re sixteenth-century. But, those ones have electricity, and the food ones there have running water and freezers and are, you know, modern food-safety compliant, and all that jazz. Almost all of those big buildings in there get leased out to sell touristy crap at honestly stupid prices. Souvenir stuff—leather pouches, pirate hats and top hats, wooden swords for kids, amethyst geodes, corsets and wench wear mass-produced from China and et cetera. Those all make a killing, lot of those little businesses sign for long-term lease agreements.”

    “You don’t sound too thrilled about them,” Brian observed with a chuckle.

    “It is what it is,” Rebecca sighed. “It’s business, and the moneymaker tourist stuff keeps the faire coffers flush. Also, and this alone justifies it—the inner row of the semi-circle here has two sets of real restrooms, as in, actual plumbing with fixtures and sinks and what have you! Take note! Because, the outer edges of the faire, it’ll just be banks of port-a-potties like you’d have at big Daegonhir events, and… well, they’re portable toilets. They aren’t great. The less said about them, the better.”

    “Good to know,” Brian laughed. “Yeah.”

    “Now, the inner ring of fake buildings is all shops pretty much, but just outside that is most of another cobble street with more buildings, there it opens up a bit for stages and seating. Little stage umm… right here is live music—semi authentic historical singing and ballads, which obviously gets surrounded in by all the food vendors to take advantage of the uh, the ambiance.”

    Rebecca was poking areas into the ground for emphasis with her stick, but past the initial horseshoe shape which had been clear, the picture quickly devolved into an incomprehensible mess of scribble dirt to Brian. Instead, he turned most of his attention upwards towards Rebecca who he had just kissed.

    It was easy for him to slip into thinking of her as a quiet, taciturn girl, but she grew incredibly animated when talking on subjects she was passionate about. Brian wasn’t even sure he was quite following along with her depiction of the renaissance faire, but she was just so gorgeous while she was doing so. She loved those kind of events, and her enthusiasm made her eyes dance and her smile really shine.

    Brian was interested in the medieval stuff but not really invested—his side of the friend circle was more into the anime and video games side of things, so in turn they were more into the big trips to AnimeCon. The similarities and parallels throughout were plain to see, however. Rebecca donned her homemade historical garb the same way Brian worked on cosplay, and the actual faire venue appeared to be its own microcosm of competing and conflicting interests in the same way that anime conventions at expo centers tended to be.

    “Then, you have the museum bell tower, it’s the tallest structure… but, it’s just for looks,” Rebecca confided with a half-smile. “There’s actually only the one bottom floor, and the upper stuff is fake and empty. They put suits of armor and historical stuff in display cases there for people to check out. Past it, a few more little ones for shops, then a little tiny covered arena pavilion. Some years they let us with the LARP group use that for mock battles and duels, but if the guy with the camel signs again this year, it’ll be the llama petting zoo, and the camel rides. Nick? I think his name was Nick. One year, we had an elephant! That guy was nice, but I don’t think he’ll be there this year. He gets a lot of other bookings. We’ll see!”

    “Then, along here there’s a lot of empty space areas they lease out for stalls. Fur traders, small businesses that usually just sell niche stuff online like novelty sculptures, or journals and leather bound books, lots of necklaces and jewelry and knick-knacks. So, also overpriced, but in that area it’s actual handicrafts at least and you can find a lot of great authentic stuff there. Then, this bit used to be a cute little hedge maze… but most of the hedges died, and the current Keith family husband-and-wife who own the area had it all pulled out with a backhoe and leveled it all. I was so sad! What’s left might now be the new uh, thespian stage set up, where families can sit in the grass there and watch whatever renaissance faire’s ‘story drama’ is for that day. The actors are all very nice! Their troop is on the Greyton company side of things though, so it’s a separate narrative from what goes on at the LARP side of things. Sometimes there’s some friction or rivalry there, and Realm people like to exaggerate it all into a big fuss, but they’ve always been very nice and respectful with me.”

    “The outer edge is all ‘ride’ attractions or I guess little event experiences? Big giant wooden… trojan horse swing thing, that this guy Hank and his son Rich pushes. Rich is actually SCE, and he does Daegonhir and LARP, too. Then next to there, there’s usually one where you can throw bean-bags, and it’s like a dunk tank where if it hits the target it drops the Fool into a big barrel of water. The Fool is just a fat guy whose whole job is to insult and heckle folks, he’s been different every year—I kept trying to get Emily to apply! That would be funny. But, apparently they actually prefer the Fool to be an old fat guy, so. Darn. We’ll see, we’ll see. I think at the time she was still working at Lucca Italiano? Um, hmmm, what else? There’s usually an archery setup or two, little things like ring tosses with stuffed animal prizes. Sometimes, there’s the thing where you can throw axes at targets. Ummm—”

    “Okay, now where are you guys with the LARP set up?” Brian asked. “What’s that all about? The roleplay stuff you do.”

    “We do have one of the big structures in town… but mostly we’re way out in the woods,” Rebecca admitted. “They just finally paved a path out through our ‘scenic’ area year before last, so now moms with strollers and wheelchairs and much much more foot traffic heads out our way to… well, to gawk at us. My parents set up there in the ‘King’s camp.’ The layout is very different every year, but basically there will be a central area that’s just for ‘historically accurate’ tents and pavilions where roleplay and sight-seeing is encouraged… and then way way out past that, there’s another big field for modern tents and port-a-johns for the the filthy rabble of LARP casuals.”

    “Hah,” Brian laughed. “Yeah, I can imagine.”

    “Weapons—well, they’re foam and latex but you get it, ‘weapons’—have to be strictly sheathed in the proper town areas and the paved paths, the tavern where our Alliance Realm adventurer guild is at is… here, in the inner ring with the big shops. Which makes sure us LARP peoples in our fancy getups aren’t just holed up in the woods the whole weekend where not everyone can see them—it’s a constant back and forth between the encampments in the woods and back through to town for all of the quest objectives.”

    “Right, right,” Brian said. “Makes sense. “And, you said horse trailers—so, there’s horses, too?”

    “There is, but mostly just for the big jousting event thing in the evening,” Rebecca shrugged. “They don’t let the crowds interact much with the horses otherwise anymore, too many issues. The big arena for the joust has a separate stage and wooden bleachers and everything, it’s on the far side of the faire from the parking lot fields. That’s the climax of the show, for most visitors. They stay most of the day walking around seeing everything, spend some money on souvenir junk, watch the big joust, and then head home.

    “There was a lot of push from Alliance Realm to use the joust arena for our stuff every year, since that whole big arena is really cool, and it’s just sitting there vacant for most of the day… but the Greyton Holdings people started using pyrotechnics for their ending show, so. No dice! Off limits. Little fireworks for ‘magic spells,’ a couple of theatrical fire ‘explosions’ that throw stacked barrels around for their big finale battle—the actual fire itself doesn’t launch them, it’s a compressed air rig thing hidden beneath—and then the tubes for big fireworks after nightfall. All of that makes that whole area strictly prohibited for us LARP randoms to play around in, since yeah, even those kind of explosives have to be secured and off limits and no one can be messing around in that area. Safety.”

    “Damn, pyrotechnics, too?” Brian let out a low whistle. “All of this is shaping up to be… I guess a lot bigger than I pictured it was.”

    “Oh, I think all the state renaissance faires have firework shows after nightfall too, now,” Rebecca gave him a small shrug. “Big crowds, sun’s down. Why not, I guess? Helps make it more of an event.”

    “You’re not a fan of the fireworks?” Brian asked.

    “Oh, no, they’re great—” Rebecca laughed. “I love watching them. But, the horses hate it, and, yeah, if I had the choice between stage pyrotechnics or being able to use the big arena stage for Realm throughout the day?! No contest, hah ha. We’ve talked about constructing something similar just for our own scenic area, but… whew, budget’s not there, yet. Might not be, for years. A little lodge out that way for putting in real restrooms instead of port-a-potty rows is the current priority, on our Alliance of Realms side of things. Even getting the pipe out that way planned out dug and paid for is just so unbelievably expensive! Since there at that faire we’re just a sideshow, so our side of the financials are always looking a little uh, thin. But, once we—”

    “Rebecca, say no more,” Brian interrupted with a laugh, holding up his hand. “I’m in.”

( Previous: Messy Argument | After AnimeCon | Next: Everyone's Up )


Alan Hall

I absolutely adore Rebecca and think she is awesome. She reminds me of several women I know and admire. Her point of view on this will be interesting.


Finally my girl is getting her slice! Rebecca!


"Even when none of us had no idea how any of this would go." Should perhaps read either "all" or "any".