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    Emily panted and squirmed as Kelly french-kissed her, because Kelly’s fingers were flickering over her slick labia as if strumming a guitar solo. The redhead’s other hand wasn’t idle—it was tweaking and twisting Emily’s nipple as if Kelly was trying to tighten guitar strings. Kelly played Emily’s body with a frown, adjusting her movements and listening carefully to the music of desperate moans that came out as if in tuning for just the right chords.

    “K-Kelly, Kelly, I—”

    “Kitten, sshh.”

    Being fingered by another girl was strange, and the basic motions of masturbation Emily took for granted were not on display, here. Kelly’s technique was too different from her own, it was rougher, violent, and pleasure teetered toward pain down there in a way that had Emily shuddering and seeing splashes of blue. Usually Emily fingered herself carefully, delicately, the lightest touch was put in place to accentuate and guide the sensations felt from the little bullet vibrator she always used. Instead Kelly frigged, instead fingers of frustration pressed this way and that across her clit in tight little jerking motions that were sure to have her sore tomorrow.


    Once again the moan of pleasure was stolen away by Kelly’s mouth, and slick tongue crashed against hers in a surf spray of wave collisions. Emily was only released every now and then to gasp for breath, and the loss of control, the sense of being physically dominated felt like a different, unexpected outlet for her water flow was being carved out. One that now a rush of heady blue was eagerly pushing in to fill.

    “K-Kelly, please, please, wait—wAit—!!”

    The jolt of a sharp orgasm slapped across Emily’s consciousness with a slosh, and then the fingers relented, relaxed against her, allowing the blue drowning out her thoughts to start to subside. She panted, staring up at the low mesh ceiling of their tiny tent in a daze, all of the sudden aware once again that her clothes were in disarray while her body was jammed up against Kelly.

    “Feel better?” Kelly asked.

    “I—I—” Emily paused between breaths to swallow. “That was, uh, that was good? You’re uh, you go really rough.”

    “Sorry,” Kelly laid a gentle kiss on her brow this time. “Just… trying to be your pressure valve, to let some of that stuff out.”

    “Okay?” Emily’s brows furrowed in confusion.

    “Little chica, you don’t vent out your feelings,” Kelly teased. “You clutch onto them tight, and just—just drag them deep down into your depths and never ever let go of them. It makes you a little crazy.”

    “What,” Emily said. Did I just get therapy’d? I THOUGHT this was weird sudden intimacy—but like, I just assumed she was really into it! Turns out, instead she was just trying to THERAPY me?

    “Don’t be mad,” Kelly cupped her hand again and gave Emily’s slick pussy a little slap.

    “H-hey, whoa,” Emily couldn’t help but twist against her at the unexpected strike. “I’m just—I’m not mad, just—that’s just—weird?”

    “You were mad,” Kelly corrected her. “You were so pissed off about everything you couldn’t even think.”

    “I mean, yeah—no, kinda,” Emily growled. “But, s’not like… I don’t know. You make it all out like I’m some uh, feelings mermaid. Or, siren or selkie or whatever. Luring in the feelings and trying to drag them down to the watery depths and all of that shit.”

    “Yeah, basically,” Kelly chuckled. “That’s what I was goin’ for, yeah. I mean, Emmie—you know you just try to bottle everything up. Instead of processing your feelings or venting them out. You drag them all deep down and then never let them go.”

    “But—I don’t know,” Emily scowled, giving Kelly a weak slap across her boob. “It’s okay for me to be mad, though? Justified. Let me be mad, I’m allowed to be mad. Feels like—like we just rewarded Chloe with this big happy ending she doesn’t even deserve.”

    “Chloe didn’t get any happy endings,” Kelly’s voice grew serious. “Chloe went down there, into a grave dug just for her—and, she didn’t come out. Chloe’s dead now, Emily.”

    “I mean, yeah,” Emily made a face. “I guess.”

    “So, all of that anger and hate—you need to fucking let it go,” Kelly explained. “Because, Christine doesn’t deserve it. Christine’s Christine. Not Chloe.”

    “I get that, yeah, but—” Emily dropped her palm against Kelly’s boob again and left it there. “I don’t know. Feelings don’t just work like that. I can’t just turn them on and off, or just choose to stop being so fucking furious at her.”

    “Which is why I helped,” Kelly kissed her brow again. “I can pull you away and help you vent a bit. I’m not gonna be pissy about it and say you owe me one, even though basically you do. I’m horny tonight too, you know? I want some action. But, like—I know I wasn’t affected by all this deep-seated grudge bullshit you had going on here. Emily—I love you. I don’t like seeing you like that. So pissed off.”

    “Sorry,” Emily said. “I—yeah, sorry.”

    “You don’t have to apologize to me,” Kelly said. “You have to talk it out with Christine. Have a real heart to heart about everything, get all of those whatever whatever last bits of hate you have out in the open, and then let them go. Because, she’s not Chloe. Chloe’s gone.”

    “I guess,” Emily said. “Sorry. Is that—is that how you deal with shit? Like, everything that gets to you. In your life.”

    “What, flickin’ my bean?” Kelly sounded amused. “No. I did deal with all my feelings, I vented—just in a real unhealthy way. I’d get wasted. Stoned out of my mind, high as a kite, ‘til it felt like thoughts and feelings were things you could just pluck outta the air. I drank myself to sleep, I’d wake up sick and, y’know. Puking out my problems?”

    “That’s—that’s not funny,” Emily tensed, shoving down sour memories of her own back down. “Kell.”

    “Yeah,” Kelly lifted her shoulders in a small shrug. “But, now. S’like I don’t need all that. I have you guys, I have Steph who can just, I dunno. Thought police me, when my mind’s headin’ back towards those dark places. Because she can tell. I have Brian, I have you. The magic bullshit. I’m letting myself give a fuck about people again, and that… it helps. S’weird, but it does help a lot.”

    “Yeah,” Emily murmured. “I—Kelly, I do love you too.”

    “I know.”

    “I just—I do think for me, Brian’s always gotta come first.”

    “I know, Em,” Kelly laughed. “But like, even that. There’s things you can’t go to Brian for, really. You think it’s some accident you’re in here with me tonight, and Steph’s over there with Brian? That we drew straws? No. We didn’t need you being in there with Brian, and you two just getting more and more upset together and worked up over all the shared Chloe bullshit you two’re going through. I’m your release valve. Stephie, she’s his.”

    “I… I think I did hear them, just a bit ago,” Emily smirked. Know I heard Stephie, at least. She definitely got some action tonight.

    “You did, I could hear them both,” Kelly teased a slick trail across Emily’s thigh. “And like, I’m a little jealous, but also like, good. Good. Everyone’s where they needed to be, tonight.”

    “So… when it comes to like, the group, does Stephanie come first, for you?” Emily asked. “Or Brian?”

    “Steph’s who I go to for things I can’t take to Brian,” Kelly shrugged again. “It’s not a competition, Em. Even you have weird bullshit that you don’t want to put on Brian—like, sides of yourself you don’t want to show him. Because you always want to put on your best Emily for him. ‘Cause you love him.”

    “Yeah, but I mean—”

    “We all love each other in different ways,” Kelly summed up. “Don’t be all juvenile and tryin’ to fucking rank us.”

    “I’m not! Just… I don’t know,” Emily cuddled in closer. “It’s weird.”


    “And like…” Emily swallowed again. “Why do you like me? Like, what makes you like me.”

    “You’re a little goofball,” Kelly answered immediately.

    “Gee, thanks—”

    “You care,” Kelly continued. “A lot. You being head over heels for Brian, you when you worry about Steph, the way you got so fucking bothered every time Chloe screwed us over, back at AnimeCon. I don’t know. It’s refreshing? For the past couple years for me, my friends—the people who I thought were my friends, we were friends in name only. Basically. They didn’t care. We didn’t care. It was all superficial, it was all… friendship of convenience? So, I guess some part of the way you just get deeply, deeply invested into the people you care about… that draws me in.”

    “Huh,” Emily felt genuinely shocked and didn’t know what else to say.

    “And then, you love me… for my massive fucking tiddies,” Kelly chuckled.

    “I do love you,” Emily nuzzled in closer. “I wanted to hate you, at first. Because you were like, one of them.”

    “One of them?”

    “Yeah,” Emily said, staring at the dim outline of Kelly in the darkness of the tent. “One of the, uh, popular girls. Like Lauren. Like Chloe. Pretty and perfect and everyone loves them. I mean, I realize you’re not exactly that type, but to me you were. At first. I couldn’t trust it. Not after… you know. Everything.”

    “So…?” Kelly prompted.

    “I don’t know,” Emily said. “You—you turned out to be different. I guess I got to see this other side of you, that gave a fuck about Brian. Stephie. Me. You also had your own weird mess going on, that let me see you as your own kind of fuckup. I can relate to being a fuckup. That’s more real to me. So, I couldn’t just write you off as one of them, anymore. You’re—Kelly, you’re really cool. Actually.”

    “Hah,” Kelly chuckled to herself. “I was probably more like ‘one of them’ than you think. S’Steph’s fault. Worming her way into my feelings an’ like, unlatching windows and opening doors and shit. Once she was inside. Or, maybe that’s the charm effect? I dunno. Steph fell for Brian, hard, and then while I was just tryin’ to get her to spread her legs for us, and get Brian to just fucking whip it out and start fucking someone, she was doing the same for us. But like, tryin’ to get us to open up to each other. Romantically. Fall in love, or whatever. God, so fucking weird to talk about.”

    “Yeah,” Emily said. “I know what you mean. Do you think it’s more the charm magic stuff, or more just Stephanie?”

    “Stephanie,” Kelly answered. “From my point of view, anyways.”

    “Hmm,” Emily let out a sleepy grumble, closing her eyes. “Y’know, I think you’re on to something.”

    “I know, right?”

    “But, I think like—like all the issues and hangups, they’re locks. Right? Normally. And the charm, it’s a key. Keys? Steph went around in all our psyches, opening up, uh, certain emotional… I don’t know. Opening us up to each other? In the care about each other way. You were doing the same, but for you the charm was the key to… something like sexual awakening?”

    “I like it,” Kelly laughed. “So, wait—what’s your key do?”

    “I’m the funny one, I unlock a sense of humor?”

    “Ehhh. Em, you’re not that funny.”


    “But, you may be on to something?” Kelly mused. “You bring a special… something? To the table? It’s hard to describe. If I brought sexy times, Steph brought the love—you brought this weird kind of… uh… familiarity? I know we’re different when you’re with us. Better.”


    “I think like, we’re closer in a different way. Not humor exactly, but you bring this sort of sense like we’ve known each other for forever, like we’ve always been besties. You help everything click, in that sort of way. When we’re all together. Everything feels so much more chill. When we’re all together, it’s not like it’s just because we love each other, or just because we want to fuck, but because we’re… I don’t know. It’s us. We’re family, we belong.”


    “But uh, Emmie, I’m fuckin’ beat. Good talk, but I’m goin’ to sleep. I’ve been about to crash for like, the past hour or so. Just, couldn’t let you go off all mad and have yourself angry dreams.”

    “Oh—yeah, cool. Me too. Thanks. G’night, Kell. And—I love you.”

    “Love you, Kitten.”

    Emily gave the boob in her hand a small squeeze but didn’t let go, settling herself in more comfortably to cuddle with Kelly. She felt… much better. About everything. The out of control anger coloring every thought had mostly been swept away, like the heavy impact of a red comet had displaced tons and tons of the angry, turbulent water and now her feelings were flowing normally again. No, not even just ‘normally’—Emily had a better sense of Kelly’s real feelings for her, rather than struggling to accept the girl’s interest as a sort of abstract that she was afraid to question.

    My own feelings, too, Emily thought as she began to drift off towards peaceful dreams. Kelly’s just… yeah, I appreciate her better. I don’t love her like I love Brian, but I DO love her. I love her like I love Kelly. She’s right—it’s its own thing. She’s pretty great. She’s—she’s…

    She fell asleep against Kelly before she could finish the sentence.

( Previous: Messy Argument pt 1 | Renfaire Fantasy | Next: Morning After pt 1 )



LOVE this segment, but saw a possible continuity error. The part in the beginning about Emily being all delicate when masturbating seems REALLY out of character for her. I even seem to remember a memory of hers in the 1st book where she's really abusing herself while fantasizing that it's Brian who's doing it to/for her. Although maybe that was edited out at some point. Now, it might NOT be out of character for Emie to lie to herself in the heat of the moment and try to tell herself she's all dainty on her own just to mentally increase that juxtaposition, but if that's the case here, I think it should be clarified for the reader in some way.

Jacob Bissey

I remember that chapter too, I don't think it was edited out. The issue is, I don't think here she was saying she was gentle, or dainty as you put it, with herself, per se, I think she was just more focused on bringing about specific sensations. It's also a very different experience when you're the one in control, even when you're being rough with yourself, your brain is hardwired to avoid injury, so it's actually really difficult to hurt yourself unless you're actively *trying* to do so. For example, my GF has long, sharp nails, and when she fingers herself she just sort of naturally avoids doing anything that would cut herself down there, she doesn't even need to think about it, but when *I* finger her, I need to have my nails cut really short and filed all smooth to avoid cutting her, because I don't have that proprioception or the tactile feedback to instinctively know what not to do or how not to move. We also employ rather different techniques, where she just kind of gets into a rhythm and while she might increase or decrease the tempo, she doesn't tend to employ a huge amount of variability in what she's actually doing down there, meanwhile I am methodical, I've gone out of my way to learn all the spots that bring her the most pleasure, and I mix things up and do a variety of things to give her a variety of sensations, sometimes even using different fingers to do different things at once. Both techniques can be either gentle or rough or somewhere in between, as that's just a matter of how aggressive you're being with the motion, but even if we might go at the same intensity, there's still a clear difference in what she does to herself vs what I do to her. It's the same thing when she gives me a handjob vs when I masturbate myself, she uses her whole hand and grasps me firmly, while I use a looser, more open grip that only makes contact on specific points. When fingering somebody else (or otherwise engaging in a sexual activity to pleasure somebody else, this also applies to any sex act that cares about the pleasure of the other) you have to rely on interpreting external cues to figure out what feels good, body language, words, gasps, etc. When one is masturbating, however, they know *exactly* how they're feeling, and thus can avoid things that might cause pain and focus on the things that cause the specific sensations that you want. I think that's the difference here, even when Emily was being rough with herself she still avoided pain, she was just particularly aggressive when pleasuring herself, meanwhile Kelly was just kind of doing stuff to stimulate her, and because she was being aggressive about it, she inadvertently caused some pain.

Christopher Gino

Great chapter, cannot wait to see Emily’s heart to heart with Christine, if she really can try to separate Chloe from the Christine to actually give her a chance. I know how Chloe has put them all through, but I would like to see them all grow together from this.