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Greetings to all $5+ patrons! Whew, it has been quite a month over here. Or uh, really two months, jeez.

Trips and sicknesses and things certainly put a dent in my ability to record but thankfully I am now feeling much better and getting back on track to normalcy! So finally the LGR channel wrap up/Q&A video for August (and September!) is here and ready to ingest at your convenience.

And as always, leave any questions for next month's video in the Patreon comment section below this post. Have an excellent October, and as always allow me to give a huge thank you for your ongoing support! I really appreciate it during these bonkers couple months.


LGR Wrap Up - August/September 2023



Daniel Aufmann

Along the lines of the Logitech mouse, so you have any particularly good or spectacular stories about things going wrong behind the scenes but still ending up with a finished video? I know some of that stuff makes it into your videos but I'd be interested to know if there was something we maybe haven't heard the full story on before.

Parallax Abstraction

Very bummed I missed you at VCFMW, but the couple times you weren't swamped, you looked like you were very tired and not feeling great (which well, makes sense now) so my stupid social anxiety made me not want to bug you. Hopefully you'll go back again some day and I can get out of my own way. Two, very different questions I guess. 1. Have you ever considered having some guest contributors to do videos for your channel when you're away? Kind of like what Tom Scott does. I don't know how practical that is, but maybe it could fill the gaps the algorithm punishes. 2. I'm getting a few retro machines for a space I'm planning to put together in my house. In amongst these, I'd like to assemble what I call a "god tier DOS rig". Basically, the kind of machine I always wanted but couldn't afford when I was younger. I was just thinking of aiming for the highest-end Pentium I could get, along with my Orpheus II sound card and a Voodoo 3 or something of that nature. Given the finicky nature of DOS software, do you think aiming high like this and hopefully just scaling down with software makes sense or is there a different approach you'd take? I'm glad you're feeling better my dude. Cheers.


Homeschooling FTW!


Yay! The return of the wrap up! Going back to my question: Tell us a couple of LGR stories about your VCF and Chicago trip. You briefly touched on meeting some awesome fans, but which interactions stick out? What did you enjoy most about your trip to Chicago? Did you see anything that you were bummed you didn’t get footage of? Thanks, Clint!


Do you have any tattoos? If you had to get one, what would you get and where?


So, while watching your omnibook vid, it struck me: of all the vintage laptops you've shown on the channel, is there one you'd consider using as a daily driver despite its limitations? Obviously not video editing or anything that heavy.


I keep hearing about your Patreon only videos and FOMO has made me become a Patreon, looking forward to watching these!

Tyler Compton

My question for you: In these videos, you've touched on how you deal with mean-spirited comments. I'm curious about how you process the extremely positive comments as well. I feel like it's gotta be weird to be lifted up to such crazy heights like that.