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Greetings, folks! First off thank you kindly for your patience. It's been unnerving not having anything new being made or going up the past couple weeks, it truly wigs me out! I like my routine and boy has my routine been upended this month due to the Chicago trip, then getting the virus, and most recently spending all my spare time going through the 7+ hours of footage from the trip. Whew.

But yeah, here is the first video from VCF Midwest! And this one is the more experimental of the two – The Vlog. This is an idea I've been toying around with since 2019 or so, back when I covered E3. With that show I ended up with so much extra footage that I never did anything with, and briefly mentioned that I could easily make an LGR travel vlog if I wanted. And welp, here we are!

So effectively this is just a raw timeline of events going through the trip my brother and I took up to Chicago, including my road trip up from North Carolina, a number of fun days bumming around the city proper, a good chunk of the computer festival itself in a far more raw presentation than I've shown before, and then the road trip back followed my time getting over Covid and editing this video. It's a solid two weeks of day-to-day happenings and I truly have no idea if it's entertaining at all, ha. But I can absolutely say that I've never done anything like it so I hope you at least scrub through it a bit and give it a chance!

Of course, the "main" VCFMW video is still in the works and will be coming sometime next week if all goes well, made in the same scripted/narrated style of previous videos I've done about the show in years past. Currently the plan is to have both videos going up at the same time – the vlog on LGR Blerbs and the main video on the, uh... main LGR channel, mainly.

We'll see how it goes though, I'm still going through a whole crapload of footage from the show that my brother filmed and coming up with some kind of words to say about everything. In the best of ways it was an overwhelming event! But overwhelming is still overwhelming, and I'm trying my best to remain simply whelmed and get a fun 20ish minute video made about it.

That's all for this one, please lemme know your thoughts! No clue if I'll do another vlog-style video like this in the future, but I learned a whole lot about the process and there's a bunch that I'd do differently in terms of... well, everything. But hey, for those of you who've asked for exactly this type of video over the years? HAVE FUN.


LGR Vlogs: Two Weeks Surrounding VCFMW 2023

A companion piece to this video: https://youtu.be/Q64ILEMgE34 This is the complete Vintage Computer Festival Midwest experience! At least as it was for me in 2023. Driving from North Carolina to Illinois, enjoying everything in downtown Chicago, setting up the LGR exhibit, shenanigans at the show itself, then eventually traveling back home and putting this video together while sick. Fun times! ● Check out Luke's channel and his video about the trip here: https://www.youtube.com/lukeisafinename ● Video of the YouTuber panel and Q&A: https://youtu.be/watch?v=9tM__9zgjUc



Great video Clint! This was a perfect way to pass the time laying in bed being sick. I can't imagine how long it took to put this together, but it was awesome seeing your adventures in Chicago and interesting to see your perspective of VCFMW. Despite being overwhelming and a whirlwind, I hope you enjoyed the trip... despite getting sick.


Doesn't look like your interview made the news, but there is a couple seconds of b-roll of you scanning a qr code https://www.whas11.com/article/money/louisville-expensive-parking-lots-pmc-qr-codes-scan-money-highlands-butchertown/417-11db3722-3050-4f32-ba31-0a7f06985b29


That was delightful. Some great twists and turns and a surprise ending.

Vladimir Vyun

Was a bit worried when saw the length of the video, but it turned out to be very interesting and delightful.


It’s a trip seeing you guys explore my neighborhood and go to my camera place.


As someone who lives in New Zealand and has never been to the US, I really enjoyed this road trip. Thanks Clint! Also great to see all the animals in your yard.