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This will be the final video I post until I return from a short break on March 13th.  Hope you enjoy this one, it's a bit different from my normal fare but I figured why not try something new :)


LGR - Nokia 3310 "Indestructible Phone" Retrospective

Taking a nostalgic look back at the cell phone that so many online consider to be the very symbol of robust build quality in tech: the original Nokia 3310 from the year 2000. And also comparing it to the 5110 and 3390 models that were popular in the USA!



This video was so timely! I was just thinking about my old cell phones and all the quirks. I remember when getting backlit screen was a big deal even if it was still black and white. And when color came around! Wow! We were all so impressed. :P Interesting tidbit about the phone not being sold in USA. (and I didn't know Nokia was a Finnish company!) I'm in Canada and the Nokia 3310 was everywhere here. Most of my friends had it. Even that ugly leather and plastic case you showed was popular to keep it in haha. And that ringtone! That used to be on TV shows from what I remember. Oh Snake... What a great time waster. You know you can get apps that show a classic phone screen and let you play snake. I have that on my current android phone just for nostalgia. Do you remember Neopets? I'm reminded of it because there was that game on there Meercat chase or something that was basically Snake. I don't know if it's age or what but I'm getting really nostalgic for the early 2000s/my early teen years lately. So videos like this are awesome! :)


I will happily get me some reissued 3310 action if it will be the exact same truly indestructable thing with the exact same weight, design and feel and the exact same software package. I remember that ringtone editor more fondly than I should, probably.


Got a lot of fond memories of the 3310 (as it was my first phone) - but I am surprised there's no memes on the battery life - *that* was the amazing bit for me. I can't wait until battery technology finally levels up to give us smartphones with that kind of battery life.


No 3310 memories here... though both my parents owned the older 5125. I know I still have them around; they're in a tote in the basement right now. Now I wanna go down there, dig them out, and see if they still work, which they probably will.

Alyxx the Rat

have a good break, dude. I fondly remember my Nokia 5110.


Oh man! brings me back! <3


I totally had forgotten about creating your own ring tones on these. My friend and I would try and make the most ear splittingly annoying ring tones ever. Also I remember a website you could go to and type in your imei number and it would spit a code out for you to enter in your Nokia to unlock it.


This was a huge thing here in Scandinavia. However, I opted for the 7110 - the second Bananaphone or the big brother to the 5110 from The Matrix movie. Snake and Othello games was the big thing, and that I could make my own ringtones using the PC software... those were the days. :D


Probably age; it's a thing a lot of my friends around the same age are going through, too. I'm going to have a sleepover with an old friend from school and we're gonna play DDR.


my brother had a 3310, i had a 3510, that accidentally went in to the washing machine, and when i tried to boot it up afterwards the screen was blank. Then after about a month when i tried again it worked. I suspect some kind of T-1000 type self recovery but I'm not sure...


A friend of mine used to constantly throw his 3310 on the floor against walls, out of windows etc. back in the day, claiming it's unbreakable and to show us our slightly more modern phones are just disposable crap. And his 3310 actually NEVER broke. The 3210 and the 3310 were extremely popular in Switzerland. I remember the Nokia 5210 to be even tougher with its special shell design. I also remember tons of Business people having the 6310.


I had a Nokia 3310 but mine wasn't indestructable. In fact, I dropped mine from a few inches onto static free carpet and it never worked again. Took it back under warranty and even Nokia didn't know what to do with it so they told the reseller to just replace it for me.

Kris Asick

I didn't get my first cell phone until 2015 so... I have zero nostalgia for these old cell phones. *shrugs* Oh well. :P


Half my school had this thing.


I had both the 3310 and 1100 back in the early 2000s. 1100 had a battery that lasted twice as long as the 3310, you had to charge it once every two weeks. The 1100 was definitely the more robust (though I did manage to break the screen by dropping it onto a concrete floor from a height of about 10 ft) but the 3310 was nicer to use. The rubber button plate on the 1100 wasn't a good design, the buttons were very 'mushy' and the plate tended to come loose when the phone was in my pocket. I'm not sure where the 3310 gets its big reputation for being indestructible though as there definitely were sturdier and more robust phones around back in the day.


Really enjoyed watching that. Thanks, Clint!


Great video, Clint! Unfortunately for myself and many other Americans I'm sure, I was stuck on Verizon as a kid for coverage reasons. This left me staring through the glass of a T-Mobile store (who barely had a network outside major metro areas) look at all of the cool and unique Nokia and Sony handsets. Oh how I wanted some of that Symbian goodness. Cheers!


I had a Nokia circa 2006-07. It had keys that went all the way across the facade, making it look like a trilobite. I butt-dialed so many people on that thing.


Aye, even the modern one is nowhere close in terms of battery life, although it's a lot better than smartphones


Heh, sadly the new one is basically nothing like the old except in name and a few design cues


Haha, yeah those unlock sites are still around, was just unlocking an old Nokia the other day ;)


Always thought those phones were super rad. Would still love to have one just for that mechanism.


Oh man, the Nokia 5210 is a monster. And yeah, that's kinda what I'm on about in this video: there are much more deserving phones for the "indestructible" moniker, but there's no convincing the memes.


Yeah anytime anyone goes on about butt-dialing today with their capacitive touch smartphones with screens that turn off automatically, I just think "man, how do you even do that?" It's not anything like having physical rubber/plastic buttons for everything, hehe.


Cool music choice at the end!


HHaah Clint this was my phone when I was in high school...I still have 2 of these as I am going to make a Zombie Smasher weapon out o them. I am hoping to get the 2017 edition 3310 as a Novelty piece :D


Top stuff, Clint! I had both the brutal stopping power of the 5110 and the 3310, and distinctly remember the moment I was blown away by trying SMS for the first time on a bus on the way to the Sydney 2000 Olympics. The future was now! It truly felt like a game changer. Now I'm using phones for VR, emulation and Brazzers, what a wonderful world. Keep the vids coming, mate, cheers!


This is one of your best in a while!


I actually have nearly to no memories of Nokia. I knew it was a phone brand and that was it. Nothing for indestructible nothing at all. But that is maybe since in my childhood I didn't care for cellphones an all. The only one I adored was the DynaTac and the other Bricks. I thought them to be indestructible. But hey I had my first cellphone when I was 18 or so. I was the only kid at school with no phone to call home.^^


Thrifts went up here for patrons weeks ago :P <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/lgr-thrifts-32-8157948">https://www.patreon.com/posts/lgr-thrifts-32-8157948</a>


That Star Wars Episode II cover &lt;3!