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LGR - Dungeon Keeper - DOS PC Game Review

"IT IS PAYDAY." Taking a look at the 1997 real-time strategy classic by Bullfrog and Peter Molyneux. Control evil minions, delve greedily, and put an end to those pesky heroes once and for all.



I have been waiting for this!


It's like Civilization, Warcraft and Theme Hospital all rolled up in one...fermented with DOOM and Quake..? 😜


That was one heck of a fun game in it's day, and an outstanding concept.


That was an awesome game back in the days! Also, a personal request, but you should use the "More you know..." segway more often. That was freakin hilarious!

Kris Asick

Waitaminute... the American box is a gatefold? I've got the box for this game in storage and mine has the American art and all but it's NOT a gatefold! I wonder if that's a Canadian thing or if there were two different big boxes released in the Americas? :o


I love the game, just wish it was a tad bit more stable... :/


Hmm... Not into playing Dungeon Keeper in high res mode?


Always saw this in stores growing up - the box caught my eye - looks fun as hell! #winkwink


Interesting! Guess it was a budget or alternate release of some kind. Is it exactly the cover art the same as the American one I showed? Same ESRB rating and logos and such?


I bought this game a couple of years ago on GOG. Didn't know there was a higher res version.


While I think of it, have you ever considered doing a video on that mouse button destroyer of genré which is clicker games?


Heh, I've considered it. Even mentioned Cookie Clicker some years back as a joke in one of my "best games of the years" videos :P


I've never played DK1 but I did play a hell lot of Dungeon Keeper 2. The latter is in my top ten fav games of all time.


Chunky. So very chunky those pixels are. Just as they should be ;) Unsure how I ever missed this BITD (and thankfully I grabbed it on GOG at some point) - I'm going to have to prioritise this and give it a big spin.


Video removed?

Evan B

video removed!? :-(


LGR! Your video is down. :(


I actually only ever played DK2 but besides a graphical upgrade it seems to be almost the same game.


We need a Theme Park review still Clint!


I've actually still never played the second one. Looking forward to doing so for a video sometime, I always was intrigued by the box art


Hey, Clint - what Barbie games do you have? My fiance wants to know. :) He's got a few


Have you tried War for the Overworld? It's a Kickstarted game that's been out for a few years (I know, a kickstarter that acutally finished! ) that was created by fans of DK, more of a "reinterpretation" of DK. The best part is probably that they have Richard Riding for voice!