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First video made in 2017, and I think it's pretty sweet. Hope you enjoy!


LGR - SGI Indigo2 Computer System Review

Diving into the Silicon Graphics Indigo² desktop workstation computer! This was a beast in 1995, and yes, "it's a UNIX system, I know this!" How do the pros and cons stack up, what games can you play on it, and is it worth the cost today?



8:27 ohhhh wowm that slowdown for a low poly object is rather unsettling compared to what my PC has to load today when I am working on some objects. Even trhough I kinda which I had that thing because that is exactly my speciality, 3D Grafiks yaaaaeh!.


woah sick dude


This video brought out my inner fan-girl soooo haaaard! :D SGI is a company that was always the target of my fascination when I was little, and to actually see one being used by one of my favorite youtubers, in such good quality, with a really strong respect for the platform and hardware, just... omg! This is my favorite video ever Clint, kudos and super huge thanks for making this!


Reminds my of my sun Ultra 5. the bios (or firmware or what have you) is ahead of it's time, and can run system diagnostics. Unfortunately have not been able to get it to take any software I've tried to install.


This was so cool! I love your channel for videos like this (and all the others too). I've been an exclusive Linux user for 8-10 years but still keep Windows around for Steam. This kind of thing would be right up my alley. Thanks Terrence for making this video possible!


Great video! I have worked in IT for most of my adult life and have never seen one of these in person. this was a fun watch


While that machine is a thing of beauty, if I was gonna drop $2,300 on an old computer, I'd put it all towards an X68k and accessories.


I wanted one of these as a kid, both for the brightly colored case at the height of the Beige Box era, and of course the cool graphics I could probably now render on my phone. I also wanted (and still want) a BeBox, just for its purple case and exotic operating system.


I just want a modern PC case that looks like that (though it would be sacrilege to mod an existing one, even if it were free. I'd want a replica.)


Concur wholeheartedly with your conclusion. SGI boxes are nice to look at, and fun to mess around with, but they're more or less useless otherwise. I'd reluctantly throw microchannel PS/2's into that bucket as well. Interesting, but of no *practical* value in the vintage computing hobby.


That was something very different, it was interesting... great stuff as always


Relevant - Exploring a pile of SGI Indy's originally owned by Acclaim: <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/retrobattlestations/comments/5lroq0/starting_to_dig_through_a_stack_of_sgi_indy/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/retrobattlestations/comments/5lroq0/starting_to_dig_through_a_stack_of_sgi_indy/</a>


Finally, can watch LGR in 1440p, looks like this new Sony cam is going to work out nicely :)


Certainly a drool-worthy piece of kit (obviously with some distance in between of course). Certainly think I'd be in the same situation as you on the front of this - just don't think I'd see value in it either. Lovely look at something that I don't think a lot of vintage computing enthusiasts would ever get to see too! :D


vary cool computer.


I've wanted an age-appropriate Indigo for some time now, to go with my Myst items, as the book "From Myst to Riven" mentioned Cyan's investment in the machines to handle nearly impossible rendering and ray-tracing tasks. Kind of want to have the same one they did. Just got to find one in good shape at a decent price. I don't collect too much, but I do have some specific interests, and Myst is one of them. :)


I have a Sun SparcStation 20 that I have yet to get any software on as well. They seem like neat machines though!


From what I've heard from various IT folks who have had to work on these over the years, you might count that as a blessing, haha


A BeBox would be a machine I'd love to get my hands on, and I've had a lot of requests to talk about them too


Glad I'm not the only one. It just doesn't seem like something that'd worth that kind of money to do little more than look at '90s graphical demos


Aye, as an uncommon item of technological lust, it's great. As a machine to use and enjoy on a frequent basis, not so much! Really glad I got to cover one though :)