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Here we are, the final LGR episode of 2022. Already! What a whirlwind of a year it's been, I can hardly believe we're hitting 2023...

And what a sendoff to the year we have here: the Metalfish Y2. It's a 3.5-gallon fish tank PC case that fits a Mini-ITX motherboard, a GPU, some fans and a little SSD, and that's about it. As soon as I saw it online it looked like prime LGR material. And it's built to house real living fish, unlike the Lian Li case I've shown before! Whether or not any of this is a good idea, well, I'll let you be the judge. But dang, it sure does look neat when assembled, whether or not it's filled with critters.

Also, I still don't have running water hahaaaa. I really can't believe that of all the possible days in the year I could've chosen to begin a fish tank project, I picked the ONE day where the water is cut off to most of the city... As mentioned in the video and on Twitter, the water system in much of Asheville has gone haywire and it's been bone dry in my house since Monday. Here we are approaching Friday and there's still no sign of its return, at least in my general vicinity. A few neighborhoods on the other side of town are slowly getting it back today but I have no idea when it'll be back for me.

Anyway! Thankfully I was able to travel about 45 minutes south and grab a good load of bottled water, which I've been subsisting on all week. With a few gallons set aside for aquarium PC shenanigans, heh. I really was not sure if this would end up getting done this week or not, there was a moment during filming where enough things went wrong in succession that I seriously almost gave up on the whole video for a while. But hey, here we are, and it was a lotta fun in the end :)

On that note, I hope you've had a nice set of holidays these past couple weeks and have yourself a happy new year! See you soon in '23.



an LGR thing.


Valora Inverse

Oh wow, that wound up being a lot smaller than I expected it to be - but given the quality, that's probably for the best, yikes.


Quality puns in the intro


I was surprised you kept it up after the demo. I was expecting you to drain it. I'd like it a lot more if it had a lid, but it's kind of cool regardless.


Loved how you obscured your thermal paste application :D


To be fair, I do have it drained currently. It’ll likely stay that way unless I plan to have it in a future video, or I find a lid :)


Oh man that's nifty as heck. I've bemoaned that there aren't new dumb cases like there were in the 2000's, but I have been surprised recently!


You are really bad at these youtube reviews stuff.. Breaking everything, no water, not long enough cables :D

Alyxx the Rat

Yeah that... really makes me uncomfortable. But the Duke Nukem bust makes for a surprisingly decent aquarium decoration.


That looks awesome!


This has to violate some kind of electrical safety standards.


What was the Aquairiam/Fish screensaver on the PC toward the end of the video? Had the LGR logo in a clam.


This is what I came to say. Nice work side-stepping the thermal paste argument completely. I was kind of hoping for the inevitable heated youtube debate that normally devolves into name-calling and insults.

Gareth P

I thought this was great and a lot better than I'd have expected when I first saw the news reports! Still far from ideal though of course. I think a good use for the tank would be a diorama with some cool lighting, maybe something from Monkey Island or even one of the amazing creations of Bobby Fingers :-p


I hope you've got your water back by now - that gives new meaning to a "dry" town!


I do indeed, it came back over the weekend! Still, almost six days without was quite a hassle.