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Greetings, all! In about eight hours from the time of posting I'll be starting my drive up to Chicago, Illinois. I think I'm finally all prepared and packed for VCF Midwest next weekend, and I am pretty darned stoked. And while I'll eventually be making a video about the trip after everything is over, in the meantime here's a simple little episode about CompUSA!

It has been quite a while indeed since I've made a video just perusing old newspaper catalogs/inserts/flyers like this, and since I finally found some more of 'em recently I figured hey: why not take the opportunity to go through one and have something go up next week while I'm gone.

And that's it for now! I look forward to hanging out with a number of you at VCFMW next weekend, it's gonna be a ton of fun and promises to be the biggest one of these shows to date. So I'll see some of you soon, and to everyone else I hope that you enjoy this bit of nostalgic filler in-between more substantial videos in the pipeline. Now to hit the road for a solid 11 hour drive!


90s CompUSA Ads: Maximum Computery Nostalgia

Relaxing with Comp USA newspaper insert catalogs from the late 90s! These flyers always made Sundays a bit better back in the day, and somehow they're even more enjoyable decades later. I have a bunch of them, but this time we're specifically looking at one from February of 1999. When the colorful iMac G3 was new and 300MHz Toshiba laptops cost $2,800! ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews #lgr #retro #computer #advertising #catalog



We had a CompUSA in Lansing, but it's not listed among the Michigan locations. I don't know what year it opened, but I guess it was after 1999.


Thanks for this episode! Obviously we did not have the same stores in Austria, but the catalogues actually weren’t that different. At least many of the products were the same. To me these catalog reviews always are an intense walk down nostalgia lane. I am still re-watching your episode about the toy catalogues from time to time, just awesome! As a kid I remember going through these things over and over again, until they almost fell apart. Especially during Christmas time.


I love this content , I was old then in 2000 and a huge computer nerd I remember all that stuff over here in Australia. Brings back such fond memories thanks


Those "IBM Infinity" speakers @4:38 bundled with the IBM K6-2 400 PC are/were available "NIB" on eBay-Germany (for $15, /itm/186019172203). I bought several pairs since they match really well with any 90s/2000s computer and have decent sound quality.


As a worker at Best Buy from 2007 to 2015, weekly ads were always the go to in finding good deals. I love finding old Best Buy ads and seeing just how much stuff used to cost back in the day. Not sure if CompUSA ads were always so small. I feel like the ones when I worked at Best Buy were 40 pages.

Lloyd Davies, KO4NXK

Used to shop at CompUSA back in day... Looking forward to a positive gameplay of Starfield if you decide to do it..

Thomas Vanek

Beeing from Austria all these CompUSA-Stuff looks rather foreign to me (well, it actually is). Nevertheless a lot of nostalgia indeed. If you do any more videos like this one, please, please, keep the sheets still, all this movement while trying to read the text is rather nausea inducing.